What’s so special about ‘ritual abuse’?

Recently we’ve been discussing the “Fresh Start Foundation”, an organisation whose stated goal is to undermine the work of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, and whose harassment of adult sexual abuse survivors seems to indicate that they’re also keen to co-opt or oust the IICSA.

It’s difficult to imagine why an organisation which is ostensibly meant to support survivors of sexual abuse would want to undermine the work of inquiries which are intended to assist those survivors, until one begins to really look at the FSF’s promotional material.

Billing themselves as “The People’s Independent Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry” (as opposed to the other kind, which presumably are neither “the people’s” nor “independent”?), they state:

Fresh Start Foundation Ltd, a not for profit company, is delighted to announce that we, together with partners, will be rolling out a programme of child sexual abuse & Satanist ritual abuse awareness road shows throughout Scotland from Spring 2018, with the message that we will not leave any Victims & Survivors behind.

The lack of engagement with the Scottish Government’s CSA Inquiry, speaks volumes that Victims & Survivors are suffering in silence in large numbers. We are inviting you to engage with us so that together we can reach out to Victims & Survivors, to empower them by giving them a voice, so that they do not have to suffer in silence any more.

Clearly, a “People’s Independent” inquiry is one which centres primarily upon that old bugaboo of the conspiranoid child sex abuse industry, “Satanic ritual abuse”. Forget regular old child sexual abuse. If you haven’t been “ritually abused”, you’re nowhere, baby.

What’s so special about “Satanic ritual abuse”?

What makes one kind of child sexual abuse more important than another, to the point where a group like FSF would deliberately attack survivors of one kind in order to privilege the other?

To explore this, we turned to the Dysgenics blog, former stomping grounds of HR commenter Justin Sanity. In an article titled ‘What is Ritual Abuse?‘, he points out that the way one defines the term “ritual abuse” is critical to understanding what the SRA-obsessed FSF conspiraloons are up to.

The term “ritual abuse” was invented by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazdor, co-author of the 1980 book Michelle Remembers.

Justin wrote:

Pazder had used the term “satanic ritual abuse” to describe Michelle’s alleged experiences in the book, and that is the only version of the term “ritual abuse” which existed in the first years following its publication in 1980. …

According to the Wikipedia entry for Lawrence Pazder, “at a professional conference in Richmond, Virginia in 1987, Pazder defined ritual abuse of children as “repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols and secret ceremonies designed to turn a child against itself, family, society and God.” Pazder noted that “the sexual assault has ritualistic meaning and is not for sexual gratification”.

This lengthy definition – “repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols and secret ceremonies designed to turn a child against itself, family, society and God” – never caught on with ritual abuse therapists and victim claimants, although several concocted and published versions of it which better suited their own victim narratives or paranoid conspiracy theories. Every version of this definition eventually became problematic, after members of Canadian neo-pagan communities thoroughly debunked and exposed Michelle Remembers for the fantasy, fraud and pack of lies that it is – circa 1989-1990. Since Pazder’s definition of ritual abuse was specifically derived from, and in reference to, that fraudulent life story fantasy, it was now a definition of an imaginary no-thing.

A less-unwieldy definition, proposed by Canadian academic Dr Stephen Kent, has become popular with the SRA/mind control set, as they believe it bolsters their own beliefs. However, this is based on a misuse or misunderstanding of Dr Kent’s actual definition:

Dr Kent said: “Ritual abuse is any kind of systematic patterned disempowering violations. Ritual abuse can take place in a wide variety of contexts. They don’t necessarily have to be religious in nature; however, ritual abuse is systematic, patterned, disempowering violations …. In the allegations of ritual abuse that are say, outside a religious context, these kinds of abuses could involve a perpetrator who serially violates one person or one child repeatedly. In these cases the kind of violations would be patterned and the patterning can be important from the victim’s standpoint because each time the abuse begins, the victim knows what’s coming, having been through it several times before…”

Stephen Kent defined “ritual abuse” as ritualized abuse, i.e., “to make a ritual of” abusing a child. The patterned, repetitive nature of the abuse is the ritual, in the phrase “ritual abuse”. This is the only legitimate use of the words ritual & abuse in a phrase or term: “ritualized abuse” or “ritualistic abuse”.

Justin pointed out that “Satanic ritual abuse & mind control true believers persist in using the word “ritual” to mean “a religious/occult ceremony”, and “ritual abuse” to mean sexual abuse of a child while a religious ceremony is being performed. This is not a legitimate use of the term”.

The difference between the two definitions is important: the first ties the abuse into its religious/occult context, while the second is simply a description of “patterned, repetitive” sexual abuse.

So why are SRA/mind control believers so determined to inject a religious/occult overtone into plain old child sexual abuse?

The plain truth of the matter, is that when people use the term ritual abuse in a similar fashion to the way Lawrence Pazder used it, when people use it to mean “physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols and secret ceremonies”, their intent is to confer special status upon that abuse and special, superior status upon those who claim to have been victimized in that context. Used in this manner, the intended meaning of Ritual Abuse would be; “abuse which is more traumatizing, devastating and damaging than any other ‘form’ of abuse – making those who have suffered it; the greatest martyrs to the suffering of the innocent and the powerless, the most courageous and heroic of all victims, the victimized persons most worthy of respect & deferential treatment by media, policy makers and the public”.

There we go. It turns out that in the minds of those who believe in SRA, “all child sexual abuse survivors are equal, but some are more equal than others”.

As Justin pointed out in the comments to his Dysgenics post, the goal of Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith was to have the Vatican declare Ms Smith a living saint.

After all, how many people endure an 81-day-long “ritual”, during which Satan himself manifests in the flesh, before being vanquished in guest appearances by Jesus and the Virgin Mary? Oh, and while they were at it, the mother-son duo removed all the scars and traces of abuse from Michelle’s body. Nice touch. Seriously, does victimhood get more “special” than this?

145 thoughts on “What’s so special about ‘ritual abuse’?

  1. With regard to the question of ritualistic abuse, there have been quite a few convictions in the UK:


    In Ireland, there are the still unanswered questions around the notorious ‘Dalkey House of Horrors’ case:


    I think it’s important to recognise that it’s reasonable to suspect that child abuse might have a ritualistic element. That seems logical to me – abusers working in networks might well use ritualistic elements in order to scare the kids into not talking to anyone outside of their circles.

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    • @tdf – I understand why you might think that was a reasonable hypothesis, it certainly is a common assumption. But…
      From the stories you linked, I thought this was interesting: “They were given money and sweets to buy their silence and were too frightened to report what had happened, it was claimed”. If their silence could be bought with bribes, why bother with frightening them into silence? If giving them a fright worked, why bother with the sweets? With Petrauske & Kemp, the “ritualistic elements” are just the standard neo-wiccan props that everyone in that community uses in their ceremonies & celebrations. They wouldn’t be specially chosen to “frighten” children, and I have to say that children who attend large Wiccan gatherings don’t react to such costuming with fear – why should they? Neo-pagan circle ceremonies are happy, joyous, and fun to participate in – not sinister or creepy like a Hollywood witch movie.
      More likely, inviting them to participate in a neo-wiccan ceremony would be a LURE, rather than a control. They might even have known beforehand that adults sometimes “go skyclad” – naked – for such ceremonies, which has a theological basis for them in that nude is closer to “a state of nature”, but could certainly be exploited as a LURE just to get them feeling comfortable being naked in front of such men.

      The problem with this: “…abusers working in networks might well use ritualistic elements in order to scare the kids into not talking to anyone outside of their circles”, as logical as it might seem, is that if you take ritual abuse stat claims at face value (I don’t) , those stats clearly demonstrate that scaring the kids into not talking DOESN’T WORK. If it was a deliberate strategy, it would have to be the most failed strategy in the annals of child abuse history, because it failed to prevent hundreds or even 1000+ (supposedly) children from disclosing their abuse while they were still minors. So why would organized networks of abusers keep using a stragey that has failed them 100 times before? Are they morons? 🙂

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      • TDF..a star of various forums like Anna Raccoon and Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion is always handy with some little niggling doubts to set the tone. I think it’s her/his specialty.

        There has not been a single case of a Satanic sex abuse prosecution in the UK or USA or elsewhere apart from- the various terrible cases of African immigrants murdering their or other’s children under the guise of “getting the Devil out of them”.

        Why do people keep promoting the handful of cases where phony “devil worshipers” use some silly pretend rituals to perpetuate everyday (but nasty & illegal) abuse?.

        It’s as idiotic as the goats above promoting a reliable (stop laughing in the back row !) source like the Daily Express and their hilarious tale that Jimmy Savile attended Satanic Rituals and was recognized behind his goat’s mask by his long blond hair and intoning in the spell to summon up Beelzebub: “now then now then how’s about that folks !”

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      • @Justin Having worked in the Court system for years I can confirm that some criminals are indeed ‘morons’ and use the same strategy, despite it’s repeated failure, over and over and again. And that goes for people who abuse children too. Just sayin’.

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        • @big Ear – criminals are rarely geniuses, I have to agree! 🙂 despite the popularity of the phrase “criminal genius”.
          But the original claim about this, as touted by people like Tim Tate, was that children allegedly victimized by ritual abuse perps would be so traumatized by their experience as to be rendered incapable of disclosing – and that this was a deliberate strategy and the point of the “ritualistic” character of the abuse. The silence of the victims would be certain and assured, only through therapy as an adult would they even be able to recall the horrors they experienced. This was why the perps would go to all the bother of elaborate rituals etc., rather than just a mundane rape followed by death threats for disclosing: ‘I’ll kill ya!”, or attempts to buy their silence with bribery.
          But then it turns out, the stats collected by the same people who were making such claims, recorded hundreds of disclosures by alleged ritual abuse child victims – while they were still minors. So that whole scenario was falsified hundreds of times – if that was the perps strategy, it failed to render them incapable or even silence them into adulthood, over & over & over again. Even more farcical, the perps had supposedly been using this strategy for GENERATIONS, because it was so foolproof. But if it failed them hundreds of times in one decade, it must have failed them many, many times in the previous generations but they were still using it. Because it was foolproof. ROFL!

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          • I should probably clarify, that I think ALL of this is BS. I think adult’s who claim to have been SRA child victims learn to make such claims, as adults. I don’t believe any of them were child victims. I don’t believe there were any child victims to make disclosures, and I think all of the alleged child victim disclosures can be explained in other ways – including deliberate mis-interpretation by adults.

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      • Some very interesting points there, Justin. I can totally see your point that an abuser would be unlikely to use both carrot and stick, as hoaxers often claim.

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      • I find it fascinating that in the videos Abe and Ella forced the children to make, the children assert that:
        a) they were injected with sedatives to keep them from experiencing their abuse (but somehow were able to describe it in detail anyway);
        b) they were bribed with sweets—which they described in loving detail, probably as they were forbidden to them by Abe and Ella; and
        c) they were threatened with death if they told anyone about the “culture” (their word for it).

        Abe and Ella were really covering all their bases, weren’t they? Not only were the children only semi-conscious thanks to the injections, but they were able to gorge on sweets (their favourite kinds only, thank you very much), and threatened with death. And yet, they told anyway, with no apparent distress or concern about what they were saying. Nary a tear, nor a hesitation, nor a pause to think about the answer.

        Holy overkill, Batman!

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        • It’s been mentioned on here before that the children weren’t afraid of devils or demons either. You’d think someone brought up in that ‘culture’ would have absorbed some of the belief system and be terrified that Satan would ‘get you’ or something.

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          • Yes, as a young child in a good old CofE family, I remember being terrified of doing anything wrong, as I was convinced that God was looking down and watching my every move. And frankly, the God we learned about at my Sunday school really was not a particularly intimidating fellow.

            So it strikes me as very strange that RD’s children would not have been at least a little bit afraid of the devils and demons that they were supposedly worshipping in their “culture”. Actually, does anyone remember them even mentioning devils/demons in the videos? I need to review the transcripts, but I don’t recall much about that at all.


        • Definitely weird, TDF. A family dominated by an abusive father, with sexual abuse taking place and social workers terrified to intervene for fear of violence? Yes, that does sound very nasty indeed. I’m very glad the children were finally removed, and sorry it took so long for an appropriate intervention to take place.

          Is it meant to suggest “ritual abuse” though? Because I’m really not seeing it.


    • Totally agree. Some people are evil weirdos. I just don’t believe it happened in Hampstead or that it’s commonplace i.e. the whole world is run by Satanic reptilian cannibals and there are SRA practitioners behind every corner.

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      • I think once the subject of child sexual abuse entered public debate in the 1980s there were people determined to use it as a way of advancing their religious and political agendas. “Satanic Abuse” made certain fundamentalist versions of Christianity seem valid; abuse by powerful elites makes radical politics seem valid. In both cases the question of the reality of the alleged abuse is begged. You simply MUST believe all you are told in order to be a good human being – and you must therefore also believe in The Virgin Mary/Anarcho-Capitalism/Cannabis Cures Cancer – because that follows.

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        • FS gets the prize today for correct use of the term “begging the question”. I’d almost begun to despair that anybody knew what it actually meant any longer. 🙂

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            • Many people use the phrase “that begs the question…” as if it were the equivalent of “that raises the question”. It is not.

              Begging the question is actually a logical fallacy in which the speaker assumes the statement under examination to be true, by referring to the premise of his or her own argument. It’s a form of circular reasoning, as FS demonstrates above.


  2. Very interesting. Thanks, EC and Justin.

    The linguistic aspects of this article are particularly intriguing. it doesn’t surprise me that the term ‘ritualistic abuse’ has been so extensively misused by the people who promote SRA claims. We’ve seen this with lots of other expressions too. ‘Gang-stalking’, ‘targeted individual’ and ‘lawful’ spring to mind.

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  3. Great post, EC.

    I see there’s been an abundance of tears and tantrums on FSF mouthpiece Cat’s page tonight, courtesy of that feather-spitting maniac Fabooka:

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    • For the record, I cateogrically did not run away with my tail between my legs. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I ripped him to shreds in our little debate on Cat’s Sheva video, to the point where HE ran away with his tail between his legs and his controller Cat blocked me and removed all my comments.

      I also tore Malcolm to shreds on that page too.

      That nice Ms Borden also tore them both a new one, despite them both trying to provoke and insult her, so kudos to her too 🙂

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      • That Fake-Fooker creep has a really inflated sense of his own capabilities, doesn’t he. The reality, alas, is somewhat different. Here’s a wee snippet of his debating ‘skills’:

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      • I saw your thread on Youtube UKC with Ms Borden and Fabooka and his interpretation of what occurred is way off the mark. Still, i didn’t exactly expect to hear the truth from his mouth.

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    • How many have notice that some always seem to sprout some shitte, then add FACT to the end of it- as if it magically makes it so?
      I have begun to simply regard the proceeding verbiage as false automatically I see the FACT at the end of it, its a pretty good tell that you are dealing with a nutter and that FACT is anything but factual

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    • “You’re shit Elly Coyote, I know it.
      You’re a fucking fake flake muthafucka”

      Awesome insights, Fabooka. And so eloquent. I’m amazed they haven’t invited you on to ‘Question Time’ yet.

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    • “I will say this about that Hoaxstead lot…I am not sure who set it up, but I doubt it was your average Hampstead resident if that is what they are claiming.”

      None of us have ever claimed that, Fab-Sucker. Keep up, dear.

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      • What is the fruitloops like to say? “If you are pissing people off then you must be doing something right”. So well done EC.

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    • I See That Brian Clare Bloke Is One Of Those People Who Inexplicably Starts Every Word With A Capital Letter. I Find This Even Weirder Than Writing In All Caps, Plus It Must Drive Them Nuts Having To Keep Pressing The Shift Key At The Start Of Every Word. I’ve Only Written Three Sentences Here And It’s Already Driving Me Nuts.

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    • So Brian Clare recognises Sexual Abuse Straight Away does he?.

      I’m pretty sure some who listen and watch the children’s torture driven videos salivate at the thought of children being abused and download those videos to watch over and over.
      The manner in which these videos have been promoted by these loonies is a sure case of producing child abuse material.

      In some countries- Australia for example, written tales of children involved in sex are a criminal offense and the possession of such stories will bring a prosecution with a possible 10 year jail sentence. The Hampstead videos would certainly come under those offences. A man was convicted around 6 years ago in Perth for possessing one pornographic cartoon of the Simpson ‘children’.

      I think we call this “hiding in plain sight”.

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      • I really think that was known, by some and that they have gotten so many people to share, view and re upload must be giving some creeps a feeling of power and control, laughing at the amount of crime they have gotten away with. That some people really believe they are doing this to protect children, will add to their laughter which is sickening.

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  4. Apparently, he “doesn’t give a fuck” (as you can see from his countless rants about us) 😀

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      • FTS admits to being a professional (ie paid ? ) or just working hard everyday mocking victims families in memorial groups, like Malcolm Blackman. Is he too, an ex or even current 4 channer ? There are some with links to people who ran and/or engaged in the paedobear groups that I used to report, still around the creeps that promote these hoaxes and who try to undermine real survivors or our groups, campaigns and work.
        I’m sure that paedotrolls really hate the NCA. They will try to demoralise any that want to engage in making improvements that safeguard children online, of course……. just as they will mass troll a live feed set up so that parents can get advice to prevent their disgusting activities.

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    • I think the wondrous Fabooka De Strait now joins my Growing List of patients who I ask that famous question of:
      how do they manage to negotiate successfully getting out their front door and to the nearest bus stop without either falling arse over tit or accusing the postman of being a Pedo Reptile Baby Eater when they quite obviously are liable to brain seizures every few minutes?

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  5. Not sure who the following are targeted at. I think maybe he’s just shouting at himself, like that bloke who lives round the back of my local Tesco:

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  6. Wow! Very nice write-up, thanks!
    Yes, SRA-RA insistence on special status within the set-of-all-victims goes right back to the beginning.
    At one point, Kathleen Sullivan & friends were very frustrated by the ‘bad smell’ attached the terms SRA-RA survivor and decided to re-define themselves. What did they come up with? “EXTREME abuse” survivor. Naturally.

    There are still some discussions between myself and people like Sullivan, or Neil “the little prick” Brick, where they are chanting “believe, believe, you must believe or I can’t heal…” and I just flat out handed them a solution. Why don’t you just say: “I was a victim of sexual and physical violence as a child”? Then EVERYONE will accept that, and accept your status as an abuse “survivor”, and you can move on? But oh, no, they have SPECIAL needs as SRA victims that have to be acknowledged. Of course.

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    • And then there are those who live with the fact that they have been abused and don’t feel that they can ever tell anyone as the fear of their abuser still holds strong. I imagine there may be many people who live like that. Child SA is what it is – as bad, as ugly, as evil as it is. It doesn’t need to be topped up with lurid ‘satanic ritualised’ elements. It is horrific enough, and happens in ‘normal’ looking homes at the hands of ‘normal’ looking people.

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      • As a “survivor / victim” (hate those words) from many moons ago before The Ark sailed I fully understand the notion that it is very hard to discuss abuse and most especially I understand what is now known as Survivor’s Guilt. It’s natural and common to blame yourself for terrible events that happen to you and agonise over how it could have been avoided if you had acted differently.
        Still needs to be a Statute of Limitations though on all crimes except murder.

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  7. Interesting revelations. A new SRA group using Hampstead and Hollie Grieg hoaxes to push its agenda. I will pass all this onto Satanic Temple and the Grey Faction, they will be interested in this.

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    • Thanks Spiny, they are so proud of themselves, I’m sure they’ll be delighted. I’ll add them to the promo videos I’ve been making for them…………….. Ulgyvys file has shocked people, busy people who vaguely know about them or this hoax, but havn’t the time (something the creeps rely on), to be looking at their endless drivel, but to see it in one place, in one go, is quickly enlightening people who need to know, that wouldn’t otherwise.

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  8. I need to vent about Michael Salter – maybe that will help my writer’s block.
    So in his twenties, Salter had a female room mate who couldn’t shake her pimp apparently (he would never say that). She would go missing for 24-48 hours and then re-appear covered in bruises, type of thing, but she refused to talk to police about these episodes or tell people at the hospital what was happening. She “disclosed” to Salter that she had been a victim of a satanic or some other religion-based cult of police officers as a child, so she was essentially “programmed” to go mute in their presence. Riiiight.
    And here’s Michael Salter, a recent graduate of some private boys academy high school, who says he had a safe & happy childhood, sucking it all up like a Hoover vacuum.
    I remember, I was smoking…something…on the other side of the parkade wall from the boy’s stroll one night when I was 17 or so. The cry of “BEATERS!” went up from the other side, and I just had to crouch down in my place of safety and was trapped there listening to the screams of boys no older than me having their bones smashed by the bat-wielding gay-basher thugs. It’s a hard and dangerous life, and people are lucky if they survive it – so of course I have empathy…but come on. You can’t talk to the police, because the bikers who control you will slowly torture you to death if you rat them out – that’s the reality. Police cult my ass.

    Did you know there was a statistically significant association between the early SRA victim claimants and the sex trade? Sherril Mulhern (sp?) documented that. The early claimants giving seminars on SRA were all former drug addicts & prostitutes. Linking them to Densen-Gerber’s Odyssey treatment communities, perhaps. Anyway, the cops and I had worked out that the only known group in our communities, documented to routinely use sadistic torments similar to SRA claims, to control their members, would be organized crime. It’s not hard to deduce, “satanic” cult = Hell’s Angels, but none of the victim narratives made public ever mentioned bikers as perpetrators. Hmmm…

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: A new Satanic Ritual Abuse organisation emerges in UK | satanicviews

  10. These might be stupid questions but I’ll ask them anyway.

    Why is Fresh Start a company? Why bother being a company?

    Why isn’t it a charity?

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    • I imagine because it wouldn’t properly qualify, and the people running it wouldn’t stand for the oversight of the Charities Commision or have previously been disqualified from running charities like Belinda McKenzie.

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      • Why be a company? Being a company means you have to file paperwork every year and pay a fee to do so. I’m not insinuating anything…just puzzled.

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    • It costs about a Thousand Quid to make it into a charity and as if these grifters would spend that?. These lowlife leeches are about getting donations off poor people who take their exaggerated bullshit seriously and hope a Tenner donation will ease their conscience at being impotent in solving the problems of the world.

      Unless of course you are the cheap con-artist Angela Power-Disney who is now pretty basic with her begging and asking for petrol and fag money on the claim she’s going to get some copper locked up.

      Oh to be a fly on one of her neighbour’s walls. Bet they can’t stand her but always say hello before bitching behind her back.


    • It never was her house if she had a mortgage on it. She signed the papers, she knew what she was doing.
      I have my own thing about bankers especially as my dad was a banker and in retirement concluded banks were legal fraudsters as he began studying Muslim banks who avoid usury.
      But sometimes you cannot avoid the system.
      I felt sorry for Berry but she’s cracked and abusive and was so long before she slipped up on her payments and that must have been over 12 months ago as eviction does take time.
      Let her get out and see what the real world is like, how tough it is and hopefully it will take her mind off making innocent people’s lives a bloody misery.
      And maybe some nice law abiding family will get somewhere to live.
      And let’s see her so-called friends, those goons who will turn up to insult police officers will put her up. Not bloody likely.

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  11. Another Neelu live video. She’s had another little visit, it seems, and she’s calling for people to come to her home and confront the bailiffs when they come back tomorrow. I reckon a Tom Crawford-style stand-off could be on the cards here.

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    • In Serbia they believe if a pumpkin or watermelon is left over ten days, it turns into a vampire.

      “In Podrima and Prizrenski Podgor they consider this transformation occurs if these ground fruit have been kept for more than ten days: then the gathered pumpkins stir all by themselves and make a sound like ‘brrrl, brrrl, brrrl!'”

      It is also said that:

      “These pumpkins and melons go round the houses, stables, and rooms at night, all by themselves, and do harm to people.”

      I don’t think sunlight will do much damage to these pumpkins, but a way of dealing with them is:

      “The Gs. in KM. destroy pumpkins and melons which have become vampires … by plunging them into a pot of boiling water, which is then poured away, the ground fruit being afterwards scrubbed by a broom and then thrown away, and the broom burned.”

      Personally, if you are leaving the Freemason Arms one night in Hampstead, meet one of these pumpkin vampires, it is nothing to get too alarmed about:

      “But it is thought that they cannot do great damage to folk, so people are not very afraid of this kind of vampire.”

      Generally at this time of year the pumpkins are probably hibernating in someone’s basement, however the watermelons are the problem (watch out for the ones from Tesco, as many a shoplifter has discovered.) I think the pumpkins and watermelons in Hampstead are less dangerous than other creatures in the UK. Most recently a boar ripped the finger off of a dog walker in the Forest of Dean (Google it.) It all depends upon how much nutrition is around at the time of year that determines how hungry these creatures get.


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    • Can someone let me know exactly what she thinks we’ve done, other than quote what she says?

      I’m always confused when these people say they’ll “get their lawyers” after us. For what? Quoting with extreme prejudice? Laughing at their bizarre antics? Sharing their strange videos and discussing their contents (and in Debs’ case, decibel levels)?

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    • What the same son who works with children in films in Hollywood?
      It’s you Mahmoudieh that makes claims all these actors and film folk are involved in pedo orgies. I reckon that makes him a Lawful Suspect.
      It works both ways Debs- you want to make baseless accusations and try and ruin lives be very careful it doen’t boomerang back on you and your own you vile old bat.
      Karma is A Bitch and she’s Coming for You.


  12. Hey! Alex Jones is writing a book and I have an exclusive excerpt:

    “Won’t you fight for your life?
    The CIA is hiding in my underpants again and I HAVE A HUGE DICK bigger than yours, you pussies!
    Satanic commie Illuminati gay frogs sacrificed at Bohemian Grove by demon Hillary.
    I’m more of a man than any of you, I have the hairiest balls in the Western world, so get on your knees you girly-men! I mean get off your knees you wimps and stand up to the government! Fight for your right to believe my bullshit!
    Thank you.”


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      Really, Neelu? Interesting, as you’ve repeatedly stated that they “ran away” because you threatened to call 999. Oops!

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    • Neelu is totally overstepping the mark by naming this guy and showing his face along with her accusations directed at him. I hope he gets to hear of this so he can notify the police of her actions.

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  13. Bush Sr is “known paedophile”? When did this happen, JournoAngie? Do show us your proof. (Hey, stop giggling at the back!)

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    • Ooh! Ooh! I know when that particular allegation occurred! It comes from serial fantasist and self-proclaimed “multiple identity disorder” sufferer Paul Bonacci and the so-called Franklin Cover-up. You can tell it’s a valid allegation, as it’s backed up by HWMNBN.

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    • Also, you can tell that it’s totes legit, as it’s published by that well-known reputable not-at-all-fake-news source “Veterans Today”, one of the first sites to publish the videos of RD’s children in February 2015.

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    • How long will it take Neelu to learn that if she was to pay her bills and debts off that she could save herself all this hassle? Surely paying your bills on time has got to be preferable to having bailiffs visiting and removing goods?

      Liked by 4 people

  14. What could be worse than the Neelu Bailiff saga?

    How about Neelu the Mckenzie Friend in the Family Court!

    I’m not going to link to it because it is a video recording inside the court.

    I’m going to cancel the internet and go live up a mountain somewhere, I can’t take anymore.

    Liked by 3 people

    • And these are from the same video, which I won’t link, as the thumbnail and the video itself show the children’s faces. (It was uploaded by Ann ‘After Burner’ Georgiades.)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Robyn just doesn’t get it, does she? “Only a paedophile would seek to stop the children’s voices”.

      No, they wouldn’t. I’m pretty sure it’s paedophiles those videos appeal to, which is all the more reason they shouldn’t be all over YouTube.

      Liked by 3 people

  15. Is anyone able to clarify who the Shatter Boys are and how they’re linked to the Fresh Start Foundation saga? Ogilvy’s always stomping his feet and whining about them so I’m guessing they’re good guys, right?

    Liked by 2 people

  16. “I would rather fuck a dog in the street” Isn’t it interesting how fixated Malcolm seem to be with having sex with dogs? He does give himself away so much!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. From 14 minutes on, its basically the storyline hook, line an sinker for the Hampstead Hoax. Possibly a video Ella and Abe studied to a t. Does anyone have any info on this so called expert?


  18. “ray quote the whole thing other wise you just look like a cunt…opps

    Stilll telling the truth never was your strong suite”

    I completely agree Malcolm, you’re quire right, quote the whole thing or discredit yourself. The thing is Malcolm, Ray did! He posted a complete screenshot of your post! The whole thing! All of it! Complete, in full, unabridged, entire, unedited.

    SO, please explain Malcolm, why you are lying? Desperate much?

    Liked by 2 people

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