A present in our mailbox

We were just getting ready to put together a nice post on Neelu Berry’s latest foli à une, when something dropped into the mailbox that caught our eye instead.

We’re like that, you know. Fickle.

Anyhoo…the new bright’n’shiny object comes from someone who calls him/herself ‘Black’ (oooh, scary!) and gives the creative email address ‘inplanesight@masons.va’. Because of course: Masons.

Oh, and they’re using a VPN that geolocates them in Moscow, that’s obviously supposed to convey that extra little frisson of terror. This is someone who really thinks we ought to be afraid of them.

But best of all, they’ve gone to some trouble to make us a nice bit of ASCII art. You remember that: back in the ’90s, it was really the only kind of art you could make on a computer, and so you’d get your friends emailing you strange collations of signs and symbols, which if you squinted, you could barely make out to be a pig. Or possibly a dog. Or not.

So here’s Mr/Ms Black’s offering:

Black-Ascii artist

See that? Under all the blather about how s/he’s going to expose us (for what? your guess is as good as ours), there’s a kind of lopsided Guy Fawkes mask, just like those fellas—what do they call themselves, Anonymous?—wear.

Except, you know, in ASCII art. Talk about a blast from the past!

Well, thanks, Black. That made our evening. Here’s one back for you:


25 thoughts on “A present in our mailbox

  1. I’m so frightened I’m going out for breakfast. I’ll let you know if the ‘the people’ try to poison my bacon and eggs.

    Most of those Guy Fawkes masks are made in sweat shops in China you know.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can see a rabbit with diarrhea blowing smoke rings.

    So they expose people? Then what? Is Guidance going to come round and be rude to your family?

    What a muppet. I actually cringe now when I see people with Guy Fawkes masks.

    “Internet hacking group Anonymous has just declared war on ISIS after the Paris attacks.
    This is probably the closest ISIS will ever get to 72 virgins.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d love to meet Guidance, honestly. I’d have so many questions for him, starting with “Were you dropped on your head as an infant?”


  3. I don’t think this message board is a good place for ASCII art.

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    Liked by 1 person

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