Court ‘Protest’ Update

We’re pleased to report that one of our intrepid tunnellers was there to film the thrilling action at the Royal Courts of Justice today. Amazingly, a whopping 7 – count ’em…7!!! – loyal members of the Hoaxtead Fruitcake Brigade turned up to protest against the children being returned to their loving father and to campaign for them to be returned to their alleged abusers Abe Christie and Ella Draper instead:


Meanwhile, and as usual, the Hoaxteaders have been keen not to let the facts get in the way of a good story and have been hawking around this old photo from March, blatantly claiming that it was from this morning and referring to the “dedicated turnout at the court today”:

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Screenshot courtesy of one of an anonymous source

Sooo, hands up if you still trust these people when they make extremely serious allegations against hundreds of Hampstead people. Anyone? Hello?

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Our verdict on the Hoaxteaders’ “protest”

13 thoughts on “Court ‘Protest’ Update

  1. That’s Neelu scuppered then since she’ll be in the Magistrates Court on 4th won’t she? Unless of course she stays at home and waits for the coppers to bash her door in. So much easier to just let them in….

    Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, I certainly hope so! What’s a Neelu trial without at least one £14 trillion lien, and a judge arrest? I’ll be the one selling popcorn outside the doors.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Agent M says Neelu’s trial isn’t until October. I think I’m losing the plot. I could have sworn it was August!


  2. Not only is it an old pic, but the picture is of several different groups protesting outside RCJ for different things 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Neelu does not have to attend court based on 2 accounts…

    1, her bank account shows over 3.2 zillion pounds that she won in charges, and anything over 3 zillion, the laws of the land dont apply.

    2, the 4th of august (04/08) = 12 1+2 =3 , which makes it the wrong day as it is really the 3rd, and not the 4th. So the police are going to be baffled by her intelect. You see, this is why it is so important to know your shit first!

    Liked by 1 person

    • *forehead slap*
      Now, why didn’t I think of this! Of course, you’re quite right. Neelu actually has enough capital in hand to qualify as a nation-state, and I’m fairly sure that you can’t charge a country with priestly vexation. So she’s totally off the hook. Not to mention off her stick.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh no Belinda didn’t turn up. ….she will be onto her next money making scam. Hiding children in her basement. ..I hope you have all read the story similar. …she is not the person you think she is….have a look through the Knight Foundation site very carefully might be surprised at what you uncover

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Pingback: McKenzie & Morris served with injunction | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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