8 thoughts on “Toothless & Cody are revolting!

  1. It was inevitable. Put all those defunct brain cells together in a group, it is like lighting the blue touch paper and walking away to watch.

    P O P C O R N please pass the popcorn.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And now it looks like Charlotte is planning to beat a hasty retreat…guess the whole “win fame and fortune through slagging innocent people on your blog” gig didn’t work out so well for her after all. Now she’ll have to go back to flogging her idiotic “conspirituality” ideas to anyone moronic enough to believe her fake “statistical analysis”. Too bad, so sad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, assuming that Research Hampstead is genuinely Charlotte (which is questionable), I’ve noticed that she hasn’t posted much since she opened it. In fact, she declared a “catch-up” day within 24 hours of opening and then “a few days off” on its first weekend. Hardly Action Girl, is she, LOL?


  3. LOL! I could never quite work out which side Toothy was on! I’m not even sure if he knows…


  4. Pingback: Clarification: what really happened in the Ricky / Code 2222 confrontation? | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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