BoJo, Arcuri, and…Wesley Hall?

While we’re just as interested in politics as anyone, we must confess that we hadn’t been paying much attention to the Boris Johnson/Jennifer Arcuri story until quite recently.

The exceedingly talkative Arcuri, who has described herself as a “legitimate businesswoman”, has refused to either confirm or deny that she had an affair with Johnson while he was mayor of London. However, she told the Daily Mail recently that she was “Boris’s Anne Boleyn” because like Henry VIII, Johnson was driven “crazy” when she would not “give him her virtue”. (We assume this was as far as she intended that metaphor to go; not sure they still do public beheadings at the Tower.)

Whatever the nature of her relationship with Johnson, the technology companies which Arcuri set up in the UK received £126,000 in public money. Johnson has also been accused of granting her access to three overseas trade trips, although she did not qualify for them. In fact, it seems that Arcuri wasn’t really qualified to be an info security maven at all: her prior work experience was as a waitress.

For his part, Johnson claims to have acted with “full propriety” in the matter. He has remained uncharacteristically tight-lipped on the matter, but allegations of conflict of interest have been made, and the press has been having a field day, as one might expect.

Fascinating as it is, this sort of thing isn’t usually in our bailiwick. However, our ears pricked up when we heard the name of one of Arcuri’s ventures, Hacker House, which received £100,000 in funding earlier this year.

We were sure we’d heard that name before…and then it came to us: wasn’t that the business venture once promoted by Wesley Hall, who continues to style himself a hacker despite his many failed attempts to hack into this blog?

Sure enough, a brief Google search helped refresh our memory:

“Digital Marketing Manager @ Hacker House” indeed! There’s a bit of a step up in the world for Wesley, who is better known to our readers for some of his less-respectable activities.

Wesley Hall: A brief refresher

Wesley first came to our attention as the enthusiastic Hampstead hoax pusher behind the “OpDeathEaters” hashtag, group, and page on Facebook and Twitter. He has a long history of violence, with a string of convictions for crimes such as assault, racial abuse, racially aggravated criminal damage, battery, threats, and knife crimes.

At one of Wesley’s trials in 2010, the court heard that

…a man and his fiancee were at a petrol station when the man approached the defendant to talk to him.

Hall was abusive and got out of the vehicle, brandishing a knife.

He was jabbing the blade at the victim and told him: “I will cut you and I will smash your face with a hammer.”

Last April Miss Heath, who was Hall’s partner at the time and would say he was possessive and jealous, was in bed when he turned up at her home.

Hall asked which men had been there and threatened to smash her nose.

He then dragged her off the bed to the floor by her hair as she screamed.

As she put on her dressing gown, the defendant grabbed the victim’s jaw, twisted her head back and spat in her face.

But Wesley did not limit his activities to violent and/or racial crime; he is also notorious in the Manchester area for his “activism” with the poor and disenfranchised.

In 2015, the Manchester Evening News reported that Wesley had been evicted from the homeless shelter set up in Gary Neville’s Stock Exchange building, as fellow campaigners complained that he was attempting to run the collective as his own personal fiefdom.

Genuine poverty activists have accused Wesley of misappropriating funds and goods-in-kind which he’d ostensibly gathered to “help the homeless”, but never reached their supposed destination.

On the Hampstead SRA hoax front, Wesley spent four years spreading horrific false allegations against the parents, children, teachers, clergy, social workers, and businesspeople of Hampstead, under a variety of account names.

He was arrested in May 2018 while attempting to board a plane for Spain, as his name had shown up on airline security computers as “wanted for questioning” regarding suspicions he had perverted the course of justice. He was questioned and released, but has not been charged to date.

Jennifer Arcuri, Lauri Love, and Wesley Hall

On Twitter, Arcuri identifies herself as an entrepreneur, cyber-security expert, and producer.

In July 2015, she founded Hacker House, a company which claims to plunge its students “head-first into real world cyber-attack simulations”, teaching them to “think, act and move like a hacker – and then outmanoeuvre them”.

In 2016, she admitted that Hacker House had employed UK-based hacker Lauri Love, who is wanted in the United States for having hacked into and stolen private data from government websites, including the US Army, the Missile Defense Agency, and NASA. In February 2018, a High Court ruling blocked Love’s extradition to the USA, but also ruled that it would “not be oppressive [to] prosecute Mr Love in England for the offences”.

In this October 2016 video, Arcuri prances across the stage clad in a flowing-yet-revealing robe, merrily making the case that hacking is not only fun and exciting, but not even a little bit wrong. Given the timing, it’s difficult not to think she could be referring to Love:

Wesley Hall, who maintained a Facebook page dedicated to him, was quoted in Computer Weekly about his friendship with Love:

Another of Love’s friends, Wesley Hall, who had travelled from the north of England to attend the meeting, said: “We don’t want Lauri to go through what Aaron Swartz – who committed suicide in the US after facing a long jail sentence for hacking – did.

“If he was to be extradited, it would open the door to so many vulnerable children being taken from the UK.”

In this video, dated 23 May 2016, Wesley announces the opening of Arcuri’s Hacker House North West:

Describing the project, he claims that the idea came from Arcuri and Love:

“Here’s Jennifer Arcuri and Lauri Love with their amazing idea to educate children with accreditation modules for their technological skills and attained achievements online…. One of the most important intentions is educating and inspiring our youth to create change… But IMAGINE if you could do that using GOVERNMENT funding available… Lulz”.

Yes, just imagine.

Of course, the irony of Wesley working for a government-funded enterprise does not elude us—especially given recent allegations that the funding was the result of Arcuri’s close relationship with Johnson. He recently posted the following on his “The Voice of Treason” Facebook page:

Funnily enough, Wesley seemed quite sanguine about the NHS spending big money back in 2016, when he posted this video featuring Arcuri and Hacker House:

Aside from shilling for Arcuri, Wesley has never been shy about his opinions of the government in general, and the Conservative Party in particular.

Perhaps he and Arcuri just never got around to having a heart-to-heart about politics? Or perhaps when she was hiring Wesley as her company’s Digital Marketing Manager, she simply forgot to check out his résumé.

We wonder how Wesley feels, now that Arcuri’s relationship with the PM is under intense scrutiny? Will he gallantly leap to his friend’s defence, or skulk away and hope nobody notices?

Place your bets.

64 thoughts on “BoJo, Arcuri, and…Wesley Hall?

  1. Well, who’d have thought ole Wesley would have such close connections with the Tories. Certainly not me.

    Please someone – do a video of Wesley pole dancing for Boris. :))))))))

    Liked by 2 people

    • I would pay not to see it!

      Too much brain bleach required!

      Didn’t Weasley claim to be an escort at some point as well?

      He certainly is a very interesting character indeed.

      Excellent reporting Karen

      This will put the cat amongst the pigeons

      Or the Weasel amongst the rats. or something

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ll pay for you to see it.
        I’ve checked the website (purely for research purposes) of Manchester’s main outlet for male “escorts” but alas, no profile for a “Wesley” appears.
        Mind you, most of the chaps there who promise an evening of scintillating conversation over dinner look fairly, to put it bluntly, butch & masculine. Now I’ve covered the Waterfront (as they say) and I’ve realised over the decades there is a market for everyone and every look so this is not casting any nasturtiums on Wesley’s rather weedy look.
        If you’ve got it, flaunt it and flog it and someone somewhere will buy it. Well that’s what Muriel Fotheringale-Fortescue ( age 87) from our local bridge club tells me from her experience when she was Fan Dancer in Barcelona in 1957 (don’t get her started on that modern fad “pole dancing” affection she abhors)
        Mind you I haven’t checked but I’ll leave that to others,

        Liked by 2 people

    • There are so many Daily Mail, nay Sunday Sport / The Sun angles to this tale which an enterprising internet stringer (they used to be called “reporters in the old days) will surely seize upon: I’m think off the top of my head of Wesley’s plan to squat on acres of Spanish land and create a massive Marijuana plantation for one.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Not to mention his abortive attempt to blackmail a doctor’s wife who’d been kind to him, nor his vicious campaign of harassment against her husband when she stood firm against his demands.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. El Coyote scoops Fleet Street but not for the first time of course.
    This item is surely winging it’s way to Private Eye as we speak.
    Now, I must go and find my jaw which dropped with such a thud I misplaced it.
    ( and they try to claim Hoaxtead is finished..ha !)

    Liked by 4 people

  3. None of this is in any way to defend the buffoon currently occupying Downing Street, not any of his various pneumatic friends. One small point however. ‘digital[space]marketing[space]manager@hacker[space]house[no dot][no domain name]’ ?

    That isn’t an email address. Not even a redacted one.

    Interestingly “Hacker House” appears to be the registered trademark of a haunted-house attraction in North Carolina, and the domain is certainly theirs. In fact, the brand is very-much theirs, having been nurtured and developed by a small independent business. diverts to – both registrants redacted on a search.

    Frankly,, from a marketing perspective, is a very weak domain name. And a little underwhelming for a company claiming to be Security Experts. Many commercial users block these ‘trash TLDs’ at server level, because they’re overwhelmingly sources of spam. – Many professional Marketers will strongly advise against acquiring one for that reason; they can degrade your brand. but of course, if the brand is effectively stolen anyway; well that’s not good! Hacker House Limited would appear to be breaching a registered Trade Mark. Were they not £715,000 in the clag, they might be worth suing!

    Here’s the thing though, wesley@myhackerhouse[dot com] does seem to be an address associated with the weaselly one. But, if you own a domain name, you can port it to any site you like whilst still maintaining control over the email. Is it possible that Weaselly Hall, for his own nefarious purposes, is/was creating a false-association with this (IMHO dodgy anyway) enterprise, supported as it was by Bo-Jo? Or at least having enough of a veneer to take in the credulous.

    Another possibility is of course that those singing-up to courses run by this apparent diploma mill are able to access some sort of VLE with a myhackerhouse sign-in?

    Let’s remember – anyone who wishes to create a false impression can type any old rubbish into an email box. And they’ll get away with it, if no-one bothers to properly verify that fake data. The same goes for IP addresses and User-Agent strings etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wondered if The Weasel had been trying to give the impression he was connected when he wasn’t.
      # Andrew Devine has dived back into Hoaxtead and is uploading the videos of the children. This mob are just appalling- all their other claptrap has bitten the dust so now they are going back over old stuff. Any sympathy for that appalling Ella can be forgotten- if she is reduced to this loon in Greece she must have hit rock bottom. What a weird woman, encouraging people to show films of her children talking about sex to strangers to download and collect.

      Liked by 2 people

      • is certainly theirs, myhackerhouse I’d be less sure about. Rocket reach isn’t much of a verification tool, as it simply trawls and aggregates what’s out there – fake data and all. It’s better to stick to what can be verified directly via official records. Social media data and profiles are too-easily fabricated and false data in general, easily seeded.

        No ‘ethical’ company operates using stolen IP (i.e. the Trademark) and despite the high profile, this lot give every sign of being a pump/dump operation. They owe well over £700k, much of which seems to be from ingathering soft loans and grants. For all their high bluster, this isn’t a ‘big time’ or particularly professional project. My opinion is that it’s a scam to access and misappropriate these monies.

        Either way it looks bad for them. A so-called security firm that either hires dolts like Hall or is easily undermined by them? The stolen Trademark etc. It’s surprising how lacking real diligence is at many high profile organisations. A few well-placed connections doors get opened and money gets pissed up the wall. Hall trying to hitch a free ride? Small-time scammer rides on the coattails of a bigger scam? – If they were the real deal they’d have him nailed to the floor and exposed him themselves. They’d have to, to protect their own credibility.

        These conflationary tactics? Are they not something we’ve seem from other professional scammers? Like Belinda McKenzie. As dubious as possibly is, I’d be cautious about drawing too-solid a line between it and small timers like Hall. I’m reminded myself that herrings are sometimes red, and of that old rhyme about big fleas having little fleas upon their back to bite them. And if ever there was a little flea, it is Hall.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Devine has posted the Police interviews with the two children. What a sick perverted bastard he is. I just wish he could share a cell with Sabine. Surely this is the last straw? Please join me in reporting him to all and sundry….YouTube, Judiciary and UK Border Control. He said earlier this month he will be returning to the UK soon.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Fireman and Ghost, I suppose one can try to report iniquities in these matters. While freedom of speech is important, it seems to take a lot to make YouTube take action – and then they have taken down some debunking channels that I thought had merit. I reported one of the ‘everybody famous is a closet transgender’ channels and I didn’t even get a reply from them. I mentioned yesterday on the ‘Sabine shows no remorse’ thread that I’d come across an Australian cookery channel which was investigating some supposedly baking and how to channels which were demonstrating potentially dangerous procedures – one the investigative YouTuber had felt concerned about and had reported it to YouTube who had said the video in question didn’t contravene anything. Of course that wasn’t to do with conspiracy theories but there had been a case where a couple of youngsters had tried a “hack” of making popcorn in a (cut open) pepsi or coke can over a spirit stove. To be fair, the person who made the original video was aiming at an adult audience. Repeating what I said yesterday, two girls (12 and 14 years old) had tried this. They made the error of pouring more spirit on the spirit stove which was already alight, the flame went whoosh up the spirit being poured and the spirit container exploded and as a consequence the 14 year old was dead and the 12 year old had serious injuries. One of the videos the lady debunked demonstrated bleaching strawberries – I think in your bleach you would use to clean your loo. Now I do have a 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide which I use periodically to try and clean my teeth (which aren’t things of beauty and definitely not like the smile you get in a Colegate advertisement) but the 3% grade is very weak.

    I apologise I have wandered off the topic in question. Regarding what Fake Name says, it looks from Anonymous’s sleuthing that at least some of what EC has unearthed is true pertaining to the above article.

    I’m not an expert in the field of sock puppet accounts and bots and other online fakery. I’ve recently discovered a new (to me) podcast called “Trolled” by Tracey-Ann Oberman the actress. She received a lot of nasty anti-Semitic tweets at one time. She has various guests on explaining how they deal with being trolled. One of her guests was Frances Barber – someone had opened a false Twitter account in FB’s name which she (FB) managed to get taken down. I don’t (or at least I haven’t used it as yet) “do” Twitter myself. Then again I’m just an ordinary retired woman and not famous so maybe I’m not all that likely to get “trolled”.

    I think there may have been some cases where people have taken satirical articles and run with them as if they were true. I may have mentioned this before but I was listening to a podcast and the host asked the guest if he believed that Barbara Bush was Alastair Crowley’s daughter. The guest said that to his knowledge that rumour had first appeared on April 1st one year which made him sceptical about it but there are people who believe that allegation.


  6. I’d written a long comment and then forgot to type my name for this forum so it’s gone. Anonymous’s sleuthing would seem to indicate that what EC has unearthed is at least in part true. One thing about this site, if a mistake is made people will print a retraction (unlike other people who comment on the net who I could name but won’t).

    Liked by 2 people

    • No one has actually questioned the entire veracity of what EC has unearthed C.A.W. – merely expressed caveats.

      It has been pointed out that anyone could, say, (purely as a relatable example) buy the domain name, redirect or point it to and by that means give the impression that both domain names are connected with this blog. They would then be at liberty to separately control email to, and give the fraudulent impression that they were connected to the real blog – when they were not.

      That would provide the ability to interact with people on that false basis and mislead them. – Possibly even fabricate damaging exchanges if discrediting the blog were their aim. The real owners of the legitimate domain would know nothing about this.

      This is made all the worse by the fact that whois entries can be, and often are these days, redacted.

      Services which trawl and collate information for commercial purposes do not verify it in any meaningful way, so are not really evidential. If anything they tend to help the miscreant. Likewise, the fact that the address pops up in two or three places is meaningless; a fraudster would tend to try and seed the illusion in this way.

      Without law enforcement credentials and authority ownership of the two domains in question cannot be established. We only know that seems to belong to that company, and that redirects to it.

      Similarly, as is the case with the Fake Name 101 post above, anybody can enter any old rubbish into many online forms and have it accepted – which was rather part of the point made there.

      Unless an email address is verified by actually sending a message to it and requiring a response, there is no way of knowing if it exists at all, let alone if it might be real. If you do have a response from an address associated with a real domain name, at least you can check (via the headers) things like what server sent it etc. Otherwise? You have nothing of substance.

      Email addresses from free services such as yahoo or gmail could trace back to anyone. The same goes for social media accounts. Again, you would require the sort of access and authority associated with law enforcement agencies to trace these. – This is one reason why some argue that it should be necessary to provide some form of government ID in order to set up a social media account. i.e. prove you are who you say you are.

      As has been pointed out, it is possibly quite reasonable to reach the conclusion that Hacker House is a fairly dubious project and deserves no sympathy. Wesley Hall, an undoubtedly dodgy character, has quite clearly tried to associate himself with it. Those things are beyond any reasonable doubt.

      The question is whether Hacker House actually know Wesley Hall is associated with them? If not why not? If so, what kind of operation are they when give grand titles to unqualified, uneducated unemployable serial fraudsters like him?

      Either way, it does not reflect well upon them!

      Incidentally E.C. – It may well be worth the fifteen or so quid it costs to register the domain name to at least partially protect your brand, even if it’s just left parked. Namecheap provide an affordable and simple registration service.


      • Oh, you are quite correct Anonymous.

        In the post I lost to cyberspace yesterday I had mentioned that I had come across a podcast “Trolled” run by actress Tracey Ann Oberman (was in “East Enders” some years ago). She interviewed various people who had been “trolled” and discussed how they dealt with it. Actress Frances Barber had had to complain to Twitter about a fake account opened in her name implying that she said some virulent things. (Apparently she had thought there was some truth in the allegation that there was an anti-Semitic element in the Labour Party and was targeted because of that).

        Like other visitors to the site I am pleased to see that the Sandy Hook father won his law suit. Even if it doesn’t stop some people believing Alex Jones’s Koolaid it might make them be more cautious about spreading their toxic notions.

        While I believe in the right of the man or woman in the street to have an opinion I feel that people should exercise some common sense – and some of the social media platforms could be more responsible. I waxed lyrical, admittedly off on a tangent because it didn’t pertain to satanic hoaxes, about something I had come across about fake baking channels on YouTube. There was a sensible (Australian) channel “How to Cook That” who had debunked a couple of “baking” and “how to” channels which were showing procedures which could be dangerous. She had reported one such to YouTube who decided it didn’t contravene their rules.

        Sorry I’ve gone off topic – though what I mentioned did relate to nastiness on the internet albeit a different type of nastiness than that exposed by this blog.


  7. The patient in the mental health unit that Devine talks about has been moved (according to Devine) because of a demonstration there today by Paterson, Jimmy the Hat & others. A UKIP county councillor believes it all & was on Devine’s live this morning, she has been stopped from meeting the patient/client with 2 other UKIP members I believe. Paterson & Devine both naming a protected witness.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I sent the unit an email yesterday warning them of the demonstration & have just had a an email back from them thanking me. I think mine was amongst many other emails sent to warn them about it. Well done everyone, at least the other clients may have a bit of peace today.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Exactly, she also believes Sabine is innocent which is disturbing considering she has a political platform, not only that, she seems to agree with Andy Devine on everything. The party she represents isn’t relevant, my mistake for mentioning it, but being a public figure (in her own area) spreading Andy Devine’s beliefs is worrying.

        Liked by 1 person

        • There’s a nice picture of her where she’s on stage with Tommy Robinson. No comment.
          Frightening that someone in her position could be so short-sighted and under-educated as to believe all this rubbish. And the tax payers are paying her…..

          Liked by 1 person

          • And the tax payers are paying her…..

            So some Councillors are idiots. That is also true of the general population.

            I am not going to dox myself, but that is what democracy entails. I really have a massive problem with people who think elected people should do it for free. That is how you entrench, elitism and rule by those with shed loads of cash. Remuneration is managed by independent bodies.

            Regardless of political opinions, the work done by a conscientious Councillor works out at well below minimum wage. You are on call 24 hours/365 days a year. And if you don’t think they are being conscientious you can make them redundant every 4-5 years.

            I may have given away too much here 😉, but the democratic process has to be defended.

            Liked by 2 people

    • It’s done & dusted. The police showed up, the would-be invaders were sent packing, and Andy Devine did his usual moan about how they’re always being thwarted by us.

      Liked by 2 people

        • I love one of the comments on her live feed…
          “Linda Drew · 6:48 WHY CANT YOU GET A SOLICITOR ONTO IT”
          Where’s EWE when you need him????

          Liked by 1 person

          • EWE? Possibly in the same ward. He could work from the inside. One of those 8 page letters from the Queen’s Bench Law claiming Mental Health Remedy is bound to work.
            # There’s something quite ironic that those who turn up to these mental health unit demos would be warmly welcomed inside for an indefinite stay.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Speak of The Devil: there’s a video on Neelu’s FB page of John Paterson reading a proclamation at the demo from..Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer !
            Apparently he had David Cameron removed as PM after a “Royal Commission” (a scoop there..Cameron pretended he was resigning of his own accord).
            Prattleon seriously says “this is not an ego trip”.
            Either the video is entirely out of focus or I am. Not up to Neelu’s usually high standard.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Ah yes, the county councillor involved listened to Devine saying that on his live & did not disagree. I think her heart is in the right place but her beliefs are way over the top.


          • Couldn’t you both be out of focus?
            I don’t start worrying until I lose my vertical hold.


    • Where were these clowns when Carol Felstead was being abused by Valerie Sinason, Vera Diamond, Fleur Fisher and their associates?


      The problem is that vulnerable people can be abused in the mental health system. I know as I very narrowly avoided being detained under a section when I reported that my mental health team included “true believers” in SRA.

      The psychiatrist I spoke to had never heard of her colleagues’ beliefs and genuinely believed me to be in the throes of a psychotic episode where I had delusions about mental health professionals (her colleagues) believing in satanic ritual abuse.

      What happened to Carol could have happened to me and very nearly did happen to me. The horrifying thing is that it would happen to anyone.

      Do these clowns give a monkeys? No, they are exclusively interested in liberating genuinely mentally ill people from the care they desperately need and couldn’t care less about people like me or Carol.

      if any readers are interested in what it sounds like when a former Head of Ethics of the British Medical Association fraudulently claims to be the next of kin of a recently deceased, woman (Carol Felstead) and uses her charm and powers of persuasion to convince a naive telephone operator to put Carol’s excess insurance in her personal bank account (I believe this is fraud, or possibly just theft – I am not a cop or lawyer) and also discloses (completely untrue) details of “brutal family abuse”, which is an extremely serious breach of client confidentiality, then have a listen to this:

      [audio src="" /]

      I know people who know Fleur Fisher and they tell me that she is running around playing the victim and claiming that she just made one little mistake and it ruined her life.

      Listen to the above recording of Dr Linda Fleur Fisher talking to Carol’s car insurance company. This is not one little mistake. It is disgusting abuse that continues even after her victim has passed away.

      How this woman can live with herself is anyone’s guess.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I couldn’t find Ved’s (or is it Neelu’s) Facebook page – there are several people with the name on Facebook but they all seemed to be men or even children. I did find a link to someone called “Cosmic-dimensions” but couldn’t see anything about Ved (or Neelu). From her picture Cosmic looks an attractive lady but some of the things on her Facebook page are….unusual. Two examples of things she has linked, “Atrazine: Chemical Used to Induce Homosexuality and Chemical Confusion” and “Jim Carrey says ‘Hollywood eats whole babies for Christmas’ – ‘The More They Suffer the Better they taste’ “. Then again part of me doesn’t want to give Neelu views.

    I’d be alarmed if a person representing my area at county level believed the malicious myth making of Mr D and company.


      • Sam,

        I clicked on that link and received a message that the link page wasn’t available. Could it have been made private?


        • maybe you have to be logged into Facebook,,I permanently am but have never made a posit there.


          • You have to be logged in to see her home page, but if a link is posted to an individual post then it’s visible to all and doesn’t require a login. I don’t have a Facebook account so unless someone posts the full link I can’t see them, which is probably for the best!

            i.e. includes something like /posts/10211751588783838 after the /victor.pc.589 bit of the URL where the number is the post reference .


          • Here’s a sample (Melanie Shaw was so a few days ago)..Neelu is back on the Commercial Lien bandwagon. Quite a few errant coppers and fake Bailiffs have been slugged with £Million pound liens by Neelu ( 2 who merely called by to check on her Mum’s welfare) which unfortunately their children and children’s children will be paying off from now to infinity- unless of course they too get their Swissinoodoo Cheese £Billion payouts ( I’m counting on this a well as I need a new washing machine). It’s well worth joining Facebook just to read this stuff. It will change your life.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I thought Mr Sino (the Swissindo fraudster) was locked up by the Indonesian authorities pending a trial? I shall have to investigate!

            Liked by 1 person

          • It’s classic Pursuit -of-the-Millennium staff.
            (1) A radiant new age is about to dawn of endless prosperity with hookers-n-blow for all.
            (2) ….
            (3) That radiant new age I promised, it didn’t happen because counter-revolutionaries! It’s all their fault! Lynch them!

            Liked by 1 person

          • anowlcalledsage – oh ye of little faith.
            All it takes is a phone call from Andrew Devine (with Lee Cant on hold) and a follow-up call from Neelu and a mild (wood chipping threat) from John Paterson (mobile phone credit allowing) and Bob’s your Uncle- Mr Sino is a free man.

            Liked by 1 person

  9. Neelu bans anyone who comments she doesn’t like. After banning you she then badmouths you, safe in the knowledge you can’t reply.

    She also has several fb pages as back ups as she went through a period of getting banned on there.


    • Ouch, Neelu’s back on her baby killing anti NHS rants again (is her court order against that still in place???)
      Half an hour of that, remedy claims, fake police etc etc

      PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 001 23 OCTOBER 2019

      (I think we may be in for another ‘Neelu versus the bailiffs’ series of videos, apparently she’s been getting visits at her current abode…)
      Off to the store to stock up on popcorn…


  10. Pingback: BBC News Probes “Annie Tacker” | Bartholomew's Notes

  11. Pingback: More on Wesley Hall’s links with Hacker House | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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