Angie and Jake back-pedal

In a complete about-face from yesterday’s video interview, in which Jake assured Angela that he was 100% certain that the proceedings at Blackfriars Crown Court would be adjourned today, both have now said that it’s all still on.

Jake Clarke-Blackfriars still on

Angie-Blackfriars non-adjournment

We sincerely doubt that the judge made a ‘last minute’ decision and refused adjournment, but far be it from Angie and Jake to just admit that they got their facts wrong.

This is what comes of relying on the Lotus Princess from Planet Zod for your information, you two.

But don’t worry, we didn’t believe you in the first place.


50 thoughts on “Angie and Jake back-pedal

  1. The comment is from a thread about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – The video mentioned in her comments is the one below.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Its interesting to see that Angie admits to suffering from Dissociative Personality disorder – which is a modern name for the old condition known as multiple personality disorder.

    Liked by 2 people

    • MPD/now DID is a highly controversial condition that most therapists now acknowledge was blown far out of proportion /overdiagnosed/even feigned, especially after the (highly inaccurate) story of ‘Sybil’ emerged via book and film/ received massive attention back in the 70s. Interestingly but unsurprisingly, fringe therapists who still publicly maintain it’s a huge problem are those who push the validity of widespread SRA cases as well- what a shock ! Colin Ross, Ellen Lacter, Sandra Fecht, etc., are especially dangerous proponents. Lucien Greaves has a great video on YT about this crowd and the serious harm they continue to do to many vulnerable people…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. In conclusion, using Angie’s own words, she is a person suffering from diagnosed mental illness, who admits to having been an alcoholic whilst bringing up her children. The same children that she hit with a “T” square for discipline.

    I am surprised that she was allowed to keep her own children through their childhood.

    She is also a charity scammer. With that in mind how on earth can she have ANY credibility when pushing forward events stated by other people as fact? With her mental illness she will have enough trouble trying to sort facts from projected delusions in her own daily routine.

    Its not mitigation for what has happened with her charity activities, and does not absolve her of the awful things that she has accused people of, including accusations of her father being a murderer, and her accusations against her ex-husbands.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Why don’t the pair of them give up

    and go and do something a bit useful with their lives?


  5. I agree, they could both be more usefully engaged collecting slugs and snails from communal areas or seaweed on a beach. Both are much more worthwhile pastimes than what they are currently doing.

    They could both stop harassing normal, respectable people who just want to get on with their life.


  6. “Fats paced developing situation” my arse. Fancy listening to the Lotus Princess. She probably arrested the judge but he was having none of it.


  7. Angie appears to have every mental issue going which I’m sure isn’t true but they help her with her little stories she likes to make up.
    She would have whatever issue can be associated with whatever story is doing the rounds at the time.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well, there are two Angies you see: Nice Angie who raises money for orphans and Naughty Angie who spends all the money on Christmas shopping at Aldi.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I wish we could meet one of Angie’s other personalities because so far it appears to be the same nasty, attention seeking little witch the entire time.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You know when you bump into someone you know and ask how they are? Most folk just answer by saying “yeah I am fine, thanks for asking”.

    Can you imagine how long you would be there listening to Angie if you were to ask her the same question?

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Any updates? Anyone that is known to this group there today that will keep us upto date? The court thing has moved on to the next case now.


  11. The latest is that the application to dismiss was refused. The matter is to go to trial on 11th July at Blackfriars, with a time estimate of 5 days. Both cases are now joined into a single trial.

    Its best not to say anymore than that – It would be terrible to give them anything that they might try to use to wriggle out of the inevitable.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. One other small point – The Judge did not reserve the matter to herself, so any Judge may hear it On 11th July If a matter is unusually complex then a Judge will reserve the matter to themselves to try to save other Judges having to do significant reading to get to speed on a case.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Just saw this comment Angie left under the attached video 3 months ago…lol..

    Angela Power-Disney3 months ago
    Excellent….there are so many of us. The only part that doesn’t resonate with me is the alien thing although I do have conviction I went ‘flying’ sometimes at night and I don’t mean in aeroplanes or even saucers just FLYING. Also remember being exhausted after supposedly nights sleep. Was kept in military hospitals most of my first 5 years with flimsy explanations….strange scars with similar flimsy explanations….extreme dissociation and so on. Have reported to the police aged 58 who say they will thoroughly investigate tho it would be a miracle to truly do so. The fact that more and more are speaking out could be hijacked by a similar scam as the false memory syndrome foundation was OR it could create a groundswell where these truths can no longer be swept under the carpet nor recklessly categorised by complicit governments as SECRET. Thank you for your testimony and I am sorry you suffered as you did.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Angie, Jake, and the Queen of Harts | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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