Satanic Comment on the Hampstead Ritual Abuse Hoax



This is a long post about Hampstead SRA and our proposed response to future hoaxes. 

Sarah Good was a victim of the witchfinders in the Salem witch trials, hanged 1692 for witchcraft. There are strong parallels between witch hunting in the seventeenth century and the modern-day witch-hunt in Hampstead. It is probably no exaggeration that some of the witchfinders involved in the Hampstead hoax would have had the innocent victims of the SRA hoax in Hampstead hanged. Sarah Good was a victim of the witchfinders in the Salem witch trials, hanged 1692 for witchcraft. There are strong parallels between witch hunting in the seventeenth century and the modern-day witch-hunt in Hampstead. It is probably no exaggeration that some of the witchfinders involved in the Hampstead hoax would have had the innocent victims of the SRA hoax in Hampstead hanged.

Satanicviews has been closely following a Satanic Ritual Abuse hoax for most of 2015 in the Hampstead area of London in the UK, becoming vocal against the witchfinders, those promoting and encouraging the hoax, in the last few months.  Hampstead is the first SRA case we have become involved in, initially objecting to yet another false internet-media wide narrative suggesting Satanists ritually rape, kill and eat children.  After viewing hours of video…

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9 thoughts on “Satanic Comment on the Hampstead Ritual Abuse Hoax

  1. An excellent summary, SV, with some formidable insights and analysis.

    You’re right that it’s all winding down now, as evidenced by that ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’ video that the SRA fruitcakes put up yesterday.

    You’re also right when you say that “strict conditions are in place, binding the father and Draper to strict confidentiality”. It’s been frustrating not being able to report the final outcome this week and even our insiders have said they have to remain tight-lipped. But we shall console ourselves in the fact that those two children have been removed from their abusive mother and her psychotic partner. Even many of the fruitcakes now accept that those two aren’t right. Moreover, the rampant accusations they’ve been making against their own supporters has made those supporters face up to the possibility that they’d also been making random allegations as regards the Hampstead community in the first case. And the fact that they couldn’t even be bothered to turn up at three court hearings to fight for the children for whom they purport to care speaks volumes.

    As for your “small contribution”, it has in fact been immense. Our blog would have withered and died long ago had it not been for the support of people like you, Big Earl, Bond 3, Jake Blake, Sophie and the regular members of our team (El Coyote, Mr. Very Angry, Angie’s Fag et al). We at HR salute you, Sir!

    I will re-blog this excellent précis of the salient points. Thank you again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Satanicviews – Are you aware of S.A.F.F. UK -?

    They are the original anti- SRA hoax campaigners – very knowledgeable and experienced.
    I wonder if you might have an interest in working with them or under their umbrella, should such hoaxes erupt again in the UK? I dunno what you would find there for personalities, compatibility, etc., however.

    Say hi to Doug M for me 🙂


    • There’s so much on that site. I’ve had my eyes opened.

      What could have been in the Dickens Dossier?

      I don’t agree with everything on there, but the depth and credibility of much of the information is jaw dropping.

      There’s even a copy of a letter dated 20 March 1984 about a dossier from Leon Brittan to Geoffrey Dickens.

      Can’t the papers just double check with this site before they run anything!

      I also found this paper from the FBI written in 1992 very informative.

      Kenneth V. Lanning, “Investigator’s Guide to Allegations of ‘Ritual’ Child Abuse”, Behavioral Science Unit, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia 22135 (1992)

      Click to access 136592NCJRS.pdf

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Justin, I think we would love to work with S.A.F.F. since they have lots of experience that would be invaluable against SRA hoaxes. We will certainly explore see how we can work with each other against SRA hoaxes.

      Doug M I believe became involved in Satanism partly due to his campaigning against SRA hoaxes. Satanic Temple will later this year found its first chapter in the UK, probably in London. I will pass your best wishes on 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Many thanks!
        I’m a first-wave campaigner, but in North America, doing anti-defamation work on behalf of religious minorities since the mid 1980’s. I was with Cuhulain’s W.I.N. from 1987-1992, advising local law enforcement. Never met Ken Lanning, but always held him in high regard.
        I’m an old fart now, of course 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Justin, all efforts to promote and protect a diversity of worldviews in society is a worthy and necessary goal, well done, and thanks for your contributions and efforts to that goal.


  3. Scarlet – I can only imagine the bewilderment & horror that people in Hampstead experienced when the loonies invaded your community. I’m so sorry about everything that you’ve all been put through.
    And you couldn’t have heard our alarms & sirens, you’d have had no way to know that the SRA hoax firefighters were on the way. (I’ve actually been parked on Needleblog comments for at least 18 months, making whatever contribution I can to the understanding of and investigation into historic CSA perps. For me, they are two sides of a coin – advocacy for the falsely accused and advocacy for genuine victims).

    But frankly, the community response to your crisis has been so admirable – from Justice Pauffley to supportive policing to rational journalism – and not least being this blog and the activism behind it, there hasn’t been a lot for outsiders like me to do other than keeping watch and enjoying the show 🙂


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