
Folks, I’ve been freaking out over the Hoaxteaders’ numerology theories and my God, I’ve discovered some pretty freaky stuff…

For starters, ‘HAMPSTEAD RESEARCH’ is worth 30 points in Scrabble! It might not sound like much but if you take 2 away from 30 (and douse them in holy water then bury them with some hemp leaves on the meeting point of two ley lines), you’re left with 28, which is the number of letters in ‘SATAN IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, AMEN’! And 28 is actually 4 lots of 7, 7 being the most evil number in the universe and 4 representing the 4 pillars of the Rothschilds’ headquarters!

And it’s not just me spotting these freaky coincidences. Here are some more people’s feedback on the Hoaxteaders’ awesome numerology theories (including their equating of the number 7 with evil):




OMG, people – this is getting spooky now! There’s only one possible piece of music for just such an occasion:

10 thoughts on “Doomerology

  1. Seven rhymes with Heaven and what’s the opposite of Heaven? That’s right Hell. It is all so clear once you read the numbers. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh, there’s a whole new avenue of research opening up there!

      ‘Thirty’ rhymes with ‘dirty’, ‘forty’ rhymes with ‘naughty’, ‘fifty’ rhymes with ‘shifty’. Paedo forces are everywhere!


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