Is it just me…

…or is it really hard to give a shite about anything Charlotte “Jacqui Farmer” Ward posts on her Research Hampstead blog (which she still hilariously refers to as “HR”) these days?


Here are the facts on the ground:


1. All her posts are just rehashes of old ones.


2. Almost no one is commenting on there any more.


3. Most of her creepy (former) followers have now deserted her – and in some cases turned against her:



On top of that, AkhaldanSolo and Toothless have made it abundantly clear how upset they are about Charlotte’s revelation that she used to work for the Tavistock Institute, which has fuelled their perpetual cries of “Waah waah, Charlotte’s a shill, waaaaaaah”.


In fact, as El Coyote discovered on his most recent tunnelling expedition, Toothless has launched a number of anti-Charlotte/anti-Research Hampstead Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/WordPress pages:





The obsessive little twunt appears to hate Charlotte even more than he hates us now, haha.  EC also reports that other former Jacqui-lovers have now turned against her, including Kristen Elizabeth. Here’s her take on Hoaxtead:



And isn’t it interesting that Elisabeth’s promoting this as the official Hoaxtead blog and already has significantly more followers than Charlotte could even dream of (527). – Anyway, you get the picture 🙂


4. Is Research Hampstead even real? WordPress doesn’t usually allow banned members to simply open a new blog without let or hindrance; and you’ll have noticed that some of the blogs cited above accuse the RH blog of being fake, which wouldn’t surprise me.



And that may be another reason why Charlie’s old friends are all deserting her.


5. Another reason may be that Charlotte’s posts are becoming ever more unhinged, psychotic and illegal. She’s sounding more and more desperate and bitter (and anti-Semitic) with every post and presumably alienating even her most ardent sycophants. Even Angie and TimV appear to be giving her a wide berth these days.


Her latest wheeze appears to be going through the Yellow Pages, picking out London schools at random and posting crap about them being linked to…oh Christ knows, I can’t even work out what she’s whining about any more…Is it still satanic baby-eating paedo rings? We’re all losing the thread of what she’s banging on about. And frankly, there are few of us left who even care.


Even the innocent people whose photos she appears to now be posting at random are just laughing at her and as we saw from that email yesterday that Charlotte was too scared to post, even the Hampstead parents whose lives she tried to destroy are basically flipping her the finger and laughing in her face:



And as the aforementioned letter implies, is Charlotte’s involvement in all this merely about her jealousy of people who can actually still have children? As she has previously alluded to, her own kids were taken into care for their own protection and she’s now way to old to have any more. I’d feel sorry for her if I…er…felt sorry for her XD




18 thoughts on “Is it just me…

  1. Does anyone give a shit anymore. I think Hoaxtead and their crew have done a good job in exposing the malicious cow CW for what she really is. I don’t think there as many interested as she would like to make out. But, they will all be interested when she is brought to trial!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • For most of us, that’s the end game: seeing her charged and brought to trial.
      Isn’t it ironic that unlike the complete dearth of evidence found in the investigations of the Hampstead hoax, the police actually have plenty of evidence to send Charlotte away for a long time? She could stop writing tomorrow, and they’d still have the goods.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Another one with a ruined life. She can’t come back to the UK without having to look over her shoulder all the time. And for what? For a hoax!

    You can say what you want about CW but the people to blame for the escalation of this are those around her who should have got her to a doctor and not encouraged the nonsense.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. message to whatever-you-are-called-now et al

    please do complain to BACP. since I am not part of that organisation, they have no authority over me, neither have I any need for their endorsement.

    i do not need to work any more, so am not part of any governing body. i govern myself, thanks.

    but keep us all updated on the progress of your reports to them and of their response, it’ll make great reading.


  4. By the way, everyone, apologies for the orange lines. WordPress wasn’t playing ball with formatting and kept colliding everything together, so I cheated 🙂


    • Why thank you, Pongo! But if there’s one thing The Godfather taught us, it’s that whenever orange appears on screen, it means some poor fucker’s gonna get shot! Actually, I hope it’s me – at least I’ll be spared any more “poetry” from the RH page!


  5. I heard from Charlotte’s family today, it seems as though she has given up, at least that is what she has told them. She has received summons, although they are not sure exactly what it is. I have been told I can put the text of her email to me here.

    Hi Sophie
    Hope you are well, just to let you know, Charlotte has received summons from court, we are not sure what it is yet, as she is very evasive and does her best not to talk about what is going on.
    I think she has been told that if she continues her safe passage back to England cannot be guaranteed. So, we think she is giving up and coming back, relinquishing the blog and stepping down from this ridiculously prolific stance she has taken with this Hampstead farce.
    The kids are ok, daughter is still taking photographs and has joked that she might change her name, as she is totally embarassed by all of this. Even though she does not wish to interact with her mother, she still bears the brunt of the ridicule.
    Anyway, I will contact you again soon, thanks for all of your support, and we all here just hope this comes to an end very soon.
    Best wishes
    Love to All

    So we all live in hope, and thankyou Emma.


  6. Movement being monitored.
    Agent X has some sightings
    Queued at the bank
    Code word is orange


  7. I think Abe was chewing hemp on that show last night…He was off his flucking head.

    Ella is such a drip she is thicker than two short planks

    Liked by 1 person

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