‘Hoaxtead trolls’: Why they see us everywhere

It’s an interesting phenomenon: as the core group of supporters of the Hampstead SRA hoax diminishes, their propensity to claim that anybody who believes differently is a “Hoaxtead troll” increases. What exactly is a Hoaxtead troll? The definition seems to differ depending on who makes the claim. In general, it seems that to attain the…

Bearing false witness

Since Sabine McNeill received a nine-year sentence following conviction on four charges of stalking and six charges of violating a restraining order, public interest in the Hampstead SRA hoax has surged. Writing in the Times yesterday, David Aaronovitch cited the Hampstead case as part of a disturbing trend toward false allegations of sexual abuse. He…

Hoaxers spread misinformation about reporting restriction

Since the beginning of Sabine McNeill’s trial in November 2018, the pedlars of conspiracy fantasy have been trying to sow confusion and anger about one aspect of the trial: the reporting restriction which was put in place to protect certain witnesses. This video from The Tusk Force shows Devine in full voice, howling about this…

Hoax supporters react to Sabine McNeill sentence

It’s not as if this wasn’t wholly predictable: within minutes of the announcement of Sabine McNeill’s nine-year sentence being handed down, the first howls of rage were detected…all the way over in Greece. Andy “Make Mine a Double” Devine was first out of the gate, slugging back the vino while expressing his outrage at Sabine’s…

Who’s left on Team Hoaxtead?

One aspect which surprised us during Sabine McNeill’s trial in November–December 2018 was the relative scarcity of Hampstead SRA hoax promoters who turned out to support the defendant. In the lead-up to the trial, Wesley Hall (from a safe distance in Spain) urged people to attend via his “Free Sabine” Facebook page, which attracted a…