Video share: Jacco & Charlotte’s tribute to Hoaxtead Research

How sweet of you, guys. Thanks for the free advertising and notoriety 🙂

By the way, folks, I always play a game when watching one of Jacco & Charlotte’s videos. It’s a variation on spot-the-ball that I call spot-the-evidence. I couldn’t find it in this one but you may fare better. Enjoy…

Thanks again, Jacco & Charlotte. Say hi to Abe & Ella from all of us at HR when you see them. Oh wait, I forgot – they’ve completely dissociated themselves from you! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! XD


Defenders of the cult, yesterday

26 thoughts on “Video share: Jacco & Charlotte’s tribute to Hoaxtead Research

    • And just when I was thinking it was nice of you not to out Jacco’s father while you were at it….ah, well, no good deed goes unpunished, I suppose.

      Sad that they got so much wrong, but they’re a little cut off from the mainstream over there in Suriname, so I imagine they muddle along the best they can.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. The life of the witchfinder is a sad one indeed, I bet they all wake up terrified and in a sweat at the demonic visage of RD that they created in their minds, but really a mirror reflection of their own twisted inner self.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooh they’re well and truly rattled!
    This video was hilarious!!! She really is still shit at her “research” isn’t she?? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      • What really made me laugh is that they called this video “Defenders of The Cult”.. like there is actually even a Cult to defend!
        Then you get Abe talking about Babylonian Sodomite Death Cults… the entire lot of them need serious psychiatric help!

        Liked by 2 people

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