Archer, Betts advocate child kidnapping

With Jeanette Archer’s Epic Mega-Stupendous Biblical March to End All Marches taking place tomorrow, followed on Monday by the trial of Wilfred Wong and alleged accomplices in the Anglesey child kidnap case, it seems like a good time to take a look at a disturbing trend: the idea of “rescuing” alleged victims of Satanic ritual abuse, and spiriting them off to “safe houses”.

In a recent video, featuring Jeanette Archer and her current deputy, Lydia Lowe (along with “Carlene Louise” from Auckland; Gabbi Choong from Victoria, AUS; and “Victoria” from Melbourne, AUS.) Archer spells her plan out quite clearly:

We want to get safe spaces set up for SRA survivors…because now we’re exposing it on such a huge scale, the survivors are going to start having the courage to come forward, so they’re going to need safe places to come to. You know I know, in this area where I am, there are therapists for example that are trying to help people escape from cults, but the thing is, if they haven’t got anywhere safe to come, they won’t be able to leave, basically.

So that’s definitely the next step for us here in the UK, to have safe havens, as you called it, for people to be able to come, and we’re really also going to be focussing a lot on exposing their locations, so hopefully, in the not so near future (sic) there will be literal child rescues going on, so we’ve got to get fully set up to facilitate that, so after exposure comes the action, and the safe havens are the action to basically then start helping the victims and survivors as they come forward.

By “exposure”, Archer means “we will accept any and all allegations of SRA, and pull a Sabine McNeill—er, that is, publicise each case and ruin the lives of innocent parents and their children”.

And by “safe havens”, Archer means “secret locations where we can hide the children we kidnap”.

Alexandra Rose Betts and RIG Nation

Archer recently teamed up with a young woman named Alexandra Rose Betts, who first drew our attention in February with a video on the Facebook page belonging to the “Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK”, an organisation which Wilfred Wong has promoted for a number of years. Despite its science-y sounding name, the CBR-UK is in fact a common-or-garden anti-abortion group, of the sort which posts grisly pictures of aborted foetuses and campaigns outside abortion clinics in hopes of deterring women from exercising freedom of reproductive choice.

We cannot share the video Betts posted on the CBR-UK page, as it features the two Hampstead children, prompted by Abraham “Hot Spoon” Christie as they describe allegedly killing and dismembering babies.

The video description, though, tells us all we need to know:

Please tune in to watch this interview with RIG Nation and Alex Rose Betts on the satanic sacrifice of babies. Sound familiar to you? Pxxx Lxxx, the American medical director for the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, describes dismembering, decapitating and disembowelling babies as extremely gratifying.

RIG Nation, in turn, is a London-based “apostolic and prophetic Christian ministry” headed by Tomi Arayomi, with ties to Nigeria, the Philippines, and the United States. “RIG” stands for “Restoring Issachar’s Generation”, a reference to a passage in 1 Chronicles: “Of the sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do…”

According to the RIG Nation website,

In 2007 the Lord commissioned Tomi to go to the 6 Continents of the earth to raise up 7,000 apostles and prophets in each continent for the end time harvest.

Alex Rose Betts and RIG Nation have teamed up to produce a video promoting the fantasy that the world is overrun with Satanists who torture, murder, and eat babies—and take a wild guess who one of the video’s featured “SRA survivors” will be?

Yep, you got it. St Jeanette of the Arches.

Betts and RIG Nation cannot claim they weren’t warned about Archer, either: Shellie Mote, who has been doing yeoman’s duty collecting and collating evidence that Archer has consistently lied about her allegations that she was a child victim of SRA, contacted Betts and gave her the lowdown.

At first Betts seemed to take it all on board, but as you can hear in this video, it didn’t stick:

Project Rescue Children?

Betts seems to have taken a deep dive of her own down the rabbit hole, as she recently incorporated the UK branch of an organisation called Project Rescue Children, and appointed herself Director of the company.

Project Rescue Children was originally founded in Australia by a person named Adam Whittington, and describes itself thus:

We rescue kidnapped children from child prostitution and slavery. We do what others will not do in an effort to make a difference. We travel to every corner of the globe to help children and families in need. We travel to every corner of the globe to help innocent children forced into unthinkable situations. About 2 million children are exploited every year in the global commercial sex trade. We have had enough of all the talk and have decided to take action to make a change.

A few red flags popped out at us: by definition, children cannot engage in prostitution, since they are not able to consent to sexual relations; but even more concerning is Whittington’s gung ho approach, which sounds an awful lot like vigilantism.

Some readers might recall a case which made headlines in 2016, when the Australian Nine Network paid $69,000 to a “child recovery expert” hired to snatch two children off the street in Beirut on behalf of their Australian mother. Financial records demonstrated that the money had been sent to an account in Sweden, belonging to Adam Whittington.

The two children, then aged three and five, had been taken to Lebanon by their father, without their mother’s permission. The kidnap attempt was badly bungled, and not only Whittington and his team members, but the entire crew of the show, including senior journalist Tara Brown, were jailed for a time over the incident.

It’s interesting to note that at the time of this kidnap attempt, Whittington’s website made no mention of “child prostitution and slavery”. Rather, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, at that time the company website stated:

“Our number one goal is the safety of your child/children … We will not endanger anyone on our assignments. Planning, locating, rescuing, and bringing home your child is what we do best. We are here to help you and your child/children reunite again”…

More recently, Whittington was convicted of assaulting two teenaged boys in Sweden. The good news, we suppose, is that he was acquitted of threatening a childcare centre employee. You win some, you lose some.

But back to Alex Rose Betts and her attempt to resuscitate the UK version of Project Rescue Children.

Yes, resuscitate: the previous version, founded by Whittington in 2015, was dissolved in 2018 for failure to provide financial information. I know, we’re as shocked as you are.

Does it seem…well, odd to anybody else that the woman currently at the helm of what amounts to a child abduction agency is currently in close contact with a woman who has explicitly stated that one of her goals is to kidnap children and whisk them off to secret “safe houses”?

The plot, we suspect, is about to thicken.

Photo by Kat Jayne on

83 thoughts on “Archer, Betts advocate child kidnapping

  1. Nicely covered, EC! 🎯

    More on Whittington here:

    Incidentally, it seems there are several other marches/rallies/parades going on in London today, including a trans pride parade, so good luck being heard, Jeanette 😆

    Mind you, let’s face it – she’ll probably do what she did last time and piggyback on the anti-lockdown protest by filming herself in the crowd and disingenuously making out to her followers that they’re all there for her! (Don’t try to stop her, though, or she’ll set her allegedly armed thugs on you!).

    It also occurs to me that if Jeanette & Lydia’s march isn’t on that list, then they probably haven’t applied to the police for permission:

    By the way, have you seen Jeanette’s latest…?

    As always, there are many reasons to wince but most of all in this one, check out how much she makes it all about herself. How SHE’S organised everything (seriously, not even the faintest nod to her right hand “warrior” Lydia Lowe 😂), how SHE can’t believe what SHE’S achieved and how this is a defining moment for HER. Oh and if you want to know how to support the campaign against SRA, as one of the commenters asks her, the solution apparently is to share HER content; just hers, mind – all the other anti-SRA campaigners out there don’t even get a look-in 🤣

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thanks! It’ll be interesting to see how her plan to piggyback on the other marches plays out. I’ve got money on her crew accidentally hooking up with the trans rights group, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

      And yes, I believe she read in the “Handbook for Aspiring Cult Leaders” that whatever happens, it’s always all about HER…and if her followers question that, they must be excommunicated. After all, those donations aren’t gonna make themselves.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Word is it’s going to be two million plus, I’m assuming they’re talking about all the useless stickers they’ve bought.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Some readers might recall a case which made headlines in 2016, when the Australian Nine Network paid $69,000 to a “child recovery expert” hired to snatch two children off the street in Beirut on behalf of their Australian mother. Financial records demonstrated that the money had been sent to an account in Sweden, belonging to Adam Whittington.

    Oh my, yes, I remember that debacle. As you say, the 60 Minutes producers used their own money to commission the abduction, and the best they could say when it all went pear-shaped was that they genuinely didn’t think they’d get caught… also, they had become emotionally attached to the mother’s side of the story.

    I particularly remember the Olympic-level whining and sense of entitlement from Whittington, after Nine Network bought their camera crew out of the Beirut jail but left him to face the consequences of his incompetence. One might have thought that the risk of getting caught was part of the job, and part of what he was paid for, but his sense of professionalism does not go that far.

    Whittington’s intended career as a child-trafficker-for-hire has been a less-than-stellar success, on account of him being a cockwomble and all-round fuck-up. You might very well think that he’s belatedly presenting his criminal activities as “Rescuing children from satanic cults”, in the hope of providing a few estranged non-custodial parents with the excuse they need to hire him to re-possess their property. I could not possibly comment.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Yes, news of that particularly bone-headed debacle even made its way to the wilds of Canada. I’m afraid I hadn’t kept up with Whittington’s stellar career since then, but somehow I wasn’t terribly shocked to learn that he was the original founder of the organisation Betts is attempting to revive.

      Liked by 3 people

    • I remember it well and was able to get some inside info from a TV worker pal.

      Recall the noted 80 Mins presenter Tara Brown and her film crew were held in a Beirut jail despite intense lobbying by Australia diplomats re how dare they lock up a famed TV presenter etc.
      They were eventually released after 2 weeks after, in time honored fashion the aggrieved father received, it’s believed, at least a $350,000 “compensation” payment for his trauma from the Nine Network who had a hell of a time working out how to explain the sum in accounts as paying bounties is apparently illegal.

      # Call me old fashioned but I recall Beirut when it really was the Paris of the Mid East but these days you would have to put a gun to my head to get me to walk around there with a camera crew.

      Will there be film of the Great Demo ?
      I note one of the Aussie ladies says she has set up a Support Group for SRA “Victims” during the court process but as there has never been an allegation of Satanic Ritual Abuse in any Australian court she may be at a loose end. Still, all donations gratefully received.

      Old Friends Moment:
      those of you who are worried that your Swissinnoodoo payments have not arrived yet, can be reassured Princess Neelu (for it is she) is on the case as she explains to this Indian chap who complains he filled in the forms but his $6M hasn’t arrived. As Neelu says the rotten Indonesian government are still being mean to that nice Mr Sino.
      Apparently the action has also now moved to India where Neelu has considerable influence and I gather that as that government has now committed Treason Princess Neelu will be organizing their overthrow. Or something like that.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I remember it well and was able at the time to get some inside info from a TV worker pal.

      Recall the noted 80 Mins presenter Tara Brown and her film crew were held in a Beirut jail despite intense lobbying by Australia diplomats re how dare they lock up a famed TV presenter etc.
      They were eventually released after 2 weeks after, in time honored fashion the aggrieved father received, it’s believed, at least a $350,000 “compensation” payment for his trauma from the Nine Network who had a hell of a time working out how to explain the sum in accounts as paying bounties is apparently illegal.

      # Call me old fashioned but I recall Beirut when it really was the Paris of the Mid East but these days you would have to put a gun to my head to get me to walk around there with a camera crew.

      Will there be film of the Great Demo ?
      I note one of the Aussie ladies says she has set up a Support Group for SRA “Victims” during the court process but as there has never been an allegation of Satanic Ritual Abuse in any Australian court she may be at a loose end. Still, all donations gratefully received.

      Old Friends Moment:
      those of you who are worried that your Swissinnoodoo payments have not arrived yet, can be reassured Princess Neelu (for it is she) is on the case as she explains to this Indian chap who complains he filled in the forms but his $6M hasn’t arrived. As Neelu says the rotten Indonesian government are still being mean to that nice Mr Sino.
      Apparently the action has also now moved to India where Neelu has considerable influence and I gather that as that government has now committed Treason Princess Neelu will be organizing their overthrow. Or something like that.

      Liked by 4 people

      • There was a certain degree of professional courtesy, so the Australian media accepted that the 60-Minutes crew were the real victims of the story, for commissioning and paying for a serious crime so they could film it. The mother’s account of desperation became the accepted narrative and the possibility of contacting the father to see if he had a different perspective was simply unthinkable.

        Liked by 5 people

      • There is a live-feed of the event on Twitch, but I suspect that since they are playing copyright disco music at the moment (yes, odd choice for an event about murdered babies and children, but I don’t make the news, I just report it), the permanent version will be banned for copyright violation.

        Liked by 3 people

          • A disturbing account from Ms Archer who was apparently taken to be “drowned in the bath” and then taken into her Dad to be “used”. Drowned?. Call me old fashioned but I always thought drowned people stayed drowned.
            Lots of chanting “Satanic Ritual Abuse..etc”, reminding me of a Hammer Horror Film with a group of ordinary looking English folk chanting before they descend into an orgy of whatever.
            The usual taunting of cops and security guards at the BBC for being “on the wrong side of history” as “the world will never be the same after today ” (stating the obvious- is it ever?) when they’re really just on the other side of the fence.
            # Numerous decades ago I worked briefly as a security guard at the BBC and it was never as exciting as this (and I never saw Jimmy Savile either).

            Liked by 3 people

            • Mizz Archer telling her terrible tale of woe at age 3 (total recall) and the horror of comforting live wriggling babies thrown into a well (after they were slaughtered, cooked and eaten?) & describing the barn she was chained up in, touchingly as “My Barn” before reeling of a list of names of the Usual Suspects and yes, Ted Heath & Jimmy Savile were there (she recognized them) plus most of Britain’s top judges (perhaps she read Court Lists at age 3 as well).
              # note to The Met- seek out said well for evidence.

              Was she the “witness” who described this is one of Britain’s better tabloids (Daily Sport) and recognized him even though he was in robes and a goat mask but after slicing open a bub for their adrenochrome said “now then, now then, how’s about that! ”
              Meanwhile stragglers from the anti-vax demo wander by looking bemused and one carries that famous sign “arrest Matt Hancock”.

              Liked by 3 people

      • If the comical Neelu is correct and 1000s in India have signed up this is a horribly cruel fraud and she is a part of it.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I’m intrigued by this post from struck of lawyer Edward Ellis:

          “On 16th April 2021, Claim Fraud 2020 000286 got the last of it. Other Cases got Similar Fact Proof. It included the Trust Claim Fraud B01B0837 + Mortgage F01PP7696 Repayment Refusal Notice Fraud dated 16th December 2020 from Walker Morris using reference CGD CLP HCC 00018.731 for Bank of Scotland.”

          Now, she wouldn’t have tried to pay off her dead sister’s mortgage with a Swissindo M1 Bond again would she? Sadly we have no video evidence.

          It does, however, appear that Neelu is going to be evicted once again for non-payment of a mortgage. How unlucky can a gal get?

          Liked by 3 people

  4. So that’s definitely the next step for us here in the UK, to have safe havens, as you called it, for people to be able to come, and we’re really also going to be focussing a lot on exposing their locations

    “If I get enough donations, I will set up these secret safe-houses and make sure that everyone knows where they are.”

    Liked by 5 people

    • Perhaps the Safe Haven will be out of the jurisdiction of UK authorities. Somewhere warm like Ibiza or a sunny Greek island. After all DC Jon Wedger raised donations to travel to Majorca to give an important speech to no-one in particular.

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  5. These “safe houses” wouldn’t happen to be by the seaside would they, somewhere Wedger and Archer can run towards each other in slow motion across the sun kissed sand and then embrace in a “From Here To Eternity” stylee …..I think I’m beginning to see the grift here.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. A well put together piece, EC. (Thinking aloud – would it be worth contacting that blog to let them know about the shenanigans going on in the UK at present). They may already be aware of course. I’m really getting conspiracy minded now (probably wrongly) but if ‘Skippy’ was a Scotland Yard rozzer at one point could his path and Wedgehog’s ever have crossed? I’ve scrolled through the ‘Skippy’ blog and it certainly contains food for thought.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Does Jeanette think the authorities are going to let any unqualified fruitloop open a safe house without their permission and input, especially where some of the residents might be under 18?

    Have to say that Jeanette gave me the best laugh of the week (Shellie Mote’s You Tube) when she brandished that Satanic Rug Rat on an Pentagram toy and tried to convince the world you can buy this in a toy shop. From what I’ve read the toy was actually a ‘one-off’ made by ‘Obvious Plant’ who sells a range of quirky items that are JOKES! How thick do you have to be to be taken in by Jeanette?

    Liked by 6 people

    • Those working with children and vulnerable people have to submit to police checks; and with the criminal record and police intelligence of Jeanette Archer, she would never get clearance. I personally would have sleepless nights over letting Jeanette Archer babysit my pet hamster let alone having children in her care.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Answer to Question 2: Pretty damn thick.

      Answer to Question 1: What makes you think they will alert the authorities to their “safe house” programme? I suspect the whole point is that they will fly below the radar, as it were.

      Liked by 4 people

      • The Secret Satanic Freemason Association (patron: B.Gates) reads these pages, I’m reliably informed (by my pet hamster) so the cat’s out of the bag now re safe houses.

        Liked by 3 people

    • How thick do you have to be to be to be taken in by Jeanette? may I direct you to one of her most vocal followers Angie New and her Facebook page and I think you’ll find that answer.

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    • The worry with the “safe houses” isn’t just that they would be run by totally unsuitable people, but how are they going to “select” their occupants and where would such “safe houses” be based. They would likely have to be public knowledge locations, parents coming and going etc… therefore not so safe after all.

      What the proposition is more likely to be really about is a set of “havens” for a cult. It smells of something similar to Waco etc.

      It also sounds a little like Carl Beech’s holiday village… escape route for false accusers?

      On the subject of why the cops were nowhere to be seen today, it’s more likely there would be undercover officers there if anything. They will likely react after the event and tie material together to do so. Awfully nice of the live streams to show faces.


  8. Jeanette Archer and her “protest” march is the equivalent of pre-match entertainment before the big court case opens next week on a man that Archer has orgasms over.

    In my opinion Archer will achieve nothing today – a mouse sqeak at a heavy metal music concert – and there is a lot that can go wrong when you are in the middle of a cauldron of high emotion where police and protestor could clash, as in recent weeks.

    If I was around at that march, I would draw attention of the police to the leaflets that Archer and her “cultists” are handing out. I am sure the police would be quick to act if a leaflet was put out saying Muslims and Jews murder and rape children, except the leaflets are a direct hate crime against the Satanists. Anyone who knows about The Satanic Temple would appreciate they do not harm children.

    I predict that Jeanette Archer will hit her high watermark today in the London “protests”, but it will all go down hill for her after this day.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Oh gosh, they really made fools of themselves, a desultory looking group sitting on the ground at the end, Archer rocking to music & smiling back at the camera, camera then pans to the geezer with the beard pushing his arm up in the air, very embarrassing that is, I know, I have lived it! My sister & I used to attend concerts together, she said to me once when we had just sat down, “if you see me pumping my arm like that, make sure you pull it down because all the Majellas do it & they look stupid”. A few glasses of wine later, her arm was pumping to the beat better than any of the Majellas, (that’s another story, sorry if anyone named Majella is reading the blog, I love the name).
        I gently lowered her arm & she gave me evil side eyes because the wine had taken a hold & she had forgotten her earlier instruction. 🤣
        Sorry, got off point there, yeah Beardy, can’t remember his name, is probably a very nice chap, he looks decidedly like a person one could depend on, which is probably how he got sucked into Archer’s lies & delusions.
        Anyway, STOP SATNIC ABUSE, whatever the hell that is! 🤔

        Liked by 1 person

    • I scanned the Daily Mail / MailOnline ( Organ of Truth) for a report on the Famous Demo but only found 1000s marched demanding the arrest of Matt Hancock. Was that it?

      Liked by 4 people

      • I was looking for a Fr. Ted, Fr. Dougal poster with, ‘Down With That Sort Of Thing’ alongside the ‘Arrest Matt Handcock’ placard.
        I am sure our resident graphic artist could knock one up though if needed. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Have watched the twitch stream and she’s saying her sister – the one who was recently said to be a miscarriage – was a feral child on the farm. Crumbs if she was a miscarriage she likely wouldn’t have made it to 9 months and at best would be a stillbirth.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Pingback: Satnic – Spin vs Truth

  11. The simplicity of your explanation makes everything so much easier to understand EC. Thank you from a feeble minded simpleton like myself who has just looked around for 10 mins for meds, given up & see them staring at me. 🙃

    I couldn’t possibly add anything to the already excellent posts from all the people here.
    Except to say, well done to FB for cutting off their streams, I hope it is FB, not that I would know anything about it.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Off topic but I suppose everyone’s seen Matt Hancock has resigned. Not that he’s the only minister to be a naughty lad.

    Back on topic Shellie M has done a short but powerful video about the antics of Eyebrows.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Strongly suspect the police were watching and waiting. They could only act once certain acts had taken place. I also suspect that there will be arrests in the coming days regarding the “event” today not least on public order offences.

    Liked by 3 people

    • p.s. don’t know if anyone else noticed but Archer’s “handout” that is on Amin’s Twitter timeline only mentions cities and some villages, presumably if you live in a town or a hamlet you’re safe from Satanists or is it Satnists? 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  14. Hi Karen, how’s things, just a quick update as I’m at Speakers Corner. Though 1000s here they’re not for Archer, many different groups, so many I’ve just found her, and they are wrapping up already. No doubt she’ll claim they we’re all here for her but that’s not the case. More later. K 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    Liked by 3 people

    • Saw that clip and J.Wedger got revved up at the mention of morgues.
      Does it ever occur to these ratbags that when they mention a hospital name in their bullshit that relatives of a deceased patient may get a bit upset to hear this & recall their loved one was in the morgue? They are utterly vile in their pursuit of some cash.

      Liked by 3 people

  15. Pingback: Project Rescue Children UK rises from the dead | Skippy's Lies Exposed

  16. Thomas Dunne is asking us to keep Wilfred Wongs plight in our prayers by writing Wilfreds name on post-it notes and leaving them around ones abode as a gentle reminder…..I shall be sticking mine to the bottom of my bog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll let you ‘take one for the team’, Amin and watch him so I don’t have to – there’s only so much Tom Dunce I can take and I’m pretty sure I’m shadow banned on his channel.

      There must be a joke about how many J Archer fans it takes to change a light bulb but my brain isn’t fertile enough on this Sunday morn to think of a punch line.

      On one of her videos (not the latest one), Shellie mentioned that if folk have donated to JA she possibly has some contact details for them.

      Liked by 3 people

  17. Great idea, make sure you use flushable paper though, you wouldn’t want to have Wong stuck in your S-bend.
    I shall smear one with jam & let the bees & wasps have a good pick at it outside in the garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Despite what I said above I typed something fairly neutral as Ms S-P under TD’s video. Paraphrasing I said that WW as a barrister would know UK law and that it’s not okay to take a kid at knife point. I said it was probably best to be non-committal about a sub-judice matter and to leave it to the courts. I said it was okay to pray for someone if they wanted. I’m ALREADY shadow banned! I don’t even think what I said was so bad.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Sorry I couldn’t insert the video in a format where you can just click and play it.


  18. Archer refers to a “Ben” she “comforted” but who dies (when she fell asleep). She said she was dedicated the day to Ben. I know she’s referring to an infamous case of a missing child called Ben. So malicious.

    # She says she was often buried in a coffin with snakes & spiders. Where is a good old Aussie Red Back or Inland Taipan when you need one?. Incompetent Freemason Satanists.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think a few of us thought of the little boy who went missing in Greece, Sam, though the timeline doesn’t line up for the fictional ‘Ben’. It shows how cold-hearted she is because she never takes into account how that might hurt the relations of the real Ben.

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    • “snakes and spiders” is also likely a direct lift from Carl Beech’s bs. Unfortunately for Archer if snakes had bitten her there would be evidence… it also sounds like she lifted the “buried with snakes in a coffin” straight out of “Live and Let Die” [movie].

      Liked by 1 person

  19. I had a post disappear into cyberspace – the skippysliesexposed blog has a recent (27th June 2021) entry referring the blog by J Hinds and also linking to Hoaxtead Research.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Does puzzle me why they think they’ll be held in Nuremberg. The Hague surely! They really have no grip on reality 😂

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    • Australian shouty person signs off with some Worship Words from the NESARA cult / conspiracy. That’s OG craziness! NESARA pre-dates Swissindo and QAnon though both steal a lot of its material.

      The world is waiting for a version of Garafalo’s time-line of music-style influences, but for conspiracy theories, to show how they evolve and cross-pollinate.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Wonderful timing by the Attorney General today in the launch of a campaign to raise awareness and battle online contempt of court.

    Spin vs Truth blog references such: and also publishes some of the material from the Attorney General’s advice. It is difficult to see how some of Saturday’s rants on megaphones in Hyde Park/streets of London are any different to social media posts in content which is likely contempt of court.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. The group Wongo belong to has a farm property somewhere in the south of England.I wonder if they were trying to make it there when the police caught up with them.Some of these quasi christian cults are extreamly afluent property owners.

    Liked by 1 person

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