Neelu & Sabine trial: Day 4

This morning’s continuation of the trial of Neelu Berry and Sabine McNeill was adjourned, as Mr Attridge, the prosecution barrister, had fallen ill with a migraine. This means that any small hope that the trial might wrap up tomorrow has been completely dashed.

HH Judge Worsley noted that he would be available next week until Wednesday, should the trial require that much time. However, current estimates seem to indicate that the trial should be finished by Tuesday (barring further unforeseen circumstances).

The announcement of today’s adjournment was met with much grumbling from the defendants’ supporters, who were heard to exclaim that “the prosecution should have had an extra person ready to take over” in case of emergency. Apparently at least some view a court case as rather like a football game, in which a substitute must be prepared to dash out onto the pitch to replace an injured player.

We agree that it’s very frustrating to have the trial stop and start like this, but as the judge said this morning, there’s really nothing that can be done about it. And we’re as certain as we can be that it’s not part of any grand conspiracy.

The current plan, then, is to begin tomorrow with the prosecution wrap-up, followed by any written admissions from the defence. In addition, the defence may call witnesses if they so choose.

We’ll bring you our report as soon as it’s available.

135 thoughts on “Neelu & Sabine trial: Day 4

  1. That’s a shame, but it’s better to wait until Mr. Attridge has recovered. You can’t just bring someone else in and expect them to be up to speed, I hope the defendants and their supporters begin to understand this. It’s in the defendants best interests to be represented by the barrister who has been fully briefed.

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    • Ah, but you see it was the prosecutor who’s laid up. Ergo, allegations that the fix is in. 🙂 I very much doubt that the defendants’ supporters will grasp this, as they seem determined to believe that it’s all a stitch-up, no matter what anyone says or does.

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      • Oops misread that!!! thank EC. But you’re right… the stitch-up crew will read something sinister into everything. “The judge blew his nose…. that proves he’s a freemason/zionist!!!” style of thing.

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        • I cannot wait to see what they make of the fact that none of the attorneys involved believe that any of the witnesses (or anyone at all) was guilty of SRA, cannibalism, etc.

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        • “The judge blew his nose…. that proves he’s a freemason/zionist!!!” style of thing.”

          One of the creation myths focuses on The God of the Great White Handkerchief who sneezed the universe into existence. His followers wear white robes with a monogram in the corner and they’re given six in a box every Christmas.

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    • What a bunch of idiots to think someone can just be a substitute without any knowledge of the case.

      Sums up the supporters that wanted that.

      Surely not Belinda, she has more intelligence.

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  2. They will be dropping like flies in that courtroom, once they get a load of Neelu lol…

    Hey, maybe the prosecutor overheard a snatch of conversation from them…

    I can just hear APD saying, ‘it’s the righteous wrath of God..

    I have always dodged jury duty, but I tell you I would sign up for that melodrama in a heartbeat.

    Anyway, hope the guy gets better and the judge gets pissed off at those maniacs.

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    • Ive had migranes albeit not for many years thankfully.Completely dibilitating and hope Mr Attridge gets clear of it soon but they can last from hours to days.
      Obviously the self righteous mob wiill weave some dark clandestine design into their murmurings simply because they are devoid af grace and dignity.
      The idea of a substitute prosecutor jogging into the courtroom and seamlessly saving the day with an overhead bicycle kick from outside the penalty box and doing a lap of honour evokes a sketch the Pythons would have been justifiably proud of.
      Thanks for update EC.

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      • Yes, Mik. Mr Attridge could certainly not do his important job while suffering from a migraine. Migraines can be horrendous and I’m waiting for the hoaxers to call it simply “a headache.” A headache is nothing compared to a full blown migraine attack, which as you say is debilitating.

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        • Yes, I consider myself very lucky to have only suffered from a handful of migraines in my life. Horrible things. I hope Mr Attridge is feeling better soon.


          • I’ve had optical migraines. Those can be very odd. Let’s hope the gentleman recovers so that the trial can be concluded whilst the judge is still available.

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  3. Thank you for the update. I did wonder why other cases were being heard in court 2!

    Hopefully everything gets back on track soon.

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  4. The defendants should find some comfort in the fact the courts would also be mindful of their best interests if it had been their defense counsel who feel ill. After all I think no matter what brave front many will put on, any court case is stressful.

    Troofer incident : David Icke is in Sydney to update the populace re the current Illuminati Alien situation and had a rather unhappy experience on a morning TV show.
    I’m told the producer congratulated his sound engineers quickness in flicking off the sound as he stormed out of the studio uttering a string of expletives. Seems he isn’t used to being questioned.

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  5. Can someone enlighten me here? The notoriously brilliant researcher Kristie Sue Costa, who’s renowned for her amazing fact-checking skills and who clearly has her finger bang on the pulse of this story, is concerned about a protagonist called Neelu Barry. Who dat? Anyone?

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    • Sorry, Spiny – I can’t hep, as I’m way too busy listening to the, ahem, “lady” herself banging on about how “there’s no way those kids were acting” (zzzzzzzz) on this amazingly professional radio show (from around 9:45 onwards):

      The awesome sound quality, technical glitches and pregnant pauses, Sonja Van-Welder’s “Skype problems” and the random songs and adverts which suddenly play over the top of the conversation (and then inevitably get blamed on an attack by the Illuminati) are a joy to behold.

      Joe Kerr, you’ve hitherto warned us about such amateurish set-ups and this is an archetypal exemplar 😀

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      • They both bang on about how there’s no way a child could make up these details (yeah, it’s the usual bollocks, yawn). God forbid they should base their allegations on facts rather than gut feeling. And God forbid they should entertain the possibility that Abe might have coached them (despite the fact that the “man” himself has even uploaded recordings of himself doing so!).

        And at 33:30, when she starts droning on about the “trolls” who have posted a picture of her house online, it’s just a whole new level of hypocrisy. If you can’t take it, Kristie-Poo, don’t dish it out. Mkay? 😉

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        • And she shoots herself in her foot when she falsely accuses Mr. Dearman of having a criminal past yet “accidentally forgets” to mention the fact that Abe has 67 previous arrests and 37 previous convictions. Oops!

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          • Yay ! I get a mention at 47:20 🙂

            And as Kristie’s keen to remind us, everyone in the World who questions her is Ricky Dearman in disguise.

            She then goes on to whine about Hoaxtead Research. She’s not happy. Great work, EC 😀

            By the way, does anyone know who “Jimmy Surveel” is? David Shitter’s always mentioning him too, whoever it is.

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          • I had to stop listening when they started banging on about historical cases like “Theresa” and the McMartin pre-school case. In both those cases, the children grew up to admit that they’d made the whole thing up (under duress from Abe-like characters). Ditto the woman at the centre of the Orkneys case. So when Kristie et al started banging on about how there’s no way the children in those cases lied, I put my foot through my monitor and I’m sending Truth Frequency Radio the bill.

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          • Chris Everard/Enigma channel crops up in ads too. Ray Wyre, dead now. Was on tv, radio alot 80,s, also expert witness, condemning CSA Survivors unfit, using labels, ran therapy for offenders. Met


          • Is that the same one Angela Power Disney quotes on CCN? That pretended to find evidence of RD sharing child abuse images. Never use the darknet they say? That’s a lie, indications are, tracked


      • Yeh that’s right- the Illuminati Rothschild Masons who control the world through pedo satanism and organised 2 world wars, 9/11, the Russian Revolution, Chem Trails, the Iraq invasion and faked all the space travels of the USA, Russia, India, China etc are worried about a few batshit crazy loony troofers on some amateur internet radio.

        Talk about having tickets on yourself.

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        • Hilariously, towards the end he mocks people who blame every glitch on attacks by the NSA etc.and admits that they just fucked up. Back-track of the week 🙂 The conversation with his technical guy about why they couldn’t get Sonja Van-Welder connected is side-splitting.

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      • I,ve been listening to AronRa, he says often that high, numbers of abusers cloak as religious, the more religious, the worse the abuse. He backs his statements with evidence. Ray Wyre btw ..sleazy,


      • I’m getting Kev Baker and his sadly-childish ‘freaky Friday’ tripe on that link. – It’s a bad show old boy!! With emphasis on the BAD and OLD!

        Kev Baker and his ‘show’ remind me VERY much of what many of us used to get up to as kids back in the late 70s/early 80s. – At that time ‘shows’ were ‘broadcast’ on cassettes that got passed round the schemes and/or actually transmitted (off tape) on noisy/illegal FM transmitters that we’d set up in tower blocks around the city. – The enigmatic Q… was actually one of the most adept technicians of the day, known for being a go-to guy if you wanted a rig built or repaired or a show mixed down/prepped for broadcast. – Till one fateful Friday in the summer of 1979 he left school, got a job as an actual techie in a real place, eventually moved out of his mum’s house……. Went off and did that whole being a grown up thing.

        I think Kev missed that boat. And is still holed-up in his mum’s boxroom. – If the internet hadn’t been invented he would no-doubt be blaming the systematic demolition of Glasgow’s tower blocks in a illuminatti plot to silence the mighty radio network that was “Scheemie FM” . This was all harmless enough back in the day when people were talking about UFOs over Cumbernauld, the Ghosts in Stobhill Hospital and the Tunnels under the Royal etc. – Still might be, but for the fact I’m afraid Kev and his kind are WAY over the line here in their desperation to find ‘edgy’ subject matter.

        They have no respect for the subject. Is child rape REALLY a subject to be explored in a “don’t watch alone” type/style slot? And I’d have hoped by now some of these people would have grown up past the mere novelty of reaching an audience, developed some actual technical skill of their own – and embraced the concept of building an actual show, with a narrative, and an editorial policy.

        Yup, “an archetypal exemplar” or as we call it in the far reaches of Glasgow’s East End – A load of shite! 😀

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    • Probably another one- there are several. One recently had her Barrister inform a London court that there was no such thing as satanist baby eating in Hampstead.I like her.

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    • “Believe The Children”? How unutterably arrogant, to appropriate that phrase/name. Perhaps this person isn’t aware, that the phrase “Believe The Children” as a name for an organization and/or movement is CURSED – not to mention the bad karma of stealing dead people’s organization’s titles.

      If that unfortunate choice remains in place, I might have to resurrect all of the exposes about the original organization and broadcast them endlessly on social media.

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      • I say, old fruit – what a dashing young man you were in your younger day!

        EC and gang – allow me to share in my young compatriot’s elation over the demise of your latest would-be nemesis. You chaps are formidable. We shall fight them on the beaches! Tally ho…

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        • We’re all piling round yours, I mean mine, I mean ours, to supplement our supply of pens. I’m down to 20. One of those is a multicolour glitter gel pen. NOT appropriate for my role as a barrister.

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          • Nice work there Tracey. Good deflection re the glitter pens. No one will be able to guess we are really the same person, with that cunning subterfuge. Although my Muji pencil box was in a bit of a state today so I guess Roofie was right, I am just a barista masquerading as a barrister. Lost both my in use pens AND my emergency pen and the lid off my highlighter. But did find a spare Treasury tag on the floor, so not all was lost.

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    • Yes! This is of course great news. However, every single person (child abusers and pushers of this Hoax), have to be brought to justice and held to trial, regardless of where they post their lies.

      I would be very interested to know more info, be it links to experts in this field from the UK etc, from a legal stand point, how “each and everyone of them” to be held accountable for the abuse, intimidation, cruelty, slander, defamation of character from all corners…. crimial, libel, etc for EVERYONE that has been affected.

      Imagine having court orders in place that any one time these sick twisted people post anything untowards online, to have police, legal teams swoop in and hold them accountable regardless where they are……

      ….to have their lives turned upsidedown, becase of their actions, and rightly so.

      Yes… they are ok to do whatever in the wild, wild west of the internet laws, however, this will change, and when it does, if you keep screen shots etc of what goes on, we can go back, and WE will go back, to these so called human beings, and they WILL be held responsible for their disgusting, vile, and sick behaviours.

      They will not get away with what they have done! They will face the law……this is a promise.

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  6. LMAO this morning at comments from the last few days. I’ll end up doing myself an injury. Weather nice so walked across the heath yesterday to join ‘Rupert Watch’. How much icecream can you eat while sitting out in the sun? Lots!

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  7. @Sheva – did you say, that you had met Ray Wyre? If so, that intrigues me a lot. If you did meet him, what was that experiece like?

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  8. Met Ray Wyre back in the 80`s at a child sexual abuse training seminar.He was the oracle and the “go to” guy for all things CSA back then.
    Not great to talk unkindly of the departed but found him to be something of a self opinianted,smarmy empire building individual and not someone I would have left in sole care of my kids to be quite frank.

    Just my take.

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  9. Hey guys before you attack me think why I post this video. I was going to explain but I could not post anything yesterday and the moderator of this blog will confirm this because i send an email saying I cannot post nothing.
    I was going to explain that this video was made by comedians anti Semitic racist, who remind me the Hoaxasters. .
    also by watching this video one may ask the question what it is the link between “Christians” Satan hunters and Comedians claiming that the Jewish people eat baby flesh.

    Please next time before you try to squeeze my throat, think the reasons behind such a crap video.

    And last but not least I prefer watching this trash than watching videos showing two young siblings talking about cannibalism.


    • I was more concerned that someone was pretending to be you.

      Things like that don’t need any more exposure though in my opinion.

      I said “I’m sick of that sort of stuff. I already know how low some people’s minds go. (Not you Yannis). How people believe the nastiest rubbish.” So, not you Yannis.

      The reasons, maybe bigotry and hatred towards the “other”, lack of critical thinking skills, a history of anti-Semitism in many parts of the world, a very long history of blood libels, lack of understanding of Jewish theology and thought, Christian teaching that Jesus died because of Jews (since backed down from), extreme far right beliefs, only ever reading conspiritainmemt rubbish, a closed social circle, sovereign citizen movements, Muslims picking up this sort of thing too to justify hatred of Israel, poorly qualified Imams, KSA spreading fundamentalist teachings and funding mosques throughout the world where believe me stuff like that is screened and shared socially, poor teaching of history in schools, a mindset in evangelical Christianity that needs the devil, poor reconciliation and recognition of wartime history due to also being a vassal state of the USSR, poor socio-economic prospects leading to scapegoating, fears of multiculturalism or immigration leading to more entrenched and extreme beliefs, paranoia and delusional thinking, a media diet consisting of such rubbish that stuff like that doesn’t seem far fetched need for a narrative to explain life due to a loss of faith, Russian propaganda leading to distrust of traditional media outlets, need to belong to a group of peers who believe that stuff, family being anti-Semitic, and maybe just because they are nasty, nasty people?

      Other than that, haven’t a clue.

      And as far as I am concerned, it’s just shocking people can lap stuff like that up.

      There were hoax believers commenting there. Sad isn’t it really. Or frightening how extreme and out there these people are.

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    • In that case Yannis I have absolutely no idea why you didn’t write up your explanation in the body of the same post that you posted the link to the highly offensive material in question. I also have to question the ‘comedy’ nature of the individuals responsible for it – I see no element of humour in any of this!


  10. LOL, desperate much? XD

    By the way, if he does come to London, words cannot express just how much I hope the mouthy little prick tries to kick down MY door.


  11. So what’s the betting that that nasty insensitive little shit Angela Dizzy-Powder will be crying “false flag” on the Nice attacks by the end of the evening and calling the devastated parents of those poor dead children “crisis actors”?

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    • “Other protesters filmed schoolchildren through the windows of Christ Church Primary School, jurors heard”

      This is something I wasn’t aware was alleged to have happened.

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      • I seem to recall there was indeed some such footage. I certainly recall seeing some video of poor woman trying to potter about peacefully in her yard, her children playing around the door of the house whilst some wanker screams pish about satanic rituals. As you might imagine, Hampstead is home to quite a number of

        I can tell you that Creative Industries workers; country-wide that’s a relatively small community which is in constant interaction. There is much that is known, things that have been passed between colleagues and friends, that will never be published. Save to say that people – good, kind, decent, innocent family-oriented people – have been badly hurt and frightened by all this; for nothing they have or might have done. They were simply targeted for where they live and where they had succeeded where the original perpetrators of this hoax had failed in life. – I think it’s difficult to express just how much damage these clowns and their cohorts have done, justice must be done.


  12. Pingback: Neelu & Sabine trial: Day 5 | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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