Message of Support to Everybody

Thanks to Agent W, who sent us this inspirational message of support (inspired by Special Agent S’s efforts, I think): I lost my faith in the Troofer movement years ago, and for good reason! As I’m sure many others are, I’ve been watching this case since the start, convinced that the nutters who perpetrated it would have the courage to realise they’d fucked up…

Christ Church School’s Excellent Track Record

First, here’s the official data showing that Christ Church is in the Top 20 schools in the area for English and Maths: And here are the school’s outstanding Ofsted reports: Be honest – does this really strike you as a school run by baby-eating Satanists? Let’s face it – nope. It’s clearly a wonderful school run by wonderful, caring people.…

Hoaxtead: A Barrister’s Thoughts

It’s always refreshing to hear from genuine experts in this fiasco. We had a teacher share her insights earlier; and now one of our clever little moles has drawn our attention to this blog by a real live barrister. Hoaxtead-believers, take note – these are people who actually know what they’re talking about, rather than going on “gut feeling”,…