Angela’s back. This could get awkward.

Angela Power-Disney, who left in late March for a 12-week stint of alcohol rehab, has returned to Facebook. We mean this quite sincerely: we hope the time away was fruitful, and that it enabled Angela to gain control of her problems.

However, if she intends to pick up where she left off vis à vis the Hampstead SRA hoax, she has a few surprises in store.

Cat’s got some new friends

First, in Angie’s absence, her most recent bosom buddy, Catriona Selvester (aka Cat Scot, aka Trina MacDonald, aka Wilma Flintstone with a bow and arrow), has taken up with Naima Dawn Feagin (aka Hope Girl, aka Hope Moore).

Catriona Selvester, in the flesh

Readers might recall that Angie and Hopey had a wee bit of a falling out last year, when Angie refused to assist Hopey in one of her YouTube video take-down sprees.

As we reported nearly a year ago,

HoaxGirl has a nasty habit of enlisting her friends to help her take down any videos she doesn’t like, usually on the grounds of copyright infringement.

So if you dare to mention, for example, that the Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is a fraudulent product which wrongly claims to be able to violate the laws of physics, you can bet that HoaxGirl will be in there like a dirty shirt, reporting you and your channel with claims that you are “violating her copyright”.

Sometimes, we grant, she may be correct that her copyright has been infringed. However, the “fair dealings” exception to copyright law states,

Fair dealing for criticism, review or quotation is allowed for any type of copyright work. Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of reporting current events is allowed for any type of copyright work other than a photograph. In each of these cases, a sufficient acknowledgement will be required.

So if you choose to use a portion of text or a snippet of audio or video for the purpose of critique or reporting, so long as you credit the original author of the material, you should be fine.

HoaxGirl relies on YouTube complaints reviewers’ knee-jerk reactions to copyright complaints to do her dirty work, and if you are unfortunate enough to be her friend, at some point you will find yourself being asked to help her take down other people’s work which she doesn’t like, for whatever reason.

The problem arises when the friend loses interest in acting as HoaxGirl’s silent copyright strike partner.

This is what happened between Mel Ve and HoaxGirl: HoaxGirl wanted Mel to team up with her against her sworn enemies Dani Arnold McKenny and Lisa Harrison, and Mel had neither the time nor the stomach for fighting HoaxGirl’s battles for her.

Now, given that Hope Girl had previously enlisted her husband Tivon Rivers to create a fake Hoaxtead Research blog which was designed to discredit us (um, yeah…not so much)—a project which should have been close to Angie’s heart—perhaps Hope felt she was owed a bit of elbow grease from her hoax-promoting friend.

However, as we know, elbow grease is not in Angie’s vocabulary, and thus ended a beautiful friendship.

The Papa Hemp connection

Even more awkward than the kissing-and-making-up which will be required if Angela and Hopey are to have any hope of joining forces once more, is the fact that both Hope and Cat are now best pals with the repulsive child-abusing midget, Abraham Christie.

As we know, Angela and Abraham had a falling-out in June 2015, when Angela pulled her usual stunt of recording a Skype interview with Abraham and Ella, without their knowledge or consent. Worse, a few months later she claimed that Abraham was Ella’s “handler” and/or some sort of Trojan horse [Trojan weasel, shurely?—Ed.] sent in to demolish the hoax.

Angela’s later claims that Ella had been involved in making child sexual abuse videos, and her public statements that the Hampstead children had been “somewhat coached” before making the infamous airport videos, cannot have endeared her to Abraham.

When Angela left for rehab, it seemed that Cat Scot was one of her very few remaining friends. Twelve weeks later, the landscape has shifted dramatically, and Angie’s friend has joined forces with at least two people who cannot stand the sight of her.

Will she attempt to repair those long-burned bridges and resume her position as de facto queen of the Hampstead hoaxers? Will Abe or Hopey be willing to accept a rapprochement, or will they tell her to put an egg in her shoe and beat it?

And of course, the largest and hairiest question of all, which might have been Angela’s impetus for diving into rehab in the first place: what’s going on with the Director of Public Prosecutions? Will they lay charges, and if so, how many?

Things could be about to get very interesting.

234 thoughts on “Angela’s back. This could get awkward.

  1. Thanks for the update, EC.

    And I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Angie confronts Catty over how tight she is with Hopey and Abe. Mind you, given these morons’ propensity for sharing their PMs and airing their dirty laundry in public, we probably will be 🤭

    One thing, though – Catty’s currently on a Facebook suspension, has lost her Twitter account and is apparently on a YT suspension too, so where they’re gonna get together for the inevitable pagga is anyone’s guess.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Those mean old veterans had better watch out – King Wanoa’s gonna have them all locked up in Guantanamo for dissing his flag 😆

    By the way, he’s gonna need to get that microphone sorted before the upcoming revolution on the 29th.

    Liked by 2 people

        • He’s a accusing someone called Simon of owing a Billion Pounds but a few seconds later it was a Trillion Pounds. God’s teeth- talk about usury at those interest rates, And the stupid old goat moans about Muslims yet usury is a crime in Islam.
          Also calls everyone Pirates but they are quite glamorous.

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    • Crikey he said Bill Gates is going to be locked up but even worse- I think he said “Gin will be stopped”. OK now he’s getting serious and will have a real fight on his hands.
      Not me of course but Her Indoors (think 4 paws) will not accept gin being stopped.

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  3. Like many, I suspect apd might have been ‘feeling the heat’, although I did find it strange that she found the self control to stay offline this long…

    I still wonder if she had been ‘taken offline’ against her will so to speak, we know that the police were interested in her, and that some people who she had been publicly naming against court orders had her squarely in their sights as well…
    Her last few weeks before her ‘disappearance’ she went rapidly downhill, her rants were getting more and more extreme- could she have been offline because she ‘had to be’ so to speak???

    Liked by 1 person

    • She told Cat Snot—and by extension, the entire world—that she was going into rehab because she was feeling more stressed than usual, and therefore drinking even more, due to the pending charges against her. A week or two later, and poof! She disappeared.

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  4. To be honest, if she butts out of business that isn’t hers and sticks to parochial Irish politics the world will be all the better for it.

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  5. The “More targetted than thou” competition will be epic. I for one look forward to Naima’s recovery of repressed memories of her Project BLUEBIRD assassin-alter programming and her super-soldier bloodline.

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    • Naima’s latched on to Heather Brown now and is repeating outrageous claims about Karen being a slave-trader as though they’re proven facts, whilst simultaneously dissing us for using court reports and press articles as sources. You couldn’t make her up.

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      • She has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a fruitcake….with icing and hundreds and thousands and whatever else nonsense you can add. I hope Karen is LAUGHING at her ’cause I know I am.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I am, actually. I’m not sure what she thinks she’s accomplishing, as no one believes a word she says anyway. It’s so clear she’s scrambling to protect what remains of her tattered “brand”. The orgonite/shungite market is already saturated, and her only distinct product is the fake–and widely debunked–magic “generator”, the QEG. She’s in a tough spot, and has been reduced to pretending to be a “targeted individual” in order to scrounge for scraps from the unhinged and vulnerable. Her grift is rapidly dying, poor thing.

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          • These days she has to seek out ever-more faith-based suckers: dipsticks who are scared to “look stuff up” in case it betrays a disturbing lack of faith (because even if you avoid skeptical sources of information, even a cursory search for “Quantum Energy Generator” shows that Griftgirl has been proclaiming its completion for many years, and has been selling kitsets for many years, and still needs money to make it work).

            I guess she has shorn the evangelical-christianist sheep, hence the re-invention as a Targetted Individual, to defraud that smaller community. Trouble is that members of the Targetted Individual community are either subsisting on mental-illness assistance, and have fuck-all money to give her; or they are scammers themselves; or both.

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          • I’m pretty sure Elon Musk and Tesla plus launching his own space rockets along with the incredible advances in renewable solar and wind energy have taken the wind (geddit) out of QEG and other such scams.

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          • Not so sure the wind is out of these schemes.

            It seems one of Woodford’s, errr, less liquid (“dodgy” to you) investments has been into a company that spent some time and money on LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, today’s term for Cold Fusion.

            Even those who claim it actually exists haven’t a clue on the process – a pretty vital step to actually making it work.

            Looking at all this, it soon became clear that the LENR supporters are more concerned with getting funding away from current fusion research (JET and ITER). A process where the science is well understood rather than non-existent, and the present research “only” into the engineering challenges.

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    • Yes, indeed! And I wonder which of her family members she will accuse of having offered her up as a victim to be chased through the woods and sexually assaulted by random army officers? Also entertaining will be her special rendition of “this is how MK Ultra really worked”.


  6. As a Satanist I missed Angela Power Disney. With her liver and brain refreshed I look forward to more interesting and funny shit coming out of Angie’s bottom. In my opinion every Hoax must have an Angela Power Disney. Welcome back old girl.

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  7. I feel sorry for the poor alcoholics, their treatment plan would have gone out the window the minute she signed in.

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    • I can’t wait to hear what Dr Hemp has to say. Mind you I can already give you a synopsis:

      1. Satanic ritual abuse is real and he’ll mention the names of the children and protected witnesses.
      2. The rite of sodomy exists and he’ll go into some detail….because he likes to.
      3. Eating/smoking/’rubbing in’ hemp opens your third eye and gets rid of your conditioning. It does not make you lazy or crazy…not ever.
      4. Eating raw veggies is the way to go. Flex those muscles Abe! You might be short but you is strauuuung.
      5. The ‘trolls’ are all GCHQ, MI5, CIA, FBI and whatever other agency he can think of. He has no evidence for this but his finely honed and radically stoned intuition tells him so.
      6. He really does have a Phd…..honest. Anyone can give them out you know.

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  8. Just listened to Devines live YT stream with Paterson and Hope girl(usual mind numbing drivel). About 20 mins from the end Abe tries to enter stream using password “hoaxtead”. Then Kaley in chat tries to assist Abe by wrongly typing the password “HOAXTED”, unsurprisingly Abe fails and Devine rapidly closes stream because of “business”.

    The levels of unbridled ineptitude on display is truly phenomenal.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I can hardly hear Hopey and Praterson, so that’s two plus points already 😂

      By the way, where did you get that footage of me trying to get up on a Sunday morning?

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    • Just watched this with Agent J. We’ve finished the Doritos and developed lockjaw from all the uncontrolled laughter. At one point poor J was heard to mutter, “I’m dying here.”

      Anyhoo, here are some our salient observations, to add to R Scrapes’s above:

      – Hope Girl looks really uncomfortable when Praterson starts slagging off the pride parade 👠
      – And she looks utterly bewildered when Devine starts telling her all about ‘surrogate king’ John Wanoa and his flag 😆
      – “Hoaxtead uses Quatloos as one of its main sources,” according to Hopey. Who knew?
      (Meanwhile, Hope Girl uses convicted stalker Heather Brown as one of her main sources. No, seriously)
      – Devine thinks Hope Girl’s name is Cindy. And Praterson thinks it’s Melanie.😂
      – Hopey thinks that McKenzie’s Devils is a Karen irving sock.🙄
      – She struggles to stay awake when Praterson starts banging on about “equity lawyer Edward William Ellis”.
      – Hopey really starts squirming when Praterson starts bigging up Kesha (see Sheva’s tweet below). Don’t sweat it, Hopey – at least you were spared the indignity of Devine bigging up his hero (and your former beau) Ray Savage 🤭

      – Hopey says that this blog is “well funded”. I think we should take that as a compliment 🙂
      – Praterson and devine both thank Hopey for her “amazing research” 🙄
      – Cat Snot, Jackie Bellows and Kaley Einav were all in the chat (breaking numerous arse-licking records, from what we saw).
      – According to both Hopey and Devine, we work for the energy industry and we only “troll” Hopey and Wanoa )and, er, Matt Taylor) to stop them promoting their respective “free energy projects” 🙄
      – Great ending – Devine talking over Hopey and Praterson for some time (rabbiting to his mate on the phone), before cutting them both off 🤣

      This show didn’t go Hopey’s way, did it? I think she was hoping to get an hour to slag off and slander Hoaxtead and Karen Irving, but Statler and Waldorf just kept banging on about common law, Wanoa’s flag and corruption remedies while she just sat there zoning out and trying to look interested 😂

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Help!!:
    I’ve found another nasty page on Facebook about Hampstead that names the children and protected witnesses (with photos). It IS accessible in the UK as I found with a proxy but I also had a UK pal confirm this.
    It also attacks and names Hampstead mothers. It looks like it’s probably by that creep Kane Slater but importantly: it seems to have no accessible report button! How come? I’ve tried numerous times and there just isn’t one.
    And this is after Nick Clegg bullshitted recently that he was on the case & Russia didn’t interfere with elections and other such claptrap.. Facebook just lie, lie and lie again as do their paid apparatchiks like Clegg.

    Where in the Hell, are Britain’s frigging politicians who seem like rabbits caught in the headlights. Taking on Facebook & other social media giants would be a constituent winner quite apart from great publicity (speaking as an old publicist). I despair but I won’t let these creeps and criminals win.
    ## obviously can’t post a link but any advice accepted.

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  10. As for HopeGirl and her ridiculous QEG: I recall reading this article years ago about a 13 year old boy who had discovered something way beyond my understanding (dontcha love clever kids?) with solar panels. He must now be 21 so I wonder what he’s up to?.
    I can’t find it now but I also read a report recently about a US company that was producing solar panel “windows” ie: an ordinary window that could include solar.
    Such exciting progress that makes QEG look very old fashioned (especially since it didn’t work).

    13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence

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    • Of course there are critics but: I was brought up by a father who was a banker in later life but originally a scientist / chemist (hello Neelu) and we had endless arguments over dinner, much to my mother’s despair, about science.
      He had the usual scientist’s view that unless you could prove something- it didn’t exist but, and a very big but- he always conceded that failed experiments were invaluable as they always led to success eventually. The put downs of this boy ignore that science (drummed into me relentlessly) only ever advances by almost infinitesimal steps and numerous failures are part of success.
      Of course QEG has never even had the slightest of successes. It’s a scam and it’s cruel one.
      # this article is the sort of thing my father railed against as he said most criticism of scientists- when the public or media expected miracles- ignores the reality of how great advances come about by tiny steps.

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    • Yes, I recently heard about the transparent solar panels too. Could be a game-changer.

      And the “Quantum Energy Generator”, which has never worked despite years of Hope Girl claiming it’s reached “over-unity”, looks like a child’s science fair project on the impossibility of creating energy from nothingness.

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  11. Remember, foiks – just 4 days to go ’til the revolution and John Wanoa takes his rightful place as King of Engerland and has all our heads chopped off. Or something…

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  12. This really is just as stupid as it sounds, but it beats Hope Girl’s fake “free energy” Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) by a country mile:

    Also: amusement value > QEG scam by approximately 1M/times.


  13. YOU’VE just had the woodchipper serviced? But… but… you don’t do threats, Paterson – you merely pass on what the gangsters in your head have told you. Right…?

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  14. According to Praterson, two of us have already been bumped off, much to the delight of Devine.
    Dream on, lads 🙄

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    • The scary thing is- is he insane enough to actually off someone who he ‘thinks’ is a HR poster (we all know that they regularly accuse various people of being other people anyway)

      I personally think he’s just a wannabe blowhard- but the incidence of those with mental issues is very high amongst them, and it wouldn’t be the first time one of the nutters decided to do something dangerous to other people… (thinking of the nutcase that shot up Comet Pizza here)

      Someone who makes public death threats as often as he does probably should have a visit from the police imho

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      • I’m fairly sure that if John Paterson had a tendency to violence he would have shown it by now. However his only connections with violence are in threatening it and being on the receiving end of it. That doesn’t mean that his persistent threats couldn’t be very distressing to a vulnerable victim and that would obviously give him a great deal of pleasure, but that only underlines that he can only deal out imaginary violence.
        If they find Judge Cahill in pieces tomorrow I will change my mind, but he made that threat a long time ago and she’s still in one piece.

        I think he refers to the woodchipper because he imagines that it would be easy to kill someone with such a mechanical aid, though actually if you think it through, the business of human butchery is extremely difficult and woodchippers won’t take a whole body in one go. Or at all actually, bodies being rather tougher than twigs.

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    • So apparently 2 “GCHQ operatives” would be be “disappeared” and he thinks the agency would sit back and not give a stuff?.
      Watching too many James Bond or Jason Stratham movies methinks.

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  15. Devine must be wetting himself now at Peter Coyle & Paris Barrington’s defections. Mind you he pisses on lives anyway so no difference there. 🤮

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  16. The Johnny Praterson fan club, bless ’em…

    By the way, I’ve been asking around re. this “Hoaxtead must be gutted – all charges against John have been dropped” bollocks (see Devine’s video above) and it seems none of us even knew he’d been charged with anything or what it was for. Paterson, Devine, Kaley, Angela, Matty, Jackie and Hopey must be gutted 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Charges dropped” (no idea if true or not) by a court they claim has no jurisdiction anyway? . I just cannot get my head around their claims. What a bizarre mindset where they cherry-pick bits of society that are real and not according to some jumbled up method.
      I think their insanity really hit me when recently one said the more you read the endless ravings of Lord Wanoa the more you understand them.

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      • The court only has jurisdiction when it rules in the fruitloops’ favour. When it rules against them, however, it’s because the judges are all evil Satanists who should be fined a trillion pound, fed through the woodchipper and/or hanged for treason. C’mon, mate – haven’t you read the Magna Carta?

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  17. Princess Neelu has found a new scam re mortgages. I really cannot stand these Freeman phonies and con artists.
    I have full sympathy for anyone evicted (even the idiot Neelu) but she’s basically part of these scams the way she promotes them to desperate people. 100,000s must struggle with mortgages today seeing it takes about 10 years of wages to repay a mortgage when decades ago it took 3 years.

    It’s a nightmare for people today and scandals like the Sub Prime Mortgage debacle did mean corporate grifters got away with it and-something should be done. But these grifters are like leeches.

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  18. Oh dear, it seems I’ve upset the convicted stalker and self-confessed paedophile Matt Taylor.
    And I feel just awful about it 🤭

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    • So when the 29th comes and goes and King Johnny is still just cooking fish in the boot of his car what do we think they are going to claim?
      I speculate that they will simply say The Revolution has begun and we are so blinkered we cannot see it while their handful of followers will simply believe every thing they waffle on about.
      ## The 29th is indeed a very important date- for me. Root canal therapy I’ve been waiting to have fixed for weeks.

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      • A fiver says “We’ve won, Andy” will make an appearance at some point, uttered by at least one of the Two Johns.

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  19. One little snippet from the doctor in Neelu’s transcript of his previous meeting was this line:

    “…because of the fact that you’ve been labelled as [requiring mental services with a delusion deficit] historically”

    She;s not posted anything on You Tube and her use of the word “apparently” suggests he wasn’t at chez Neelu.

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    • You get a full understanding of the Nuttiness of Neelu by viewing that video from which she has taken a screenshot for the head picture on her Facebook page.
      She appears to be giving a speech in front of a group of m’learned gentlemen and indeed they are a bunch of lawyers at some legal conference in India.
      But alas for Neelu she begins her speech and within minutes starts raving nonsense and one rushes up to cover the microphone and obviously asks her to leave as he realises they inadvertently had invited Miss Fruitcake 2010 to the podium.

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      • That screenshot is from these videos, Sam – and the microphone moment you mention comes at 6:10 in the second one:

        By the way, the lady who speaks just before said incident is Ruby Akhtar, who was (don’t know if she still is) Andy Peacher’s co-presenter on Freedom Talk Radio and was on of the interviewers in the infamous chat with Ray SAvage back in 2015 when he revealed that he was proving the Hampstead accused’s guilt through water dowsing:

        She was/is also a “Pakistani Jew” who was involved with the BNP and the EDL’s Pakistani Christian Division (go figure) and a is a big pusher of common law woo. She also has a previous conviction (not sure what for) and apparently her defence involved claiming to have Down syndrome. There used to be an article about her on the Hope Not Hate website but it’s not up any more. There is, however, a brief discussion about her here (with input from your good self):

        Liked by 2 people

          • Hi Steve. As I’ve often mentioned, some comments require approval or go straight to spam/trash. We try to clear them as quickly as possible but unfortunately we can’t monitor it 24/7.

            Liked by 1 person

        • Certainly have read it, and saw the videos, I’d actually forgotten that one of Neelu speaking- the ‘applause’ at the end was certainly rather lackluster wasn’t it LOL
          I downloaded the 2 hour one, that will have to wait till later before I can watch it tho…

          for all the hard work T.O.T.
          and for Scarlet too
          (it’s just WordPress being it’s usual self, some get held up, others go straight through, no apparent reason or rhyme to it LOL)

          Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks, EC. I just wanted to make sure Sam had seen it, as he’d asked about her. I see he’s thumbed it up now, so I know he’s seen it now 🙂

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  20. The Angel of Death makes an appearance. Not only a super qualified pharmacist but a surgeon too. She’s trying to hassle the CEO of the trust complaining that EWE hasn’t been treated for 6 months. That he had an appointment in March gives the lie to this.

    She goes on: “Mr Ellis has moved out of the area.” So still on the run then.

    Me thinks that what is going on here is that she has realised that she could be in deep deep trouble for forcing him to refuse treatments and is trying the old bait and switch trick.

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    • Not sure whether she would be culpable should Edward suffer a collapse although bearing in mind the young girl who was convicted for urging her ex-boyfriend to commit suicide.
      Neelu has plastered her intentions all over the net and was there bursting into the surgery telling Edward to leave. She could be on shaky ground.

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  21. I really tried to understand Devine’s reasoning, probably an hour ago, (he is still going), but once he talked about a silver bullet, King Augustus, putting mortgages on people’s heads & read out Neely’s 24 hour demand to someone at the NHS for private health care for Edward Ellis, (who sounds in a very bad way), I zoned out. Until…..Neelu.. star of the planet Vevine, came on to say her door had been kicked in today to disappear Edward Ellis on mental health grounds……..jump forward to now, he is verbally abusing Paris Barrington. Over & out before I drop off…… again. 💤😴💤

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  22. Sunday morning……a knock on the door……is it an Admiral with a trillion pound lien… it ‘ Atchet ‘ Arry with the wood chipper……nah, just the paper boy. What a deluded wanker.

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    There’s a last minute hitch. Lord Wanoa, his Equerry Andy Devine and Head of Household (Sussex caravan) John Paterson have been flying the flag UPSIDE DOWN.
    According to The Admiralty Law of The King’s Park Bench : anyone who desecrates the flag by wearing it (for instance on a yellow vest thingie) ,waving it, displaying it on a wall (in a Greek cottage for instance) upside down then all Contracts are rendered Null & Void by Order of King William, The Trillion Pound Note is also immediately decreased in value to about 2 pence.
    By Order and signed by my hand on 20th August 1765 at 77 Cook Road, Auckland
    William IV of the United Kingdom & All her Dominions (except Victoria and Scotland. bugger them)

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    • A distress signal? Oh no! He’s shat his pants again. How do we know? Mossad Dry Cleaners, Auckland, NZ have just sent in their daily report to GCHQ.

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    • The footage there is from a 2016 episode:

      Wanoa was still playing nice with the Maori-autonomy activists in those days, while keeping quiet about his beliefs that (a) “Maori” is a made-up word; (b) he is really a hereditary chief from Moriori / Easter-Island / Hawai’ian / Tahitian royal bloodlines; and (c) the Maori-autonomy activists are scum for not rallying behind him.So he was still regularly managing to get his mouth in front of microphones.

      It was not a good reflection on the Maori Party that they gave him and his psychoses some legitimacy for so long.

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    • Loved the Warrant to search for and remove patient from Barkingmad Magistrates Court- well that’s what I read it as LOL

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  24. Devine getting back at someone he doesn’t like by harassing his son
    (He viciously attacked him in his ‘Message to We the People!’ video earlier today too.)



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  25. Er… yes, Kaley – we’re terrified. I for one can barely sleep with all the fear that’s coursing through me 🙄

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    • Also, he invented the word ‘Zatanist’ (don’t ask me what the f*ck it means) but still can’t spell it 😀

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  26. Don’t know about anyone else but we appear to be observing an outbreak of mass hysteria in real time. It was easy to explain Neelu and EWE away as simple folie à deux, but we are well into folie à plusieurs territory now.

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    • Karen Irvine Exposed! an animal lover. I spotted them 4 times in the background. I think a black cat and a small dog?. Parading back and forth as is their wont when they are not the center of attention and demand to be at least be in the picture.

      Another great video. Always fascinating to hear the nuts and bolts of how a court case unfolds when usually we only get brief reports of the main points.
      One important aspect mentioned: the notion that the general public and witnesses should feel they are able to freely come and go without fear of intimidation. I won’t mention names but recently the actions of noisy crowds turning up to support a high profile anti-Muslim activist touches on this.

      Neelu is really a lot craftier than she let’s on. She declares said restraining orders null & void or illegal etc but still very carefully steps around them.
      Despite that a case could be crafted out of that word : agents. It could be said Andy Devine and so many others act as her “agents” in re-cycling the false Hampstead accusations especially after they have spoken to her.
      This lot really can’t help but place all their transgressions on-line for all the world to see..and archive.
      # It sounds like Edward Ellis went meekly off to his mental health assessment ( without Neelu there to interfere) and hopefully his dialysis. This reminds me of our Aussie friend who twice reached out to police for help. People with mental health issues often do this. They seek help in odd ways just as Arfur argued very unconvincingly with police in his last episode but meekly accompanied them so he could be helped.

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      • Ah, I see you have spotted my familiars, traipsing around in the background. They are good company, but do have a tendency to photo-bomb. Or video-bomb, as the case may be.

        Neelu has violated the restraining order on at least one occasion that I recall (and I’m probably forgetting some), which is why she was so twitchy when the court police came into the courtroom during Sabine’s trial. As one observer noted, “I had no idea Neelu was part jackrabbit, she bolted so fast!”

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      • “She declares said restraining orders null & void or illegal etc but still very carefully steps around them.”

        Admittedly she talks about Hampstead less these days but there’s still the occasional breach, as EC points out above. On one occasion, for instance, she linked a Jake Clarke post in which he named some of the accused and their children.

        And as well as the Hampstead breaches, she routinely blatantly breaches her restraining order issued by two hospitals in 2004:

        Liked by 1 person

  27. Any word on the Revolution? It’s nearly 10 am on the 29th June here in Oz.
    Have there been any reports of the Royal Family fleeing the Palace?. Are they holed up in Frogmoore Cottage?
    Lord Wanoa has never mentioned Kensington Palace. Will that be occupied?.
    Is The Mall and Parliament Square littered with tanks and armed troops who have defected to the other side?
    How will we know?. What if there is a news blackout?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh ye of little faith, Sam! When you posted that, it was still 11pm on Revolution Eve here. Just you wait – this coup is going to be almost as successful as the last one back in the heady Spring of 2019 AD, which saw the ‘Barring of the King’ at Heath Row, the tragic Tesco Car Park Cheesecake Massacre and the infamous Battle of Hyde Park, in which a whopping 10 revolutionaries descended on the now famous battleground and stood around moaning whilst the enemy, resplendent in their black, white and blue uniforms and warrior caps politely asked them to be good and not cause any trouble. Let’s hope today is just as thrilling and significant…!

      Liked by 1 person

      • The naval flotilla has encountered a minor logistics issue so the revolution may be slightly delayed.Thankyou for your patience.

        Liked by 3 people

      • It’s OK for you to mock. The council just upgraded some lampposts very near where I live, replacing old wooden ones with sturdy metal ones that look like they could carry a fair weight.


  28. And here was me, thinking that life was boring in the UK….Seriously, though – this is incredibly disturbing; this type of dangerous BS led to the destruction of lives, communities over here, in Canada and even more so, to the south of us.


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