Hoaxers spread misinformation about reporting restriction

Since the beginning of Sabine McNeill’s trial in November 2018, the pedlars of conspiracy fantasy have been trying to sow confusion and anger about one aspect of the trial: the reporting restriction which was put in place to protect certain witnesses.

This video from The Tusk Force shows Devine in full voice, howling about this perceived injustice:

It’s in the interest of people like Angela Power-Disney, Andy Devine, and Paul Rodgers/Eddie Isok to claim that the reporting restriction prohibits any and all publication of the details of the trial.

Making this claim enables the Hampstead SRA hoax pushers to falsely claim that this blog is in some way “protected” because we have published detailed reports on the trial and its aftermath with no adverse consequences—unlike, say, Rodgers or Belinda McKenzie, who both breached the reporting restrictions and were convicted of contempt of court for their pains.

In fact, Angela recently claimed that not only were we in breach of the order by publishing details of Sabine’s trial, but we were somehow violating the law by publishing details of Rodgers’ and Belinda’s contempt hearings.

No need to write EC’s name in all-caps, Angela…we already know how you worship her.

To settle the matter once and for all, we’d like to present the actual reporting restriction order, as imposed by HHJ Beddoe and cited by HHJ Sally Cahill QC on multiple occasions throughout Sabine’s trial:

It is pretty plain, we think.

On 15th December 2017, HIS HONOUR JUDGE BEDDOE hereby orders—

(1) Pursuant to Section 46 of the YOUTH JUSTICE & CRIMINAL EVIDENCE ACT 1999, that no matter (including the identities of their children) relating to the following witnesses: [names all redacted] be included in any publication if it is likely to lead members of the public to identify them as being witnesses in the proceedings.

This order is made for the purposes of improving the quality of the evidence given by the witnesses.

It’s not bleedin’ rocket science. Write about the trial, but don’t name those five witnesses (whose names, we hasten to add, are not blacked out in the original).

Funnily enough, a large number of mainstream media outlets have managed to publish about the trial and its outcome, with no apparent ill effects. As we have pointed out previously, it’s basically just a matter of apprising themselves of the rules, and then bloody following them. Like, you know, a trained journalist might do. Or somebody who can read a notice posted on the door of a courtroom.

It’s difficult to know whether the conspiranoids truly believe that we (and The Times, and The Telegraph, and The Mirror, and The Ham & High, and The Daily Mail, and probably some others we haven’t seen yet) are really violating the reporting restriction, or whether they are just making their usual baseless false allegations in order to stir up their gullible followers.

We hope, though, that reading the actual order might help clear things up for some. For those who are determined to believe that any and all reporting on the trial is reserved only for this blog and the mainstream media, we can only wonder what their agenda might be.

82 thoughts on “Hoaxers spread misinformation about reporting restriction

  1. It really is simple isnt it???
    And yet again, the hoaxers simply can’t do it…

    It’s like they WANT to be hauled up before the courts???

    Liked by 6 people

    • They do – I still don’t entirely understand what motivates them but attention-gathering is obviously a part of it. Combined with an inability to reckon consequences; the reason why e.g. Neelu falls for every scam going.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I don’t know if they are just plain thick or deliberately mislead.
        Bizarrely while they make this claim that Hoaxtead breaches these imaginary reporting restrictions they actually do so themselves.
        I’m getting well & truly over This Mob (c) and their weirdo claims. Endless claims about ‘secret courts’ which are non-existent and fulminating about EC’s reports while demanding their imaginary secret court restrictions be imposed.
        And I’m over Neelu big time now. I have plenty of grips about certain politicians, even some coppers etc but I’d never want nay harmed.
        Neelu is demanding lynchings and murder. Not good enough.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. Great article and great work from the tusk force. Again any opportunity to spin things in order to justify the unjustifiable. When will they realize that it’s not doing themselves any favours in the long term.Some of the press coverage has been good and its great to see that more people will become aware of the current issues around alt media and the dangers that have came with that,

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Thanks for sharing that order, EC. There really is no excuse, is there?

    “It’s not bleedin’ rocket science… It’s difficult to know whether the conspiranoids truly believe that we… are really violating the reporting restriction, or whether they are just making their usual baseless false allegations in order to stir up their gullible followers.”

    Yep. Spot-on. Either way, though, they’re being highly irresponsible.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. No need to write EC’s name in all-caps, Angela

    Our Lady of the Garbage may not personally be a Sovereign Citizen, or adhere to their cargo-cult legal theory that there is a difference between the majuscule and minuscule spelling of names, but her actual and potential readership are largely SovCits (the stupidest people on the Intertubes), so it makes sense to follow their conventions.

    I miss the good old days when writing in ALL-CAPS just meant that the author was a shouty halfwit and you didn’t have to think about which form of halfwittery it diagnosed.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What has been interesting has been watching how the news gets syndicated. I paid for the Court News UK report but didn’t post it as the licence terms forbade it. The Court News UK report was made up mainly from the two sentencing hearings. I can’t speak about the other days but there were two reporters there on the 19th.

    Almost all these newspaper reports are adapted directly from the Court News UK report – you can tell as they all say she was found guilty of 4 charges of harassment rather than 4 of stalking. In its original form the Daily Mail report was also practically identical. However, they appear to have added the additional reporting on Ella/Abe and the additional Met police quotes themselves the next day as I could find nothing on Court News detailing it.

    It makes sense as having teams of reporters at every case would be prohibitively expensive, especially because the reporting of the basic facts would be the same anyway.

    Liked by 3 people

      • No. EC’s reporting on this case has to be held up as the gold standard. By its very nature newspaper court reporting will have to condense down the proceedings to fit the space available for copy.

        I think that’s what’s infuriated the hoaxers. They are fond of claiming secret hearings, disappeared transcripts, no media reporting etc. so that when there is definitive reporting of fact and their claims are shown to be complete hogwash they have to lash out to cover up their blatant falsehoods.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Which always follows with ‘Giz a donation (so I don’t have to go to work)’ or ‘Invest in my free energy machine (so I don’t have to go to work)’.

          p.s. ‘I don’t have to go to work is code for ‘I’m unemployable.’

          Liked by 3 people

        • Thanks, Owl. 🙂

          I think that’s what’s infuriated the hoaxers. They are fond of claiming secret hearings, disappeared transcripts, no media reporting etc. so that when there is definitive reporting of fact and their claims are shown to be complete hogwash they have to lash out to cover up their blatant falsehoods.

          I chose to write detailed chronological summary reports rather than the inverted-pyramid style used in print journalism, for that very reason. I think it’s important that a full record exists, in part to debunk the hoaxers’ claims of “secret hearings” and “stitch-ups” etc.

          The fact that this has seriously pissed them off is just an enjoyable side effect.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Your court reports were fantastic EC and really helped us all to know exactly what was being said in the courtroom.

            Liked by 4 people

          • Our North Africa pseudo-science correspondent has been following Abes slippery slope to self delusion and cosmic entanglement in recent weeks.Christies initial trials combining cannabis enemas,anal reflex stimulation and camels remain very much in the extremely early sequencing stages.

            A local villager remarked “كريستي هو أحمق سخيف كامل” which roughly translated suggests he considers Christie to be several chick peas short of a full bowl of Falafel.


    • In the interest of balance, Christine’s a bit of a fruitloop too. Case in point – her latest video’s called ‘How Crystals Heal Sexual Abuse’. I’m not making that up.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oddly I’ve just been reading her life history although I had some problems as my thoughts were continually drowned out as an orchestra of 100 violins kept striking up during parts of her tragic life.
        And I was almost put off to read she worked with the disgraced ‘Fake Sheik’ posing as his wife for stings that we now know have ruined so many people.

        She had a career on the News of The World (something to boast about?) and other tabloids after shacking up briefly with a hack who boasted that “we ruin lives, that’s out job” and who later become an editor before going to ‘Hello’ Magazine where his first big coup was purchasing photos of Michael Douglas & Catherine Zera Jones wedding, taken surreptitiously by a waiter.

        The problem was Douglas had sold exclusive rights to OK ! for $2M with the money going to charity so Douglas sued Hello and won and it cost them around $4M. I was furious because it stuffed up a 2 years of bliss I had with Hello for various (non journalism) work ( I loved hello because everything had to be positive) with amazing pay but when Douglas won the Spanish owners had to slash costs all over the place (including me).

        Christine is a full-on “Monarch” victim and claims she was alerted to this at book-signing by an old lady who flew from NY just to tell her she had been trained from birth by the Catholic Church as a deep spy and her entire life and career is all part of Manchurian Candidate exercise and even her visits to the Priory Clinic for her perceived PTSD were in fact ‘programed’ so she could be, well re-programmed to continue.

        She does however spin a really good yarn and I was quite hooked. No wonder Angela Daisy Power ( and I bet F.Barnett) is seething as Christine does it all so much better. And she really did work on newspapers.

        Liked by 3 people

        • I watched a couple of that lady’s (Christine) videos – she does seem to have been a genuine abuse victim herself during childhood – as it was in a Catholic environment maybe that helped colour her feelings/opinions about the Catholic Church (which aren’t good). Now it does seem that there were some priests and religious (‘religious’ can be used as a noun in the Catholic church to describe nuns and monks) who have abused children and one person who does that is one too many. In my hometown there were a couple of priests (some decades ago) who got married (one to an ex-nun) but I don’t know of any child abuse by the church in my town.

          Wobbly Wheel, cloning is quite a popular conspiracy theory it seems (maybe some people watched too many episodes of “Orphan Black”*) so maybe Devine and Divine were clones.

          *I liked what I saw of “Orphan Black” – the first couple or three series – but I knew it was fiction.

          Liked by 1 person

    • I wonder if either of them would be so foolish to do what they are doing if they both lived in the UK? My bet is that yes they probably would as their stupidity knows no bounds.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I don’t think so myself Arthur, Devine is always saying on his lives, ” if I was there, I would do…..”, to me that is the sign of a coward. All talk & no trousers. I doubt if he will come to London either when ‘King John No Brains’ arrives to claim his ‘Kingdom’. He is too slippery & will find an excuse because he knows fine well it’s all a big scam.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Yes, I guess that Devine is quite happy where he is, telling other people what they should do regardless if it leads to their arrest. If he was here himself then I doubt he would be willing to put himself on the line and risk arrest.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Pike does not seem very interested in helping the constabulary solve the case of Paterson Vs. Aggressive Lamppost. It is almost as if he’s only using it as an excuse to throw accusations in all directions.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Devine’s reported also but I could only report it for false news so I don’t hold out much hope on that one.

    Disgusting liars & bullies defaming innocent people, as they always do.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m confused. There’s no fake news reporting category on Facebook. If you click on the fake news link, you only get an option to block the person, not report the post.

      Also, you can’t report posts that have images attached, annoyingly. If you click on that Devine post, you only get an option to report the photos, not the post itself. It’s a flaw in Facebook’s system that’s been reported to them several times to no avail.


      • It wouldn’t be realistic to have a facility for reporting fake news anyway. There’s no way that Facebook staff would have the time to investigate every news item reported. You’re talking hours, if not days, of investigation into each post reported, and if I’m not mistaken, they have literally seconds to respond to each report.

        Liked by 1 person

        • There is also the well documented fact that most of the staff are employed in Third World countries. This is good for them and a positive that they have the work but as pointed out the cultural differences who monitor complaints can be a problem.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Ah, I think you’ve reported it as false news from the ‘feedback’ options. Sadly, those aren’t actual reports and don’t lead to strikes or removals – they’re just a data-gathering exercise.


      • I reported it first as harassment, but because it comes up as ‘what is wrong with this photo’ I then reported it as false news as there was no other option or I couldn’t see one that would fit, any advice gratefully accepted though!


  7. EC I need desperate help…most likely a solicitor. Someone posted the names of the children again on FB over the weekend….which we know is not allowed; it has been taken down but this is what the person said
    @’Spent all week going over xxxx and xxxxx interviews, and the retractions, and reports… The first interview the children where so clear, so open, and the retraction they are all over the place… The body language is so different. It appears to have been removed as I said ‘surely this is illegal?’ I told them this is illegal via a third party but now they have put up a save Sabine poster; the system doesn’t let me ‘click and paste’.

    (Bangs head on table; like I don’t have enough to do!)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Let’s hear it for Lucca! 😀

    Don’t ask me how Angie managed to post that comment, btw. I suspect she must just have restrictions on that account, rather than a full suspension (?).

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Pingback: GoDaddy balks at removing child-abusing domains | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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