Sabine McNeill on trial: Day 9

First thing this morning, HHJ Sally Cahill QC gave a stern lecture to those of us in the public gallery, reminding the small group assembled that this trial has reporting restrictions to protect the identities of all children involved in the Hampstead matter.

She reminded us in pointed terms that the restriction includes “any speech, writing…or other communication in any form of address to the public at large”. This includes emails, to one or to many. 

“This order must be strictly observed”, she said. “If not, I will invite the Crown to take appropriate proceedings”. 

Witness 5, continued

Michael Scott, the forensic computer analyst who testified yesterday afternoon, took the witness box. 

Miranda Moore QC, prosecuting, asked Scott whether the documents he had found on Sabine McNeill’s Google Drive corresponded exactly with any of the documents which had been found on her computer. He said that no exact copies had been found, but that there were documents which appeared to be earlier derivations of the documents on the Drive. 

He explained how Google Drive works, noting that its default setting is “private”, but that users can share the files they store on their Drive with others, in various ways.

Users may choose to share individual files, entire folders, or all the contents of their Google Drive. They can also choose levels of sharing, from completely private to freely available to the entire internet. They can also decide whether they wish to allow those with whom they share to only look at their material, or to “organise, add, or edit” documents, files, or folders.

Users can keep their files, folders, or entire contents completely private, accessible only via a username and password. If they choose to make some or all of the contents of their Drive public to the internet, or to make some or all of the contents open to anyone with a link, no sign-in or password is required. 

Scott also explained how Twitter works. He said that in addition to posting links on Twitter manually, one could set their Twitter account to do automatic processes. It is possible, he said, to program a template so that one’s tweets always contain a particular set of information. This is very easy to do, and takes a matter of minutes. 

Similarly, Scott said, reversing this process—that is, taking a template out of one’s tweets—is very simple and not time consuming. 

Moore asked, “What would one do if one were minded to stop people getting into one’s Google Drive?” 

“Simply remove the sharing option”, Scott said. “You can do a search for all shared documents within the Drive, right-click the list, and change the status to ‘not shared'”. Alternatively, you could delete the documents in question from the folder, but this would be more time-consuming. 

Moore asked Scott what he had found on the files on Sabine’s Google Drive. He said he had found 16 sub-folders containing a total of 119 files, all of which were configured to one of two possible settings: “anybody with a link can view” or “available to the internet”. They were all accessible and required no login or password to view. 

Moore asked whether, if one could see the various “tiles” (sometimes known as “thumbnails”) of Sabine’s Google Drive contents via a link from Twitter, this meant that all of those files were accessible without a password. Scott said that this was correct. 

Scott said that like Twitter, Facebook has options which enable users to put templates into their posts. It is straightforward to put automatic links into a document produced on Facebook, he said. 

“If I wanted to link a WordPress site to Twitter or Facebook, how easy would that be?” Moore asked. 

“Very straightforward”, Scott said. It is possible to set WordPress to automatically post to Twitter, Facebook, or other popular social media sites using a simple plug-in. He said, however, that without having the site’s login details, it would be impossible to forensically demonstrate whether such auto-generation was taking place or not. 

Scott also explained the basics of, a video sharing site similar in many ways to YouTube. He said that it is very easy to embed a video in a document, either via a link or by dragging and dropping. While he could not say whether has privacy settings, he said that anybody who didn’t wish to share a video could simply remove it from the site. 


Tana Adkin QC asked Scott whether it is possible to say when the sharing settings had been placed on Sabine’s Google Drive. 

“Yes, but you would need the username and password to look at what was configured at what time”, Scott said. “You wouldn’t know if a file had been shared, then unshared, then shared again”. 

“You get the last time it was set up?” Adkin asked. Scott agreed that you would see the most recent setting.

Scott also said that while he had only been able to access one folder containing the 16 sub-folders and 119 files, there could very well have been more folders, or no other folders, on Sabine’s Google Drive. 

Adkin asked Scott whether he had used a link acquired from the Wayback Machine to access the Drive; he said he had. 

She asked whether he could have entered the Drive via links from other sites, and he said that because his investigation had started with the Whistleblower Kids site, this is what he had examined.

“If there is to be a proliferation of material via a video site”, Adkin asked, “is there something on that site that links you to other similar videos?”

Calling this a “massive question”, Scott explained that social media companies guard their algorithms closely, but that in general, one might be able to post a video and then find that other, similar videos come up. 

“If you put in ‘Hampstead’,” Adkin asked, “is there an algorithm to put up other videos of interest?” 

“YouTube makes recommendations, but it gets complicated”, Scott said. “It logs your behaviour, and recommends videos based on the contents of your browser. It might recommend something it’s seen you look for previously, based on your entire browsing history”. 


On re-examination, Scott confirmed Moore’s suggestion that to see whether the privacy settings on Sabine’s Google Drive were set to public or shareable with a link, it would make sense to rely on the witnesses’ evidence that they had indeed visited the site. 

He also confirmed that a folder called “ED videos” which had been shared on Sabine’s Google Drive in 2015 was the same one he had been looking at. 

“You were asked about when privacy settings were changed”, Moore said. “Could you get into them all?”  Scott said he could, and that he could see the date of upload, the name of the owner, the date last modified, and the name of the author. 

Judge Cahill asked Scott, “If I set up a Google Drive, what is the automatic default setting?” Scott said the default is that nothing is shared. 

“And on Twitter?” Judge Cahill asked. 

“If you don’t tweet, you don’t share anything”, Scott said. 

Asked about the default setting on Facebook, he said that this changes often, so it would be difficult to say. 

Witness 6: PC Chris Wall

Statements were read from PC Chris Wall, a police officer involved in the case from 2015 on. The jury heard that when the defence and prosecution agree on the contents of a witness’s testimony, it can save time and money for the testimony to be read aloud rather than have the witness come to court in person; this evidence has the same standing as evidence provided in any other format. 

Wall’s statement included a number of pieces of evidence, including: 

  • A post from Sabine’s Facebook dated 5 April 2015 saying that the “whistleblower kids” need to be rescued from their father ASAP;
  • A post from the Whistleblower Kids site dated March 2015 stating, “Meeting this Sunday outside Christ Church Hampstead London”, to “put a stop to Satanic ritual abuse”, and urging people to sign the petition on;
  • An article from March 2015 on the same site, posting the full medical report from Dr Hodes;
  • An article from the Tap Blog dated 2 February 2015 titled “Children describe Satanic murders they were forced to take part in”, and containing an email to then-Home Secretary Theresa May, along with a list of videos of P and Q; 
  • An update on by Sabine McNeill dated 24 February 2015 in which she introduced “this remarkable video” made by a person later identified as “Jacqui Farmer”, urged readers to “share, share, share”, and said that “once this is over, I can go back to my flat and continue publishing” about the Hampstead case;
  • A post on dated 3 March 2015 called “Hampstead horror action plan” in which Sabine suggested people paint dolls with red nail polish, attach tags directing people to Whistleblower Kids, and post them to businesses in Hampstead;
  • A post from Whistleblower Kids dated 10 April 2015, titled “What if [redacted] took a selfie?” This post contained a link to details of Neelu’s arrest, along with a list of people involved in the case; 
  • An article on Victims Unite! dated 21 February 2015, in which Sabine stated, “If I could publish the videos I would, but these are part of the secret court proceedings”. This article contained a comment from an anonymous poster saying that Abraham Christie had been their step-father, and that he had forced the poster to tell lies about their father. Sabine replied that she did not like Christie either, but that she would “upload the police videos for consistency”; 
  • An update on dated 28 February 2015 talking about the number of views the videos had received online;
  • A post on Tap Blog dated 25 September 2015 talking about the “testimony of two child witnesses that set the internet alight”. This listed videos including “Cutting heads off”, “Wednesday is big sex day”, “Lots and lots of sex”; and others. 

Witness 7: DC Steve Martin

DC Steve Martin took the witness box and stated that he had first become involved in this case in September 2014, when he had been involved with the original interviews with P and Q.

Following this, he changed to the case related to the activities of people who had involved themselves in the Hampstead matter. 

Martin confirmed that part of his job included going online and checking that he was able to get to evidence provided by witnesses in the same way that they described having accessed it. 

He confirmed having visited sites such as Whistleblower Kids, and said that he was aware of the site, where he found a link to the McKenzie Friends website. In April 2017, Martin said, the site still had links to the Hampstead parents. 

Martin confirmed that he had seen a post from Sabine stating that Neelu Berry would be in court the following day, and that Sabine had published Neelu’s witness statement. 

Martin had checked various links from Victims Unite and Whistleblower Kids, and found that Sabine’s account was still live, and that it had had over 19,000 views. Other sites included “Hampstead Abuse: This isn’t over”, with 119,000 views.

He described a GoFundMe page set up for Rupert Quaintance, where Sabine had donated and made comments like, “Keep going” and “Can’t wait to hear some success stories from your London activities”.

Martin confirmed that a computer seized from Sabine contained an Excel spreadsheet which had been found not only on Sabine’s computer but on Rupert Quaintance’s. This sheet listed the parents named by Ella Draper, including first and last names, children’s names, and details such as whether they had been injected or not. The list contained a total of 155 names. 

Martin said he had been asked to look online and determine how proficient Sabine claimed to be. He found various posts from sabine describing her ability to create computer software. She listed her first and only job at CERN, and said she had co-founded something called “NetReach”. On her LinkedIn page, she claimed software expertise, and experience in analysis of complex systems. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computing. 

The missing BCC?

Describing his investigation of a second computer belonging to Sabine, Martin said he could see an Outlook email from Sabine which had been sent on 2 February 2015. This email was addressed to the private office of the Home Secretary, and was cc’d to Ella Draper, the Royal Courts of Justice, the family courts, and Belinda McKenzie, among others. The email demanded the return of the “whistleblower kids” to their mother. 

Moore said that Sabine claimed to have bcc’d a blogger, and asked Martin whether anybody had been bcc’d on this email. “The information in this email does not say he was included”, Martin said. 


Martin also described an email he had found, dated 21 December 2014, to a person named Brad. In the email, titled “How many hours of footage?” Sabine said that she was asking for support. She said she was sharing the videos and wanted to know how to make a trailer for them; she also mentioned having contacted a police officer who she felt would confirm the credibility of the mother’s story. “Russian TV will come on 11 January”, she said. “I may persuade Ella to pay for it”. 


Martin said he had looked at Sabine’s Skype messages. In a message to Belinda McKenzie, dated 28 March 2016, Sabine said, “Oh, Rupert has a gang!”

In an email thread in between Sabine and others, Sabine noted that she would “like to present our solicitor with as much dirt as I can find on the witnesses”—referring to the witnesses in her upcoming trial with Neelu Berry at Blackfriars Crown Court. 

Police interviews

Sabine was interviewed by police a number of times, Martin said. While some of these interviews were “no comment”, in two interviews questions were asked and answered. 

During a July 2017 interview with PC Griffiths, Sabine was asked about three alleged breaches of her restraining order. She stated that these were “not breaches…(but) the unintended consequence of automation”, and stated that she found the allegation of a breach of restraining order “offensive”. 

Asked about a Twitter post, she said, “I didn’t post it, but if I did it was automatic” and “beyond my control”. Her Tumblr account, she said, was “not one I know about”. 

“Links lead to links in a completely unpredictable fashion”, Sabine told Griffiths. Regarding her tweet which contained a link to a post about the Russian mystic Anastasia, she said, “This is another example of WordPress publishing rather than me….I did not know that WordPress would publish that link”. 

Sabine acknowledged that there is an option on WordPress called “Publicize”, and said she would have to look into this on each of her blogs. In relation to the restraining order, she said, she was “as strict as I can possibly be”. 

In another interview with DC Martin, which took place on 16 February 2018, Sabine discussed her recent attendance at the Church of England Synod. She said she had received a phone call from someone named Chris Alexander, who said he had core participant status with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). 

“I thought I could go and get core participant status”, she said, noting that Alexander had suggested she speak to solicitors Richard Scorer and David Greenwood, who would be present at Synod. 

Sabine said she had prepared three or four copies of two documents: one containing a description of “how I had been hounded as a whistleblower” and an article by Linda Stalley of the Maranatha Community. She said that she would have conversations with people, and then to back up her conversation she would give them these documents. 

“Could someone have interpreted this as giving out leaflets?” Martin asked her. 

Sabine was adamant that she had not been leafletting. When Martin asked whether someone might have misunderstood what she was doing, Sabine answered, “Misunderstanding is British slang for framing me, right?”

She called the allegation that she had been leafletting an “outright lie”, and said that she “did not believe” that the material she handed out contained any reference to any person named on the restraining order. 

“How was I supposed to know what leaflets were okay?” she asked, adding that Jake had handed out his own leaflets on A5 paper. 

Sabine said that she and Jake Clarke had attended the event individually, and had met while they were there. However, she said she had told him about it.

“Could this be interpreted as having invited him?” Martin asked. 

“He’s free to come or not”, Sabine said. “I don’t know when or where he was leafletting”. 

Martin concluded his description of this police interview, and as it was 4:30 p.m., court adjourned for the weekend. Martin will continue giving evidence on Monday when court reconvenes at 10:30 a.m.

189 thoughts on “Sabine McNeill on trial: Day 9

  1. I’ll let these screenshots and videos speak for themselves but the gist is that Steve Keys is being falsely accused of being the person who thumped Praterson:

    And as you can see, Angie has re-shared one of the slanderous videos about EC, Steve and others from March (one of the ones that are blocked in the UK for defamation).

    She’s also threatening to post Steve Keys’ phone number and his parents’ address! (He’s been made aware of this, by the way, and is taking it all in his stride, trooper that he is.)

    You’ll also see that there’s an utterly disgusting (in my humble opinion) racist rant from Anthony Pike.

    And in the three Praterson videos:

    – Praterson threatens to turn up at the court “with some friends”.
    – He makes death threats to Steve Keys, whom he’s falsely accusing of being his assailant.
    – He launches further attacks on “the fat Canadian purple-headed dyke” whom he is also accusing of being a heroin addict.

    I’ve reported Angie’s ‘Hampstead Update’ post and one of her comments, btw. But you know Facebook – don’t hold your breath.

    Chin up, guys – the bastards are digging their own graves here (metaphorically speaking) 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • It’ll be interesting to see how Devine et al square supporting the racist Pike whilst also trying to hail Eddieisok as a hero!

      Liked by 2 people

    • You know, an interesting thing about these people who have such odd opinions about some of us is that when they actually do have the opportunity to approach us and ask questions, they don’t do it. I sat in a hallway only feet from both Eddie and Paterson earlier this week, and neither of them had the gumption to actually talk to me. Says a lot, I think.

      Liked by 3 people

    • the bastards are digging their own graves here

      I have set up a GoFundMe account for funds to hire a back-hoe for them. Please give generously.

      Liked by 2 people

    • That Pike comment in full:

      ‘Liked’ and shared by Praterson and subsequently by Angela (who has previously complained about there being too many black people in British cities). Yup.

      Liked by 2 people

        • In one of his videos John Patterson is chortling away about the murders of senior citizens in the Tree Of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. He recounts how he once visited a Synagogue near where he lived which for some reason he found to be a thigh slapping hilarious experience.
          All jokes aside, he really is the most disgusting vile character. Thank God he’s basically a non-entity.

          Liked by 1 person

    • APD and Pratterson certainly seem to be wanting to join Sabine don’t they….
      They have both already come to the courts attention, and yet continue to indulge in behaviour that is actually equally as bad as Sabine- if not worse…

      Liked by 4 people

        • paterson, devine – the last 2 weeks, as far as i could see. but maybe im looking in the wrong places. yt, fb.

          Liked by 1 person

        • I was looking at DeVine’s yt…and could not see eg some of the video’s I saw archived in the office Tapir’s G drive – but in the last day now, I see he’s published a video on the court case with an interview with what sounds like a robot- seriously, at first I thought it was the court service announcement!

          I’ve found the video I was looking for on Angie’s fb feed now, ie the one where she says she is going to send a photograph of one of the children to Barnet Social Services. A picture from last year (ebay). She also says the RD put the children into the spotlight himself last year as if that excuses her breaches of the gagging order. The difference being, of course, that RD did nothing wrong as he did not associate that exposure to the case in any way shape or form. in celebration of the fact the children had done something incredible. Because they are in a supportive environment, duh.


          • @The Office Tapir: Thanks. Do you have separate files for paterson, APD and andy de vine – if so can you give me the links pls? Thanks again, great to have these kept safe for evidence.


  2. Another way to privatise Google drive files is simply to move them to a separate folder on the drive, as I’ve often done.

    Incidentally, this seems like an opportune moment to mention that the link to the Hamphoaxer Trolls folder has been disabled by Scarlet for the duration of Sabine’s trial. Sorry, meant to mention this before.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. “YouTube makes recommendations, but it gets complicated. It logs your behaviour, and recommends videos based on the contents of your browser. It might recommend something it’s seen you look for previously, based on your entire browsing history”.

    In fact it does both. The YT sidebar features both recommendations based on previous viewing and videos linked thematically to the one you’re watching, as well as other videos by the same uploader. That’s been my experience anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the thing is that the algorithms they use are closely guarded by each company. I think the point was that while it’s generally correct that you’ll get something based on what you’re watching, it’s not really completely predictable.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Another great write up from EC.

    Another great hero is DC Martin who has caused tons of nightmares to the Satan Hunters.

    I am getting frustrated over the unnecessary persecution of Steve Keys and his family by some Satan Hunters.

    After Sabine McNeill matter is concluded, it is hoped Angela Power Disney is shot down in flames.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Eddieisok supports brian harvey who is highly antagonistic towards nathan numbnuts wedger who is a friend of belinda and supports racist thug (convicted of racially abusing a taxi driver) yet is critical of el coyote. it’s as if he doesn’t know jack shit.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Listening to Paterson makes me think I am listening to Edward Ellis. Waffle waffle waffle, he makes no sense whatsoever.

    CCTV when viewed, will put paid to his & Angela’s lies! “Allegedly & all that” will not save you from prosecution Angela!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s easy to find many examples of how the net -and the media- really blows up an ordinary situation into a full blown drama.
    A current one is the claim a local Council is attempting to get a convicted rapist father to see the child that was born after the rape.
    It’s a bit sad to see the victim encouraging this claim and I believe she is being manipulated by the media and used by them (needless to say, APD is running the video).

    This has become a full on attack upon the Council with demands laws be changed and how ghastly Council officers must be etc.
    But the cold hard facts are: the Council is NOT encouraging the father to see the child and perhaps such a visit may never happen.

    There are matters about the child before that infamous “secret family court” and the Council has no option: it must by law inform a father (or a mother) of the proceedings. It’s in an impossible situation. It simply cannot break the law without dire consequences.

    I’m not even sure the law could be changed to prevent one parent from being notified of proceedings without other parents totally unconnected to matter s like this being unfairly affected.
    Perhaps there is a case under current laws for getting a prevention order that prevents the father from seeing the child- not unlike how the current accused in the Hoaxtead case was permanently restrained from certain actions.

    But is it wise for the media to encourage a rape victim to be in the glare of publicity given the sensitive nature of the child’s beginnings?. What about the child’s right’s in this case?.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I have a lot of sympathy for her. The law can be an ass.

        The local authority is following the law. Perhaps they could have explained, or her legal team. That this happens isn’t a secret.

        He could theoretically get permission to write to her son and send presents, get school reports and pictures periodically, her son could be taken to the prison. This happens. Children even want to see their convicted rapist fathers.

        I have no doubt there will be a longer campaign about this.

        Liked by 2 people

          • YYCTracey is absolutely right – contact under a child arrangements order isn’t just face to face contact, it’s cards, presents etc. Of course if it were the other way round the evil council and courts would be preventing a child from knowing anything about his/her father. Or the evil secret courts are deciding the fate of a child while keeping it a secret from his father.
            The “secret” family courts are open to the press. It’s a special sort of secret which means “everything can be reported apart from names”.
            The more difficult and real world problem is to make an assessment about the amount and manner of contact in this situation, which is extremely difficult to judge. Keeping the child’s origin a secret from them until they’re too old to conceal it is not usually a good idea. Awful though the background is, it’s probably better explained early (as long as it’s done well) where it becomes part of life, rather than dropping the bombshell at age 18. It’s obviously very hard for the mother and the intervention of the media is not calculated to make it any easier.

            Liked by 2 people

        • All good points but my point is not on the morality of the matter but how false impression is being built that somehow the council is at fault when it just isn’t true.
          The mother has every right to complain but I’m not sure exposing her child to such publicity is a wise thing given the facts of his birth- nothing he can do about that but we know how vicious the public can be.
          I think those aiding in the promotion of this “cause” should have urged her to remain anonymous for the lad’s sake.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. 🙄🙄🙄

    You wouldn’t believe some of the other stuff she’s posted (including some jaw-dropping comments from Tracey Morris), but in deference to the contempt laws I’ll wait until the trial’s over before sharing them.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great reporting EC!

    There are some very interesting elements of todays post that resonate with my interests.

    I had heard of the Maranatha Community before and could not remember where, then I discovered this and it all came flooding back to me

    Page 1
    SatanistRitual Abuse of Children
    A Submission in response to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups (CSEGG)
    January 2012
    Dr Linda Stalley BM, BS, MRCP(UK), DRCOGon behalf of the Maranatha Community

    It is a long document but a summary would be something along the lines of:
    There are satanists everywhere, using sadistic satanic rituals as mind control to create dissociative states, the police and social services are in on it, nobody believes us, yada yada blah blah the usual

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Oh dear, so sad….. not! Both profiles have 30 day bans, is that a record I wonder or was Devine banned on both before her. At least now she can’t poison ongoing proceedings.

    Liked by 2 people

    • LOL! I’ve started a Rebecca Shan screenshot folder, Sam. Do you have a link to that one so I can screenshot the whole comment?

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Alert: This is important.
    No idea of who the person is who attacked John Patterson and I disagree with violence of any kind. I do understand others though can be driven to such lengths. I wish they weren’t however Patterson is a shocking liar and a potentially dangerous man with the things he says.

    He claims the witnesses, parents who described how they had received death threats..that the threats came FROM Hoaxtead !! Which he says is run by “corrupt police officers”.

    Well we know Johnny is not always the full quid but he does say he met with the South London mob..or gangsters as he calls them and they were ready to take action but he “held them off”. He does however say they may be attending the Court and he implies they will take action (even saying his pal Brian Setchfield says this sounds like a threat).

    Patterson MUST be interviewed by the police and made over the names of these “gangsters” if they exist. This is a claim that a group of people may try to attack those attending the court, intimidate members of the public , witnesses and so on and that they have been riled up by Patterson.

    # we scoff at Patteron’s alleged “gangster” links and frankly, no self respecting real life career crook would go near a court under such circumstances but that’s even more worrying. For all we know Patterson is meeting with deranged people (and hasn’t this case attracted it’s fair share?) who may just decide they will single out individuals for treatment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • He is totally deranged, to put it mildly

      He also made some pretty nasty comments about EC 1.45 to 2.03, again 2.33 to 2.35
      2.50 “turning up with friends”
      11.27 -12.14- threatens Steve Keys (who he claims is his assailant)

      This is one of the videos The Office Tapir mentioned in their 30/11/2018 at 10:51 pm post btw GOS, but it deserves mentioning again, it shows him up as the lowlife he really is
      I hope EC and Steve have both made appropriate complaints, he really needs to be looked at seriously by the police, he is way over the line (plus he has imho opened himself up to criminal and civil actions against him by his statements)

      And 4.35 Hoaxtead Research is the one on trial apparently LOL, (which makes me wonder why it is Sabine in the dock???)
      5.03 Hoaxtead Research people were the ones giving death threats to the parents (seriously, he’s as bad as APD for simply making shit up entirely…)


      Liked by 3 people

          • Yes, that Patterson being quoted, and his ‘we have won’ was about ‘beating Hoaxtead Research’ and we would be closed down when Teresa May gets voted out…or something like that- his entire narrative is more than a little disjointed and seems to borrow a little of neelus indogold narrative mixed in with an (un)healthy dose of antisemitism to boot

            Liked by 2 people

          • After a lifetime of threatening random strangers and using his face as a fist-magnet, the closed-head injuries are bound to accumulate.

            Liked by 1 person

  12. OK everyone, stop saying Paul Rogers’ name, because Paul Rogers knows where you live, so if you know what’s good for you, don’t say “Paul Rogers”, whatever you do.

    Thanks to Agent C for this screenshot

    Liked by 3 people

    • Paul rogers wasn’t just arrested, paul rogers was found guilty of contempt of court and received a two month suspended sentence. paul rogers is now a convicted criminal and guilty of being a witless gobshite. paul rogers would be well advised to move away from the hampstead case and get on with working out that he’s backing up wedger and wesley hall who are the online opposites of his (supposed) mate brian harvey. paul rogers should work out where his loyalties lie and stick to one team.

      Liked by 3 people

  13. I’ve enjoying an offline break after my data expired and, aside from ready griff rhys jones’ to the baltic with bob, have been thinking about what was discussed on a flo stream. the making of bite sized infomemes to make the truth of the hampstead scam easily understood to casual browsers. the iraqi deck of cards being mentioned. short videos and graphic memes building on the stuff we did to dunn on twitter hijacking his hash tags. animated gifs. fruitloop quotes. mugshots of the main rogues. if we work on some ideas as a loose group and give it some shape and concept we could get a robust campaign together. i’m thinking we need to flood the social feeds with the stuff. i’ll hold a strategy live stream. one avenue i’d like to focus on is how the alt news cartel stole sheva’s event for their own publicity. that’s a watershed moment that defined those pricks. also i think we need to ensure we present the hoaxers in as comic a light as possible as entertainment ridiculing rather than seriously condemning them.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Brilliant Grobknob….I’ll be happy to give over as much material that is useful…… I agree with ridiculing rather than condemning, but I think some are so seriously complicit, that the facts of their longterm behaviour needs listing, I’m thinking of the longterm satanic myth pushers, leading the way and the clear connections, collusion that is evident.


      • Us sky fairy fans have our own method of dealing with faux-Christian idiots threatening fire and brimstone on innocent people! 😉

        “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Exodus 20:7


    • And “Hello Hampstead gate keeper trolls”?? Young Tomothy has made little effort to grasp the shared terminology of conspiracism before setting out to monetarise it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • 37 Things Conspiratards Believe

      Sadly God isn’t mention in this but nonetheless..they read @eddiesok’s mind:
      10) ‘watching youtube videos is equivalent to original investigative research’
      31) If a charming scumbag on Youtube makes a claim, or engages in fantastic speculation, and they do so without a single shred of solid evidence, that doesnt mean the scumbag is a story teller.

      we get a mention as well..
      1) ‘paid shills permeate the internet seeking to suppress and divide the truth community’

      my favourite:
      15) All US presidents and their spouses were or are transsexuals.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ghost of Sam,

        I won’t bore you regarding the illness I had when I used YouTube to help pass the time as I was convalescing (physical illness not mental, though I wouldn’t condemn someone for having a mental illness per se, but something does have to be done if the person becomes dangerous because of his/her condition). Anyway suffice to say I happened by chance on those “tranvestigation” videos and there are LOADS of them. They’re not just saying it about Mrs Potus, it’s people who are famous or a little bit famous, someone was even saying Marilyn Monroe had been a secret transgender. I don’t know that much about online defamation laws – maybe the people who are defamed think it’s not worth suing a YouTuber with not really that big a following. I did try to have a debate with some YouTubers saying these things when I first discovered them but one tends to be termed a “sheeple” or a “troll” or a “shill” so I don’t think it’s worth expending energy on them. They’ll have to find out their mistakes for themselves (unless they are charlatans making outrageous claims just to get views).


        • I’m pretty sure what is happening here.
          Firstly they seem to think “accusing” someone of being a transsexual is an insult. Just as they claim Barack Obama ( or Barry frigging Soweto or whatever they call him) is gay and Michelle is really his gay lover. The fact is- if it were true who gives a stuff?. All that matters is what Obama did or does.

          (One of the wackiest claims of the creep Fiona Barnett about 2 Australian Prime Ministers is that they abused her- except, and a Very Big Except is that both of them are gay who came from a different era and married – they even married women they loved -but they had male partners on the side. They weren’t alone and there are plenty of gay Australian politicians in the 50s, 60s 70s, many in the closet for various reason etc.)

          But since being gay or LGBT or transnational or intercontinental etc has become acceptable with the vast bulk of the public who just don’t care and are happy to get on with their lives and not interfere with others- The Mob have been driven crazy because they are homophobic and antisemitic with a host of other complexes including seemingly hating anyone with a sliver of talent so the only way people can become famous. like Marilyn or The Beatles etc etc (every pop star under the Sun) is because they sold out The Devil and kidnapped babies for the Rothschilds and …well you get the picture.

          They have really twisted minds and have so many people to hate..I mean 100,000s of people they can name who they literally hate.. that they must be living in a sort of hell of their own making.
          See how Patterson & Devine spat out hatred towards EC for being either fat or a lesbian who was too tall – I mean with hatred as though any of it matters. And as though they’re great beauties themselves.

          # Mind you I have to consult my hairdresser Tony Montana of Curl Up & Dye (Rome, Perth, Wagga Wagga) about this pink hair business. Is it currently in fashion? Has EC committed an unpardonable Fashion Crime?.
          # I soo love that Michelle Obama has sold 2 million books to date.


    • Another “Scottie Beam Me Up” Moment:
      Andy Devine fulminates about El Coyote’s reports and demand she be frog-marched in front of the beak and then publishes a report from Belinda McKenzie.


    • That is cute. Mr Paterson is not sure whether he is a a doddering, harmless lovable old duffer, or “Woodchipper” Paterson, friend of Sarf London gangsters. He seems to alternative between issuing threats and bravado – “Come & see me if you think you’re hard enough!!!” and falling to the ground like an Italian football-player.


      • Was he? Never knew. One of my favorite because he finds things for me., Works every single time when you misplace something and say that little prayer : “Dear St Anthony I pray, bring it back to me Today.”
        And he has to kill Vampires & Werewolves and find my car keys all at the same time !. No wonder he’s a Saint.


          • The real St Anthony battled demons who tried to distract him; in this he was assisted by a faithful pig sidekick who helped him fight them off.

            Liked by 2 people

          • “naqsej
            03/12/2018 at 2:37 am

            The real St Anthony battled demons who tried to distract him; in this he was assisted by a faithful pig sidekick who helped him fight them off.”

            His assistant and St Anthony???

            Liked by 2 people

          • He deserves an Oscar!. Try it next time you misplace something. It really does work. The Power of Prayer.
            OK, the little disc tracking thingie I’ve attached to my keys which alerts my mobile phone helps but my money’s still on St Anthony, Egyptian Vampire Slayer & Saint of Lost Car Keys.


    • Uncanny description of tom and his like in the section he read from the bible. sums the witch hunters up to a t.


  14. What’s she saying about “movie in talks”? Is she planning a carry on type movie depicting her fellow hoaxers nutty escapades at the court?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Listening to it now, what a load of crap, as if the judge is going to contemplate stopping the case because of a few people that can’t even read & understand what the reporting restrictions mean.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Excellent stuff as always, I’d also like to thank you E.C for taking time to keep us all updated on a Sunday night especially given the long days you are having at the moment.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. I can’t link it for obvious legal reasons but I see Angela’s done another round of utter bollocks with Angela and Daniel ‘Wife-Batterer’ Lee.


    10:29 – Angela repeats her lie about being a victim of SRA, something she only invented when she started sucking up to DJL 🙄

    28:31 – She starts on Hampstead and names the children again 😠
    She’s also talking about approaching Barnet Social Services. I’m sure they’ll be delighted, lol (especially as Hampstead is in Camden, not Barnet 🙄).

    45:05 – She names you-know-who again. She and DJL then both go on to repeatedly name and slander him.

    50:00 – Rose English agrees with Angela about re-opening the investigation and calls for the accused to “drop their knickers” to prove they don’t have tattoos and piercings 💤

    And at 54:04 she goes off on one about how the kids’ initial testimonies seemed real but the retractions unreal. Not being funny but is she reading from an A-to-Z or Hamphoaxer clichés or something? 🙄

    1:00:30 – Angie again names and lays into the aforementioned witness.

    And at 1:04:33 she goes off on one about her and Devine’s latest Facebook suspensions 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela has suddenly remembered she had dislocated knees & ankles, Heather Brown is loving that, such lovely buddies!

      Oh & some people got restitution for MK Ultra, bingo! Angela thinks if she says it enough she might get that too. I think her life is ruled by that elusive big compensation claim.

      As for Rose English, once I looked up operation monarch & saw Cathy O’Brian’s name all over it, I spat out my tea. There goes her credibility.


  18. Been getting a set list of karaoke klassicks for the live special i’m planning. I’ll be letting people know exactly what i think of them. i’ll be topping up and getting a bundle on my dog so will be active on youtube from today till new year. pending the verdict i’ll be looking at this eddieisasockpuppet character and the dirty mac wearing old arsehole twaterson. i can’t wait till the irish case gets underway, this is just practice for the best event of this case. angela is gonna get roasted.

    Liked by 3 people

    • The defendant in that case will need a special dispensation to take a commode with her into the dock.


  19. Aren’t all words made up? Or do some grow on trees? Either way, that creepy bloke in Kincorth who runs the Holly Gregg Justise blog has confirmed that spellings of names don’t matter…


    • I think someone on Twitter may have bumped into him:
      You don’t know what fun is until you’ve witnessed a drunk on the Edinburgh to Glasgow train screaming “A fucking hate hedgehogs, come at me ya jabby wee cunt” while angrily circling a hairbrush that’s been dropped on the floor…
      10:10 AM – 1 Dec 2018


  20. A man who claimed he was the victim of an alleged VIP paedophile ring can now be named as Carl Beech.

    A judge at Newcastle Crown Court has lifted an order barring publication of his name.

    I’m sure that no-one here needs to be reminded of the presumption of innocence. The case will not be heard until May.

    Liked by 2 people

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