Erring on the side of caution

Anyone who’s been keeping even half an eye on David Shurter’s YouTube channel recently will have noticed that his mental health seems to have been deteriorating rapidly over the past few weeks. Most recently, videos with titles like “I just wish this would kill me already” and “I’m begging you to stop- Ill take everything down” show a weeping, distraught Mr Shurter, apparently in the throes of a fully fledged psychiatric breakdown.

It’s painful stuff to watch. For one thing, Mr Shurter—who we understand is in his 40s—looks like a man in his 70s. And he sounds desperate, pleading with his tormentors to turn off the rays they are beaming into his brain.

He did seem to have the wherewithal to post his videos on Twitter and Facebook, and to carry on conversations with his followers there. As you might expect, some of his friends’ suggestions were less than helpful:

Marcus’ advice: “Don’t take the documentation down, that only places you in MORE RISK. The more public you go, the more you are protected. But prayer and trust are your best protection of all….ALL whistleblower types get killed when tricked into going into isolation, hello! Sure, they are made to FEEL LIKE self-isolating, but that just deepens control, abuse, stalking, and ups the chances of death”.

Yes, tell a paranoid delusional person that they’ll die if they follow their (presumably licensed and trained) therapist’s advice. Just. Fucking. Brilliant.

By yesterday, Mr Shurter seemed to have recovered enough to put out a request for donations…to enable him to buy more heavy-duty tinfoil. You really cannot make this up. And his friend Amy gave him a few helpful tips on Paranoid Loony DIY:

And by last evening, Mr Shurter was rarin’ to go on a live interview:

So the question is: which is real? Is Mr Shurter really in as much distress as he seemed to be, or is he playing it up for the benefit of his audience? Or is it some combination of the two?

We had a bit of a confab about that yesterday; some of us felt that if Mr Shurter was really as upset as he seemed to be, he’d have had a runny nose and actual tears (fair point). However, others felt that it would be better to err on the side of caution, and assume that Mr Shurter really does need professional help of some sort.

After all, we’ve seen several Hoaxtead mobsters succumb to severe mental illness: JC, Arthur K, and most recently and tragically, Aaron Dover. In fact, we learned from Mr Dover’s friend that he’d jumped out a seventh-floor window to his death, while in the grip of paranoid delusions.

Bottom line: none of us here are mental health professionals, and it’s not up to us to decide whether Mr Shurter is faking it. That’s why we decided to play it safe by reporting him to his local mental health team. We also flagged his posts on Twitter to let them know that he could be a suicide risk. Whether they are able to help him or not, at least we’ll feel that we didn’t just sit back and watch him suffer.

But he’s on the other team!

He is. And ultimately, that doesn’t matter.

We know that it’s highly unlikely that he’ll appreciate any intervention we might make. In fact, he’ll probably read this (because he always does), and decide that we’re in collusion with the people who’ve been shooting death rays or whatever at him. That doesn’t matter either.

What matters is that he is a human being, and he seems to be suffering from some form of mental illness. And whatever revulsion or antipathy we might feel toward him as a person, we wouldn’t feel right about ourselves if we sat back and did nothing to help.

Will our small gestures actually do any good? We honestly don’t know. We hope Mr Shurter will recover, for his own sake and for the sake of his neighbours, who he’s apparently been terrorising.

A final note

For some time, we had a policy on this blog of not discussing Mr Shurter and his antics. After today, we’ll be putting that ban back in place, as we feel this blog could be one of the factors exacerbating Mr Shurter’s paranoia. We hope our readers will understand and co-operate.

130 thoughts on “Erring on the side of caution

  1. He needs some space and time in the real world.
    Been there myself recently.
    Honestly him being given a break from his life and surroundings could do him a world of good, being committed might help him re-focus and maybe learn to start a real life again.
    Hell sometimes I wish they would give me that option, but I am not crazy, just clinically depressed and suicidal to be brutally honest. No cry for help or sympathy, just the reality of a very long term mental illness.

    Liked by 2 people

        • I get dark times, too…. please know, that no one needs to feel ashamed of mental or emotional health problems. It does though, make me really angry to see the people that fake it to make whatever their it or hit is. Who mock those of us, that are just real about it all. Tossing plenty of harmful rocks at many victims of abuse, aiming them often to cause distress.
          Breaks do me the world of good at times…… I take them often, recommend to others feeling strained, triggered, or just overwhelmed…..
          It’s a great feeling to reappear, and realise that your friends understand, respect that and be able to pick up again.
          It’s also humbling, that no matter how important that next petition, post, article, share, seems, that no one is indispensable….. 🙂
          There really are many good hands on deck working to improve child protection.
          I don’t wish harm on anyone, if David can be helped, i hope he gets it fast.
          Not feeling much real sympathy tho, but then luckily, i won’t be the one assessing him .

          Liked by 1 person

  2. The most vocal troll egging Shurter on is a creepy fucker called Makea Makea, who’s been posting dozens of comments on every DS video and really messing with his head.

    Great post, btw, EC.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Great post EC and very sensitive handling of D.Shurter. I totally agree that we should go back to not mentioning him as he does see us as the enemy and in his state he could easily misconstrue anything we do even if it trying to help him.

        Liked by 2 people

    • I really hate those types, the same way Angie said he doesn’t need treatment and she knows people who’s hair has fallen out from being targeted by microwaves and technology.
      They really tip these people over the edge by re-affirming their beliefs.

      “Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who is co-author of perhaps the only study of gang-stalking, said the community poses a danger that sets it apart from other groups promoting troubling ideas, such as anorexia or suicide. On those topics, the internet abounds with medical information and treatment options.

      An internet search for “gang-stalking,” however, turns up page after page of results that regard it as fact. “What’s scary for me is that there are no counter sites that try and convince targeted individuals that they are delusional,” Dr. Sheridan said.

      “They end up in a closed ideology echo chamber,” she said.”

      Liked by 2 people

      • We wrote about this a few weeks back—it’s a frightening side-effect of the internet, in which people can find others who “normalise” their mental illness and discourage them from getting help.

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  3. It really is upsetting to watch Shurter falling apart like this. Shame on his so-called supporters (aka trolls) who can’t see that he’s mentally ill and vulnerable and in need of urgent psychiatric help.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. When I suggested that Mr. Shurter was mentally ill and vulnerable, his “supporters” ridiculed me and demanded to know what qualified me to make such a prognosis (because hey, it’s so not obvious that Dave needs help, right?). So I thought it only fair to ask the question back to them when the opportunity arose:

    But alas, answer came there none.

    Awesome article, by the way, Your Howlness.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Dave is a danger to himself and others at this point and needs REAL help.
    Not a weekly therapist, but a crisis team on hand he can call 24/7 or some sheltered living or being commited.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You really have to wonder what goes through these people’s alleged minds. “Hey, here’s a person having a major meltdown. I know, I’ll argue with him about which version of God he should be praying to, and tell him he’s doing it all wrong. I’m sure that’ll help him!”

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  6. For all the good the internet does, it brings a lot of mentally ill people together who validate each other’s rants and raves and delusions, thereby exacerbating their conditions. A very worrying trend.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. At 9:55 in Debbie’s latest whingefest, she states that instead of fleeing abroad, Ella came back to the UK to save her children (and others). No disinformation there, then:

    Oh and at 14:14 she says that Belinda McKenzie has links with MI5, LOL. I’m sure Belinda will love her for that 😀

    Neelu gets an honorable mention too.

    I think I prefer Slurpy when she’s whingeing about not getting enough attention:

    Liked by 4 people

    • Do none of these idiots know anybody with mental illness? How the hell can they not see it in him?
      Rocks beaming death rays at him is normal in their eyes?

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      • The mind of someone so delusional as Shurter is a difficult one. I will try to explain somewhat why he and other hoaxers should elicit some sympathy.
        My Grandmother was 18 when her father died and she also gave birth to my father and his brother not long after, the father left a few years into the marriage and started a new family down south.
        The combination of her father dying who she was very close to and being a mother looking after two children took it’s toll on my Grandma.
        She was prescribed Purple Hearts for depression and was addicted to them soon after.
        She met my step grandad a bit later, who had lost his leg down the mine at 16 and was a big drinker.
        My dad used to come home to find his mother with her head in the oven and a suicide note.
        She was sectioned a few times and they moved around a lot resulting in my father going to 12 different schools.
        At some point she left my dad and his brother with their step father and then a bit later he couldn’t cope and sent them to live with their real father and his new family down south.

        Mean while my grandma gave birth to two twins and at least another two children that were all given up for adoption. I only found out about this a few years back after she died.
        A few years ago out of the blue a guy got in contact from my grandads side and said he was also the result of a one night stand.
        My grandmother met a Romanian guy in rehab much like Abe in mentality and they were married for over 30 years before they both died.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Purple Hearts ! Crikey, my flat mate when I was young was a brilliant psychiatrist who ran an entire clinic & hospital by the time he was 25 but he was hooked on Purple Hearts. He brought them home by the 100s in boxes and I tried them a few times but the come-down was a nightmare. He ended up as a patient in his own clinic and eventually committed suicide. I pity your Granny. They were addictive and very damaging. Pure speed.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Some bright & observant person here, once suggested Tinnitus. I still think that’s the most likely cause of any genuine suffering he might be experiencing. I have serious doubts that any of this is real, however.

    Liked by 2 people

    • And just before I toddle off to bed…
      I do think that, it would be best for his mental health if he stopped blogging & vlogging, for good.

      BUT, his narcissistic delusion that anyone here actually gives a shit about anything he’s ever said, is simply that. No one cares if you leave it up or take it down, Dipstick Shyster.

      Having said that, it would be a shame to lose all of this documentation about “all about David, in his own words” – documentation that he is a narcissistic, criminally inclined psychopath, with a compulsion to betray anyone who is stupid enough to show him any kindness or pretense of friendship. Perhaps there ought to be an archive?

      Liked by 2 people

      • If you want to start an archive, head to, and save any blogs, etc. you think should be kept for posterity. It’s a very useful and easy-to-use service.


      • Crikey..I have tinnitus as my mother did. Drove her crazy but I’m used to it. If only I’d know we were being targeted..but by whom?. We had a pretty rocky garden as well and some odd neighbors. It’s all making sense now.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. If he has a therapist they would have surely have had him sectioned by now for his and the public’s good if he was a danger. We only see Shurter via his videos. We don’t really know what he is like most of the time which may be far more mild. Perhaps he’s like that Deb who seems to use Youtube videos as a from of therapy lashing out at all and sundry. He exaggerated the visit from the local police when it was obvious they were checking up on his filmed threatening behavior towards his hapless neighbors.
    Maybe 99% of the time he’s OK but when he starts to spin out of control he grabs the video camera. I’m not convinced this bloke is the poor victim he paints himself to be.

    His therapist would surely have a legal obligation to inform authorities. Remember with Arfur it was the copper who acted sensibly and ensured he got he help he needed. With Arfur he had stopped taking his meds.

    Needless to say APD is an extremely evil entity in the way she deliberately targets mentally ill people and encourages them in their delusions.

    Liked by 3 people

    • No, I’m afraid he’s not mild in real life at all, Sam. The residents of the duplex have been mercilessly harassed by him, so much so that they’ve had a protection order (the US equivalent of a restraining order?) issued against him. The local police are also pushing for a pshyc eval.

      Check out what he’s put his neighbours through. It’s very disturbing:

      As EC says, it must be like living in a Stephen King novel.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Hahaha only KSC would actually want Kane’s brain. Add it to her brain and they may have about half a brains worth of computing power.

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  10. Given Davids collusion with others to cause defamation, death threats, harmful humiliation, that effected the families and friends of good advocates, as well as causing confusion, amongst groups struggling to cope with their engagement with the Royal Commission, which can be seen via my blog or Royal Commission Watch YouTube playlist….. To my eyes, given Fiona Barnett, Survivorship, S.M.A.R.T. conferences, connections of mutual promotion, by Sabine, CathyFox blog, UK…… etc ……….
    This looks like another cycle of creating the poison and cure…..’here I am the Victim, bleeding for you all, I’m going, dying, being killed, again, really …oh but wait, I think i can recover if you give me your money. ‘
    I think they’re all thrashing and snarling as the promise of future shares, in the pot of gold that the children, the SRA fakery, was meant to produce for them, ever giving opportunities, to tour, speak, sell books, speak on podcasts, yadda, yadda, yaddady da……….
    Pffft, I’ll keep helping to destroy the ability of these decievers to fck with so many people, with such impunity..
    Given all the above, and seeing this pattern, repeated by most of these scammers, I have little sympathy, except for his neighbours at this time.
    Perhaps David realised early on, that Angela was such a loose cannon, who was leading some of us to discover the connections, moreso between global conspiritorial scammers. Using children and their pretence at caring about them as a sheild to justify any and all diabolical behaviour, abuse, harm caused………
    And whatever other hook, religious, spiritual, controlling, manipulating, using, whatever possible, in the name of being heroes for children or victims………….
    I’m not qualified to judge his actual mental health. So I seriously hope that those that can, do. I hope too that his criminal harrassment is stopped.
    If real illness is causing this, then I hope David recieves the care and support he needs to really recover.
    He clearly is very sick.
    So are the people, who show up, just in case it helps re light the dying embers of their hoaxes, any, Hollie ? Hampstead ? TIs? QEG? any takers ? Who will buy, my latest fakery, who will buy this latest sham scam…?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Every Saturday Dave asks for money. Last week it was for food, the week before it was for petrol for a hire car, the week before that it was for house insurance. This week its for tin foil. He is scamming his followers because he never says how much money is sent in, if 10 people send $20 each that’s $200, not a lot but enough to buy the weed he smokes non stop.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Here is something to consider. Imagine if Angie tried this breakdown ploy when she noticed her alcohol and cigarette fund drying up after much work to close her down.
      Shall we all just simply step back and allow her to regain her lost revenue?


  11. Pingback: Erring on the side of caution | ShevaBurton. Cross of Change Blog

    • Is she completely unaware of the fact that what she reported as happening last year (2016) actually happened back in 2010? Spelling the Greigs’ name wrong is the least of her factual errors.

      Similarly, the reason Mr Daly withdrew from the programme was that some simple deskwork PROVED elements of the case to be a hoax. – Sheriff Buchanan for instance has no sister, certain of the alleged co-abused were not even born etc.

      Neither dyslexia nor any other condition mitigates her failure to assimilate these simple things. Her ranting is of no ‘help’ either!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Ratbag now claims the BBC receptionist was ‘concerned’ re Deb’s nutty claims, rather than just being incredibly polite while faced with yet another loony on the phone.

      Liked by 2 people

      • She’s also convinced herself that the only reason people thumbed down her previous video was because she’d made a spelling error in the title. Wow, man – it’s denial almost as an art form!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Where is she getting the info that Mark Daly was ordered to stop the investigation? She’s heard some bullshit gossip and is acting like its 100% true, this stupid person is always angry about stuff that never happened. What a moron.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Well here is my 2 pence worth. Stern criticism should continue. The damage that these hoax pushers do to the innocent can’t be undone. If he wants to continue posting on social media begging and pushing a hoax then he should expect his opinions to be picked apart.
    As long as no threats are made to him people should not be concerned.
    He should not have a free ride or amnesty. Social media should not be his own little safe space because he had a cry.
    You will be sending a message to all hoaxers that all they have to do is cry on camera and they will be left alone to continue begging for money and damaging the innocent.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Except that we understand him & his psychology so well, that we know that he’s not looking for “his own little safe space”. He’s looking for attention, which he’s getting plenty of lately. What truly tortures him, is to be ignored.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Agreed, that is why he should not be given free reign to continue begging for money whilst pushing his nonsensical beliefs. His funding should be targeted and that can be achieved by attacking his point of view so that potential donations are curbed. To treat him with kid gloves will only allow him to continue.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I understand what you’re saying, but I have another reason, possibly more compelling, for ignoring him: he is an attention-seeker of the first order, always has been. When I mentioned he would no doubt read our blog and react to it, it’s because I know he comes here daily looking for mentions of himself, which he then writes about on his own blog.

      I think that feeding that hunger for attention is counter-productive on two levels: it encourages him to “act crazy” to get more and more attention; and it offers him the excuse that “they really do talk about me all the time over there, so they must be beaming magic waves at me and frying what’s left of my brain”.

      In terms of the Hampstead SRA hoax, Shurter is a very, very minor player. He really only came to our attention because he publicised the contents of the original Sooper Seekrit Facebook Groop™ a year and a half ago. Yes, he’s a promoter of SRA woo, but he rarely says anything that’s newsworthy from our perspective; I think many of our readers watch his antics in the same way that one might watch a chimpanzee flinging his own faeces in a zoo.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Then it may have been a good idea not to have posted this section on him. By doing so, as an attention seeker he has had fuel added to his fire.
        The only thing left to do is to show him up for who he is.
        This post on him without huge criticism of him can only help him in his attention seeking endeavors.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I see what you mean. It seemed useful to explain to our readers what’s been happening, then close the door. We’ve discussed Shurter in the comments section of the blog quite often, but as I say, he’s rarely “made the front page” simply because he’s mostly irrelevant to the Hampstead SRA hoax.

          In general, I think the conclusion has been that he’s an attention-seeking loser who uses his alleged status as a child sexual abuse victim to manipulate others and con money out of the gullible (see above re cash needed for tinfoil hat).

          Was this post ill-advised, under the circumstances? I’m willing to accept that it might have been. However, I wanted to lay out the context for a permanent ban on discussion of Shurter.

          Liked by 3 people

          • FWIW I think the plug needs pulling on this sooner rather than later. Whether he is genuinely mentally ill and at a critical point (which seems most probable) or a con man, giving oxygen to this is not contributing to the issue being resolved.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I think you were right to post this article, EC. Shurter was incidental to the post (and you didn’t even use his name in the title), the main focus being the creepy trolls who keep enabling him and egging him on whilst pretending to be his friends. It’s a phenomenon that’s bitingly relevant to the whole Hampstead fiasco and you were right to expose it.


  13. “Who ‘they’ are and Why ‘they’ are murdering me” Looks like no let up E.C. But, For Crying Out Loud in the Dark. Good Night Nurse! The 1st time I had ever heard of this disorder involving “electrical or microwave” paranoia, the Subject was stopped by Police wandering the railroad tracks TO the Electric Co. Generation Plant located on an island at the mouth of a big river and access bridges. The Subject was committed and Conservatorship set up. However, even after release, the Subject persisted with the same delusions. There were also People, “otherwise sane” and allegedly “awake” (lol) around the Subject who encouraged/enabled it. Very Strange indeed…It is a “thing” in psychland.

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    • Er…wasn’t this article a call to leave David alone?

      Or is he privy to some secret post that I don’t know about?

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      • Well, at midnight tonight I’ll be locking down comments on this post, and we’ll be on a Shurter moratorium until further notice. Should be interesting to see what lengths he’ll go to in an effort to get us to crack. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

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