Why we need to stop calling it ‘fake news’

The term “fake news” has become common currency over the past couple of months, but like many terms that go viral online, the meaning of the phrase “fake news” has morphed and shifted. It now means something completely different than it did back in October 2016, when it was used to describe spurious news stories, such as “Hillary Clinton is about to be arrested by the FBI on charges of paedophilia and treason!”, which came out immediately prior to the U.S. election.

The term “fake news” peaked with the advent of “Pizzagate”, the conspiracy theorists’ wet dream (literally) about the Democratic party allegedly running Satanic child-trafficking networks out of a popular pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C. The day a gunman walked into Comet Ping Pong, shot the lock off a door that he thought would lead him to the “secret tunnels” where children were being sexually abused, marked the apex of the term “fake news”. Once the conspiranoids realised they’d been outed as delusional nutters, they grabbed the idea of fake news and began applying it to any news emerging from non-conspiranoid sources.

In this article on Medium, Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan describes how “fake news” has been co-opted to mean any number of things, depending on who you’re listening to:

…(T)hough the term hasn’t been around long, its meaning already is lost. Faster than you could say “Pizzagate,” the label has been co-opted to mean any number of completely different things: Liberal claptrap. Or opinion from left-of-center. Or simply anything in the realm of news that the observer doesn’t like to hear.

Thus, those who believe in the Hampstead SRA hoax, for example, might be expected to refer to anything that flies in the face of their devoutly held beliefs as “fake news”, while still touting the idea that huge groups of children are being raped, murdered, and eaten on a daily basis by hundreds of “cult” members, who are somehow just very, very clever at cleaning up all the physical evidence of their orgies. Oh, and no word of this has ever leaked out, despite the presumed involvement of thousands of people, because…well, just because.

Ms Sullivan has a very simple proposal to help us navigate the tricky waters of what does and does not constitute fake news, however.

We need to start by realising that the term “fake news” is so imprecise as to be meaningless. To some, it might mean “satire”, as in sites like The Onion. To others, it means “partisan journalism”, as in sites like Breitbart News or The Drudge Report or the Center for American Progress. To still others, it means anything produced by the mainstream media” (another imprecise term, but we won’t get into that right now).

So Ms Sullivan says that those of us who stand up for the truth, no matter what flavour it happens to be, need to simply stop using the term “fake news”, and start calling things what they really are:

Let’s get out the hook and pull that baby off stage. Yes: Simply stop using it. Instead, call a lie a lie. Call a hoax a hoax. Call a conspiracy theory by its rightful name. After all, “fake news” is an imprecise expression to begin with.

Our team and commenters at Hoaxtead Research are pretty good at doing this already, but we think it’s important to adopt this as a deliberate strategy in the ongoing war against the conspiritainment industry and those who perpetuate this hoax against innocent citizens. We’re all very aware of the power of words, especially on the internet, and their ability to shape the perceptions and beliefs of those who read them. So in these precarious “post-truth” times, we think it’s critically important for everyone to call falsehoods out, loudly and publicly, when we see them.

Because if not us, who? And if not now, when?

Lies and the Spreading of Fake Information

Lies and the Spreading of Fake Information

109 thoughts on “Why we need to stop calling it ‘fake news’

    • Yes.This has all the makings of a classic porcine match up between 2 utterly ludicrous arse-o-holics of the internet era.

      For this ridiculous event I have devised an apparatus that via the wonders of modern technology provides a bleep everytime Arfur Twat swears,a klaxon sound everytime smoke appears and a referees whistle when lies are emitted.I expect to be throwing shapes throughout and have a medical team on standby..just in case.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Dear Sir

    I enclose a flyer for my boat hire outlet.
    Needless to say, all this talk of “fake news” has really affected business.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tee-hee! I told you so – neener, neener! 🙂

    But, your response at the time – that the term “fake news” seemed to particularly vex the hoaxers and other fantasists – made a lot of sense to me. And it still does, but as you say the social circumstances have changed, I guess. Having co-opted the term, they no longer take offense to it being directed at them?
    So be it, then.
    Flexibility & adaptability on our part does seem advisable.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. New one from Angie, “”On Trolls, Hampstead, Kosta v Disney, Richie Allen et al!”
    She thinks that Hoaxtead Research and McKenzies Devils are paid between £30k – £40k a week.

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    • Interesting comments about her supposed house in London at 10:40.

      As for that bizarre performance at 11:04, expect to see that popping up in GIFs, memes and videos for months to come 😀

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      • Who is she renting her house out in Oldcastle to?

        Surely not her 2 boys, if so that’s a bit dodgy.

        If not where are they living?

        As for the house in London?

        Don’t tell me she has a Council/Housing Association place in London when she doesn’t live there?

        That sounds dodgy too.

        Whatever she’s doing it’ll be some scam one way or the other…

        Liked by 1 person

          • I didn’t think you could rent to your family if they claimed housing benefit AND there is no way those boys would be able to afford to pay rent out of their own pockets, they must be claiming benefits to pay the rent.

            Plus if she’s the landlord, the property is meant to be solely for the tenants use and as the landlord she can’t come and stay when they feel like it.

            It’s meant to be a business arrangement and renting to her 2 sons and staying there is not a business arrangement. It sounds like some kind of fraud to me. Kenyan Orphanages and all that…

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        • I don’t believe she’s in Lanzarote or ever had a house there apart from a holiday let. The decor behind her is her Oldcastle house which you can easily see from previous videos. No tan either, just the usually pallor.
          When you live in a sunny climate you pick up a tan (like I have now) just going about your business even if you never go to the beach (like me).
          She just wants people to think she isn’t in Ireland.


          • Totally agree Sam rat similary smelt.Thats her Oldcastle place with the older furnishings etc.She is clearly ducking and diving for nefarious reasons.Maybe she has done a runner from Lanzerote after stirring up shit of some formation.After all that is her only discernable talent.


      • So her satanic pope friend corrects her ! hilarious , dunno why she thinks my old name’s a problem ~ it’s clearly displayed by me. So she wants to attempt to control me with shame ? Again ? Lesson 2


  4. LOL, this gets better and better – Tracey Morris is joining them for the second half! 😀

    I’m gonna be late to the party, though, as I’m still enjoying the B-movie kindly posted by Arthur Pint before diving into the main feature…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh jeez, just listening to Arthur speak is hurting my ears and Tracey’s voice goes straight through me. Even more painful listening than usual then today.

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    • LOL..”Australia’s most IN YOUR FACE anti-child abuse and corruption campaigner”.

      He’s a druggie thug on a council housing estate who kicks in people doors.
      He’s done jail time for driving without a license, drink driving (twice), drug possession,theft and assault but he probably says it’s because of his ‘outspoken views” ..ie telling the magistrate to ‘fuck off” and saying he ain’t afraid of the local coppers but whimpers like a Big Nelly when they come to his door.

      Also got hauled in by the Australian Federal Police (who only investigate major crime like drug importation etc) on suspicion but they soon realized he was a nobody. Hence his fierce hatred for them.
      (Only took my host, a retired journo, one phone call to Arfur’s local police station to check up). They didn’t reveal anything about child assault but they aren’t allowed to.

      And he’s been banned from the local pub for fighting and was recently ejected from a RSL social club for repeatedly kicking a poker machine and cursing at the top of his voice & frightening a few nearby pensioners (maybe stressed out because you can’t smoke cigarettes there let alone smelly cigars)
      On a Disability Pension because of a psychiatric condition which he didn’t have to fake. Really, they should make basket weaving compulsory for some just to keep them out of mischief.

      Poor Angie, her career as Ireland’s Jimmy Fallon or Ellen Degenerous is going down the tube.


      • And drunk driving kills way more kids that paedophiles and drug dealers combined. I’ve asked Arthur before how he justifies that but this just made him…er…uppity!


  5. Angies launches into a long meandering virtue signalling monologue of biblical stuff about righteousness,prophesies etc etc .Arfur responds “you lost me there”.

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  6. Angie is listening to Arthur with a pinched expression of disgust as Arthur goes on about his drug habit. She looks like she is thinking “This interview might ruin my reputation”. It won’t of course because:
    1) Only thirteen people are watching.
    2) Angie doesn’t have a reputation.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh Lordy Angies got her “Truth radar” out again.She needs to read the tuning instructions as it seems to be picking up vibrations emitted from her arse.

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  8. I’m just at the bit where Arfur’s saying it’s important to “rough up” your kids and admitting to roughing up his own nieces and nephews. Angie doesn’t know how to react.

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    • I wouldn’t prove anything to that scammer, after all she never proves a thing.

      Looking forward to the party this year when the downfall of Angela is complete and she’s in the dock.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’m on it! lol Thanks for all the Money!! 😉 Mission Possible! Casbolt found out what We are Made of in the Heart of the Beast!! Grrrrr!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hate to break it to you. It’s worse than that. It’s the free plan.

        The whole £250,000 has been blown on founding a touring naked clown burlesque show, gin and dubonnet, other necessaries and of course big fat cigars. The DB7 was written off by one of the clown’s sidekick mongrel dogs, the one who wears the red bandana. Dog was fine.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Indeed, Tracey! The highly expensive £2.50 package is an ooptional upgrade. Tempting but I’m afraid we’re now out of funds, having spent Justin’s 250 grand on office furniture, coyote food and a charming tour of those secret tunnels. And then of course, MI5, MI6, the CIA, the Masons, the FBI, the Illuminati, the Lizard People, Mossad, the BBC and CAFCASS all had to have their cut. So I’m afraid, Mr. Sanity, that whilst we appreciate your donation, it didn’t stretch too far.

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Why we need to stop calling it ‘fake news’ | ShevaBurton. Cross of Change Blog

  10. I’ve been following the election cycle and I’m of the opinion that the whole “fake news” thing is pretty much bull. This whole thing started because other media outlets began accusing social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, of failing to prevent the spread of “fake news”, and the problem with that is that a lot of what is deemed fake news is in fact simply partisan journalism.

    There was a list of “fake news” websites that was created by a college professor which it turned out that many websites listed happened to just be partisan news sites, right-wing news sites at that: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/11/19/bogus-hit-list-removed-radical-liberal-exposed-crying-fake-news-will-new-weapon-414026

    So it seems to me that in practice this is mostly subjective. The fact that many partisan right-wingers have begun using the term isn’t solely because of conspiracy theorists who’ve been outed as conspiratards. It’s because they know the term is pretty much subjective, and can be applied to just about any media outlet you don’t like. I for instance, would rather the media turn its “fake news” crusade against Buzzfeed, an outlet that is known for having advertisements as articles. What when they push unverified gossip or even outright conspiracy, no one bats an eye, and often times people just lap it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thanks Angie’s Fag! For all Angie’s “experience” with “SPOOK” Agents, she has no Idea who “Philby’ is? No BIG ASSumptions?? HAHAHAHA! 😀

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  12. SHE IS STILL USING KIDS’ NAMES?? Stupid Old Cow!! lolol That’s right Angie! Philby is a Satanic 33rd Degree Mason……lol We rebuke you! Our “ceremony” tonight will be directed right at ya!! Thanks for the mention! Third Hoaxer to do so….Thank ya Thank ya Very Much Angie ya Shitehead!! LOLOLOL Good Job MKD’s!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m sure Somebody has a “bead” on Crusty Poo’s location in U.S? lol By the Smell of her BS, I’d guess Flint, MI?? Or, 3 Mile Island…lol

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Adelph has a point. FACT: The far far right are behind Newtown School Shooting “hoax” Meme and the Burns OR. Faketriot Snacktivists “call to arms” aka encouraging Harassment or Victims AND Insurrection/Sedition Alex Jones James Fetzer, ect ect. These are CRIMES! Not just “fake news” Imho. The Minions/Unstable Psychos are in and out of Court. Just like Angie will be and HAS been!


  15. Imagine if there was any real evidence in the Hampstead case. Such as a group of people posting pedophilic images and references to buying children for sex on Instagram, or if those same people had a business inviting children to come play ping-pong, and then they posed naked covered in blood next to the ping-pong tables. And then Podesta, etc


    • Yes, just imagine if someone had decided that “cheese pizza” was a code name for “child pornography”…oh, wait! Someone did do that…over on 4Chan, long before Pizzagate was a gleam in a bunch of conspiraloons’ eyes. And then, surprise surprise, some people from 4Chan noticed the term “cheese pizza” in correspondence about party fundraisers, and lo and behold, they decided that this was a reference to the code word which they themselves had made up ages ago. And started applying it everywhere, and started seeing child sexual abuse and trafficking behind every door.

      Funny how life works, isn’t it?


  16. Yes. E.C. it builds upon it’s Self due to any old Confabulist idiot having access to a keyboard and internet connection. It reminds me of that film, “Doubt” and the Nature of Gossip. It also reminds me of the type of tactics used to Smear Political enemies like MLK, ect. over last 200 plus yrs of American Political History.

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