Yesterday’s arrests: So. Much. Win.

Phew, wasn’t yesterday a day! The news started early and just kept coming: first Rupert’s arrest, then Lee Cant’s, and finally Neelu’s. For hours, the comments were flying so thick and fast on the blog that we couldn’t keep track, no matter how often we hit the refresh button.

It seems that the police have swung into action with gusto, and while we have no specific information about their plans, it wouldn’t surprise us at all if this was just the beginning of something much larger.

Certainly the reaction from the other side has been one of utter panic and frantic sharing of screenshots from “that blog they never read”:


Having heard the first bit of bad news, Angela sent up the Old Bat Signal to her fellow Hoaxtead mobsters. Looks like she included Rupert’s name, just in case…and Lee Cant’s as well:


Of course, that’s before Maria Macmahon broke the news that Lee had also been arrested.

It did not escape our attention that while the Hoaxtead mob claim that our blog is a foul, horrid place, full of nasty people and completely devoid of facts, they seem to turn to us when they want the real story on what’s happening. Interesting.

Angela and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Even before news of the arrests began to break yesterday, Angie was in a bit of a foul mood:


Shortly after she heard about Rupert’s arrest, she went completely mental and recorded a video which featured herself sitting on a bed, sobbing hysterically and begging for money. Unfortunately, she must have had second thoughts after posting (unusual for Angie, but not unheard of), so she pulled it down again, leaving us only with this image as a grim reminder:


Okay, we see why she pulled it.

Eventually she pulled herself together enough to start flinging around blame for yesterday’s arrests: clearly the Powers that Be were attempting to sabotage the upcoming protest against child sexual abuse that’s scheduled for Saturday.

(As commenter Ghost of Sam pointed out, “Why would the arrest of a handful of people affect a demonstration? Are they the only people they expect to turn up?” But we digress….)


“Are we gonna stand by and cower?” Angie asks. “PLEASE SHARE AND PLEASE BE IN LONDON IF YOU CAN”.

This, of course, raises the question of whether Angela herself will have the intestinal fortitude to show up in London on Saturday, as she’s been claiming for the past month or so. Will she come and stand behind her friends? It seemed to us as though she was trying to find an excuse to weasel out of it, but now that shit has suddenly got very real in Hoaxtead Land, does Angie have what it takes to be the leader she wants to be?

Frankly, we’re not betting on it. Angela’s not the type to put herself on the line for her friends, though heaven knows she expects that and more from them.

Time will tell, of course, but we’re not placing any bets on Angie.

Meanwhile, who says 13 is an unlucky number?

p.s. At time of posting, word does not seem to have got round about Neelu’s late-in-the-day arrest yesterday. So keep your eyes open: you might see a few Hoaxteaders’ heads exploding.


222 thoughts on “Yesterday’s arrests: So. Much. Win.

  1. That protest on 17th September imo will be poorly attended and not because of the recent arrests.

    According to the fb United against all abuse page, one of the so called Organisers Brenda Mumsy Mc Namara is not going to attend.

    If Power-Freak does not attend it is ONLY because she is afraid of being arrested.

    Angela goes on about not having any fear but it’s the opposite. She is very, very afraid.

    Angela is now stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    I just can’t see why the Irish police can’t arrest her, she has done as bad, if not much, much, worse than her 3 “friends” that have already been arrested.

    Are the Police going for the people that were on the “show” that had Penny, Lee, Sabine and Sabine’s mate ?Michael on it?

    Surely there are not only going to be 3 arrests?

    Liked by 2 people

          • Oh, yes! Then I am THAT Heather Martin. (Wondered I’d I maybe owed you money…lol). Thank you for the compliment and the feedback. It is much appreciated.


          • Except you’re not aware of how Heather supported and promoted one of the worst of the hoax crew: one Araya Soma, simply because she’d fallen out with Annett.


          • I think that Heather Martin needs to clarify her position on SRA. Her blog suggests that she believes in SRA, but has had issues with some of her fellow SRA believers. IMO, it isn’t enough for someone to be lauded here simply because they’ve belatedly found out that some of their fellow travellers are frauds…. the whole thing is a fraud from the ground up. Being an ex-friend of Kevin Annett or Webre or any of the other SRA hoax promoters is not enough. Just over a year ago Heather Martin was posting her interview with Araya Soma all over youtube, despite being informed that Araya was a nutter and a nazi.


        • Hello Heather! I also have respect for your Kevin Annett expose work. “Kevin Annett Must Be Stopped” blog was where I first learned what the squinty little rat was really up to, and I thank you for that.
          I’ve recently read your “SRA and the Mindwar Psyops” on KAMBS. I note that you didn’t mention the inventor of both the terms; Satanic Ritual Abuse & Ritualistic Abuse, and the also the concept of Ritual Abuse – Dr Lawrence Pazder. Why not? Pazder did give a precise definition of the terms and concepts which he had invented, if you are unaware:
          “repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols and secret ceremonies designed to turn a child against itself, family, society and God.” Pazder noted that “the sexual assault has ritualistic meaning and is not for sexual gratification”.
          For Pazder, what was important about this definition was the MOTIVATION: “designed to turn a child against itself, family, society and God”. In other words, the physical, sexual or emotional abuse inflicted upon a person during the course of a ceremony or ‘ritual’, MUST be motivated by a desire to cause the child to CHOOSE EVIL and pledge allegiance to Satan in his/her heart, or IT IS NOT “RITUAL ABUSE”
          I don’t think you understand that ritual abuse/ritualistic abuse is not a ‘thing’ that exists or existed independent of the definition supplied for it by the man who made it up – it is not like “burglary”, “rape” or “ceremony”, which would surely be recognizable as specific types of behaviour even if we didn’t have a shared terminology or definitions for them.
          The problem with SRA as defined by Pazder, is that making something up doesn’t make it real – a reality starkly illustrated by the fact that in all of the lectures Pazder did for Police and other child welfare professionals, he was never able to provide any case citations for the many luridly descriptive illustrations of SRA in those lectures. And that is because, they didn’t come from any real child abuse cases, they came just from his imagination.

          You jumped straight to Finklehor, and his “proposed” definition for “ritualistic abuse”, which is immediately invalidated by the fact that there already existed a definition for that term – Pazder’s. Finklehor’s definition is considerably distinct from Pazder’s, and doesn’t include Pazder’s explicitly necessary MOTIVATIONAL aspect. Therefore, Finklehor is not talking about Ritualistic Abuse, he is talking about something else, and that something needs to have it’s own terminology. It isn’t legitimate to appropriate Pazder’s term “ritualistic abuse” and apply it to this other thing that Finklehor is describing. Do you understand?
          Next, Finklehor proposes a typology for his “thing”, but notes that this is only a proposal, subject to being expanded or refined [or discarded and replaced by some other typology, or simply abandoned], because his understanding of this thing is simply theoretical-hypothetical, and could well be derived from misinformation, at this point.
          Finally, please note that Finklehor did not- because he could not – provide any case illustratio-citation for “True Cult-Based Ritualistic Abuse”, even though he did come up will case illustration -citations for the other two proposed types.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thank you for this very articulate clarification. I have not done the kind of research you have done to make the distinction and I am an amateur in the subject matter. I suppose I have used the term as Annett has used the term; without proper definition and context. The gist of my argument was that the term has become a euphemism inspiring a knee-jerk reaction…much like the cannabis propaganda that women were at risk of being raped by toked-up negroes. People could care less about who put the Satan in Satanic Ritual Abuse…they just know it’s bad and must be fought against. If I can I’d like to share this comment anonymously on the post as it will help readers follow up with their own research on the subject.


          • Heather’s own words on SRA:
            “But does that mean that Satanic Ritual Abuse doesn’t exist? According to the answer is yes and no. Certainly there are elements of Satanism in some abuse cases but not to the extent of an International ring, or intergenerational cult that permeates through an entire community without detection. I don’t know if I agree with all of their assertions.

            One of the most interesting cases I’ve found ‘proving’ SRA, is that of Lt. Col. (ret) Michael Aquino who wrote an extensive introduction to a whitepaper on Psychological Warfare.”

            So, I think we still need an unequivocal response from Heather Martin about SRA before starting a big love-in simply because she hates Kevin Annett.


        • @Heather – yes, you are welcome to reproduce my comment to you, on your blog. Also, I’m around here a lot – like a bad smell in your basement that never really goes away 🙂 – and I’d be happy to provide any further background or clarifications that would be helpful to you.
          You are right, these terms are used reflexively by some people, without any real understanding. No doubt they would be surprised to know that the man who coined these terms, and the concepts they encompass, was completely ignorant on the subject of Satanism and had only an adolescent, hollywood based, understanding of it. Pazder thought satanists ought to have an obsession with the number 13, for example. Oy vey! By the way, its also clear to me from your writing, that YOU are much better versed in Christian theology and understanding of the role of Satan in that theology, than Pazder. Despite being a fanatcal Catholic traditionalist, he only had a child’s conception of those things too.

          Liked by 2 people

          • I think Heather Martin still needs to let us know why she championed and promoted Araya Soma for so long. She knew that Araya is a viscous anti-semite and racist….. as a quick look at her facebook page will show. And is it not the case that Heather Martins actually believes in SRA, except where it’s being used/promoted by Kevin Annett?


  2. Angie still has one ally, lol. I wonder how long it will be before she pisses her off too 😀

    Incidentally, I notice that the above fruitloop (who, credit where it’s due, somehow managed to join the Truth Movement 6 years before it came into existence) is the latest from the hoaxer crew to whine about people who use pseudonyms. Rupert was ranting about it in Angela’s Caches on Monday too and many others have mentioned it in the past. I do think they’ve raised an interesting question, so I’d value the views of some of the leading lights from her own team. With that in mind, here are some of the hoaxer luminaries I might consult:

    Aangirfan, Guidance 2222, Butlincat, Jockney Rebel, Biddy Baboon, Dearman Does Hampstead, CGI Pains, Eaten Lives Matter, Drifloud, Nemesis Green…

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      • Look at how Fiona Barnett viciously attacks her critics and calls them part of the MKUltra cult protecting child abusers.

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    • I tend to use a mix of my real name (yes, this is it) and psudonyms. The later though is because I get blocked frequently. I do however use a second facebook account for chasing the hoax pushers and their ilk, I’ve received numerous threats over the years, and I’d prefer that these clowns can’t easily contact my wife and other family members or friends.

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    • Mary Wood states “I know nothing on the back stories” , yet she will accuse people of being “anonymous” (isn’t that Angies source for everything?) cowards and tell us all to fuck off.

      Typical twoofer. Doesn’t know what’s going on but has chosen a side and starts being offensive to the other side, regardless of the actual truth. Isn’t that what got Rupert in all this mess?

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      • True Dave,Rupert took a side,denied objectivity instantly losing the credibility he never had.I suspect he fell for the temptation of short term cash donations and a fiddle or three with Angie over any sense of journalistic impartiality and commited the crime of influencing the subject matter.Game over oops.

        As ever temptation lead him to trespass and has delivered him into a custody sweet and his prospects beyond burger flipping are ruined forever and ever.Amen.

        But then he has the insurance the family assetts to piss up the wall to look forward to..unless of course parents wisely donate all their worldly wealth to a Coyote sanctuary or something. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        • Rupert only has himself to blame because he was warned numerous times that this is a sick hoax pushed by a bunch of nutcases. It will be interesting to see how he responds to this arrest.

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          • It will indeed. Will he assume, as his new colleagues do, that he was picked up as part of a “cynical attempt” to derail a protest that no one but a few have even heard of? Or will he begin to wonder (at last) what he’s got himself into, and start thinking of ways to extricate himself?


    • ^ That ‘Aangirfan’ chappie that Roger mentions, what’s the story with him does anyone know?

      His blog is an odd mix of verifiable and published news (from MSM sources, not that MSM sources are always 100% reliable of course) and highly speculative and conspiratorial stuff, most of with an anti-semitic agenda.

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      • I don’t know who publishes that blog, but I agree with your assessment. It was the first place I remember reading about Hoaxtead, and it was almost unintelligibly written. At the time I poked around a bit to see who the author was, and the closest I came was that it was run by “two women”. Not very informative, I’m afraid.


    • @Roger

      The ‘Truth movement’ moniker is of relatively recent coinage, but conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists have been around for a long time. As old as superstition itself, really.

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  3. It may help if this mob let us know which actual child they have helped. All they have done is denigrate numerous innocent parents in North London and made their lives hell by publishing their names and addresses so they get death threats and vile objects sent to them. Their children of course don’t matter. One even had to move out of her home and take her children elsewhere.

    As for “hiding ” behind handles : what sane person would allow these loonies to know their real names and addresses? That would result in harassment and endless accusations which they already have flung around at their critics.

    # Kevin Annett was refused a visa. Sensible seeing he announced that he was on his way to arrest the Queen of England for stealing Canadian children. I can’t be bothered to find it but there is a video of a bunch of hoaxers who invade an English church- inspired by Annett – and insulted churchgoers and caused an almighty ruckus claiming they were “confiscating ” the church assets. 2 ended up on harassment charges and one told an attending copper she had an Arrest warrant for the ITCCS to arrest The Queen. Cop said “obviously I can’t accept it” ,
    One also had their disability pension withdrawn and was told to apply for the dole.

    ## Once you have been deported you can’t apply for a visa for 3 years but there is no guarantee you will be granted one. While the UK is still in the EU it complicates travel within Europe once they tap into a computer and see why you were deported.

    ### recall the case of “investigative” US journalist Leah McGrath Goodman who was refused entry with the Hoax Hysterics claiming she was being silenced as she was investigating child abuse in Jersey. She was refused entry because she lied on her visa application saying she was a tourist as no doubt Rupert Quaintance did.
    ( and Goodman’s reputation took a nose-dive when she claimed to have discovered the identity of the Bit-Coin inventor, some hapless bloke with the same name who is now suing her for making his life hell)

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yep, getting deported has consequences, as this is also stamped onto the passport, which any border guard will see in any nation.

      I like the image of Rupert Quaintance behind bars that is posted here.

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      • That’s the one-I find it very hard to watch- just a bunch of aggressive thugs. Unemployed and employable and that nasty creep with the beard and the fake Dior sunglasses (a real rebel against the system that one) got called in to be assessed after that video appeared on Youtube and they decided he was faking his “disability” and was taken off it and told to apply for the dole.
        Two others got charge with harassment after going into a bank and causing the same ruckus which I think was about the church.
        End result : church is still open and these fuckwits are still unemployed (who would have them?)- a drain on the system and living in council properties paid for by others. These are the dimwits Kevin Annett has convinced to do his dirty work. They are no different to terrorists on a small scale (what a victory- upsetting a few people worshiping their faith).
        I don’t know why they aren’t done for fraud and attempting to pass of false legal papers (I think that’s where they blew it in the bank) but who knows who else these thugs may attack next and how far they may go.
        ( and kudos to the churchgoers for containing themselves- I would have thumped the aggressive Dior bastard and ended up on a charge and of course my usual remedy- town square/horse whip is illegal fortunately for them)

        Liked by 2 people

        • Terrorism is the word. It is terror that these scammers bring to ordinary people going about their everyday business. Why aren’t we being protected from ordinary everyday terrorism like this?

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    • Such good points GoS—starting with “name one child they’ve helped”. I’ve been watching these people for a year and a half now, and still can’t find a single example of a child they’ve rescued or assisted in any way. I’ve found plenty of children they’ve tried to have returned to abusive/neglectful/insane parents; but not one child helped out of an abusive situation.


    • “### recall the case of “investigative” US journalist Leah McGrath Goodman who was refused entry with the Hoax Hysterics claiming she was being silenced as she was investigating child abuse in Jersey. She was refused entry because she lied on her visa application saying she was a tourist as no doubt Rupert Quaintance did.”

      ^ Like an idiot I signed a petition for that silly woman and asked my friends to do so. I now have a strict rule, I don’t sign online petitions at all.

      She had claimed to be writing a book about ‘VIP’ child abuse networks in Jersey. Unsurprisingly, it has yet to appear.

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  4. I wonder if Neelu will be before the magistrates this morning? Anyone going to go to watch the proceedings?

    That is of course if she is not sectioned.

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  5. She doesn’t seem to understand her Bible. “Vengeance is mine” is an instruction not to take human vengeance, but to leave all judgement to the Almighty since humans don’t have the full picture. It is not a reassurance that if you fail in your attempts to punish people on earth for what you imagine in your lunacy are sins, that God will have them on the eternal toasting fork. Just on case you are reading, Angie.

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    • Stupid old cow: she is the one Jesus allegedly warned about – those who would come along and take his name in vain and the idiot can’t even understand the true meaning of the scriptures.
      And why is she a’blubbing and a’moaning about her car & phone when she has a seat booked for The Rapture which is supposed to happen any day?

      It’s all very well to attack and falsely accuse anyone she decides has earned her vicious falsehoods but when it all goes pie-eyed she suddenly collapses into a heap- but not such a heap she still has her hand out for ‘donations’.

      Angie you gave that arrogant Yank a 1000 quid so he could piss on a wall and buy some dope when you should have paid your car insurance and telephone bill.
      But you really thought you were onto a real winner didn’t you. You really thought the donations would come flooding in but even your supporters have now found out you are just a scam artist. Retire gracefully.

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  6. It’s good news that the Police are finally taking ‘some’ action, but to what end? And what sort of primary-school level fuck-up can we expect from the CPS and the courts once the Police have done their jobs?

    A lot of time, effort, distress, disruption (and money) could have been/can be avoided if the Police, UKBA and other authorities applies existing laws swiftly and properly. Likewise if politicians got their collective heads out of their backsides and acted to stop rogue social media organisations breaching our laws by bolstering them.

    I’m thinking here in particular about those laws that SHOULD protect the identities of alleged or actual sex-crime victims. – These are by no means perfect or far-reaching enough. But (in this particular case) it should have been recognised at an early stage that the original videos were both images and evidence of child-abuse in themselves and a form of ‘non-breaching pornography’. I’m aware of course that Judge Pauffley recognised this. But again, it seems that her orders were not worth the paper they were written on.

    ‘So much win’? I think not. Why does it take merry hell to be raised to get the basics done? And it’s not as if we all sat down at a table for a game of Chess. It’s a question of right and wrong, not win/lose!

    So much relief that, at long last, something seems to be happening to curb the activities of these dishonest, evil and (in some cases) mentally ill and deluded people. – That the innocent, hard-working people who have had their lives disrupted (in some cases very seriously) by this scam might see some relief. But it remains unacceptable, and a complete failure on the part of our authorities, that matters were ever allowed to get this far.

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    • You’re absolutely right, Joe—I have said before that if this had been addressed properly at the very beginning, none of us would be devoting so much time and energy to trying to rein it in now.

      My understanding is that when the original court order from Mrs Justice Pauffley was issued, the courts and police assumed that they would be obeyed. And most rational people would have obeyed that order…but we’re not dealing with rational people here, as Judge Worsley pointed out in July.

      Given that the targets of the original court order simply ignored it and carried on, one would think that the law would have come down hard on them, and so it should have. But the information we have received (and I should point out that this is not via any official channels) is that because the case was at that time considered a matter for the family courts, there was pressure on police to ‘wait it out’ and let it die down of its own accord.

      This was a major, irredeemable blunder. While ‘waiting it out’ was intended to spare the families involved any undue publicity, in fact it just gave the perpetrators tacit permission to keep doing what they were doing, to the point where we are now cheering at arrests of a few miscreants. Had the major players—Draper, Christie, McKenzie, McNeill, and Berry—been arrested and tried for violating the court order back in early 2015, things would look very different now.

      However, hindsight is cheap. We can look back from here and imagine that arresting the five ‘kingpins’ in the scam would have cut it off at the knees (urg, getting into some serious mixed metaphors here), but that didn’t happen, things rapidly spun out of control, and we’ve spent the past year watching as police run round in circles trying to contain the damage. That seems to be reversing now: the police have been getting their act together, and clearly they are on a clearer track now.

      While I agree that everyone victimised in this case has ample reason to be furious that it didn’t happen earlier, I think at this point all we can do is cheer when they get it right, and do our best to help by keeping an eagle eye on the perpetrators until they’re apprehended.


      • My ‘problem with this’ is that it’s not the first such blunder.

        The Hollie Greig case for instance….. The authorities acted in a way which seemed specifically designed to fail to explicitly clear the names of people who had been defamed. Why exactly? Some of the people may be ‘fooled’ by the outcome where Robert Green did time. But that proved or disproved nothing ( apart from the fact that Green is an imbecile) and only made Green a Martyr in the eyes of his conspiritard fanbase. There are people who have made solid, honest, objective investigations into that case and are STILL left with the question of what exactly was it the authorities were trying to hide? What grain of truth was ‘in there’ that might have proved inconvenient and for whom?

        But most of all – and it doesn’t matter whether you think they’re ‘good people’ or not – why did the authorities go out of their way to fail the individuals who were defamed? Who was protected by them being ‘thrown under the bus’? Then there is the strange immunity from prosecution enjoyed by certain protagonists in that case. I’ve seen evidence of police forces going to extraordinary lengths to avoid taking action in this regard. And it stinks! All the more so because there do seem to be links to at least one such person and the recently jailed child rapist and child-abuse pornography producer Hugh ‘Mitch’ Mitchell. – Let’s not lose sight of his (quite provable) ‘high level’ connections. How did he get away with it for so long?

        This brings be to Hoaxtead and the common threads – most notably Belinda McKenzie who has been involved in scam after scam after scam. Who supplies this woman with her seemingly complete immunity from prosecution? And why are her scams themselves so often ‘untouchable’? If the police were put ‘under pressure’ then who did that? Given the history of these types of cases and the individuals concerned, what manner of mind-blowing stupidity and gross incompetence made that happen? One of the major things that troubles me and many others about these cases is that the ‘players’ are actually quite a small group. And they go back YEARS together!

        Disney and her (as far as I’m concerned proven) association with Andrea Davidson and her crew. Similarly Neelu appears to have been on the edges of that. McKenzie herself of course and various minor criminals such as Abe Christie and Malcolm Ogilvy. These people are a small ‘community’ that in the real world wouldn’t fill a tower block. – Yet look at the trouble they’ve caused and get away with! The common drugs theme running through all the, the pornography links…… I don’t say there is a conspiracy in play here – nor really is anyone I know of that view either. But there does seem to be a strong theme of corruption and criminality. And a thread that suggests that corruption reaches into high places.

        As I’ve suggested many times before; it’s very convenient for the criminally corrupt in our society to be able to dismiss any and all grass-roots dissent as just the rambling of mad people. So I remain cynical of the authorities’ actual will to do anything effective. And fully expect/predict yet another bloody shambles. I will be absolutely delighted to be proved wrong though!

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        • I can never fathom why the lesser spotted Belinda doesnt simply cash in and convert her “mansion”into a human zoo of the strange,peculiar and odd.

          Each room could securely house one of the bizarre freaks of nature currently aimlessly roaming the streets,pissing on churches and spouting incomprehensible noises at bemused passers by.Tourists would flock in their droves to make merry at the jolly japes and antics of these sub human ignoramuses.

          Such a themed tourist attraction could prove lucrative and drawn in much needed revenue to government coffers as the country seeks innovative and enterprising means of earning international currency post Brexit.

          Beindas staring a gift horse in the mouth and is certainly missing a trick(or something).

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  7. MKULTRA666 in digital genius stylie puts some naughts and zeros together in celebration of the latest goings on in bonkers land.

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    • Really..the man is Class 1 Goose. I doubt he will get bail as this will be a visa violation. I think he will be in court quickly and deported asap.
      When you sign your tourist visa application it’s implicit you have a return ticket and the funds to look after yourself.
      The guy is so stupid he then goes on youtube and facebook and begs for money and doesn’t realize Immigration and the police are well aware of social media. And Angie, the sophisticated dame she is allows him to.
      I wonder if he’s threatened the cops with his Kung Fu moves yet?

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  8. Angie has just uploaded another video begging for money.


    I’m at work so I can’t listen to the tedious old crone at the moment.

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    • So, the lying old hag claims to be in London? What fun it must be not working for a living an bludging off of others for your corn.

      She really is the most shameless liar and beggar! “Journalistic work”? You don’t know journalism Angie. You have no training or experience in that discipline. And are too stupid and lazy to even have bothered self-learning the basics. – That much is evident from the stream of idiotic lies and nonsense that dribble through your nicotine-stained teeth.

      But then Angie, you’ve been a fake, a fraud, a lair and a scrounger all your worthless life. And you ARE a looser. You’re the scum of the earth Angela Power-Disney; working hard to undermine REAL grass roots anti-paedophilia campaigners, and thereby protecting child abusers. – You’re filth! Just filth!

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        • While puffing away on those ciggies.
          She is very foolish if she goes down that route- cancer charity scammers are exposed very easily and end up in jail.

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      • “Journalist” or professional gossip?

        “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.” Proverbs 20:19

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        • Professional gossip is exactly what she is. Real journalists dig deep. Angie doesn’t even scrape the surface. She just posts headlines without reading the article or checking it’s veracity, and spreads rumour without any evidence whatsoever.

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          • It’s not just that Dave….. Professional Journalists have to work within legal and moral constraints; that’s a basic part of their professional skill. – Just as a professional delivery driver has to work within certain laws above and beyond those that apply to an ordinary member of the public. Or a professional Electrician MUST gain a greater awareness of electrical principals and safety, and MUST work within certain regulations…. Real professionals by their very nature have a greater level of skill and knowledge than can be picked up casually – that’s because they spend years, sometimes decades, learning their trade.

            Angie is a fraud….. Pure and simple. The woman is a liar and a fraud. Just as Quaintance is a fraud, as are McKenzie and McNeill.

            Liked by 2 people

    • This was made last time she was in London. She says she’s coming this time (Thursday?) for four days.

      Worth watching, even if it’s just for her excuses re Zen Gardner. She thinks she might have been ‘too harsh’ with Zen. By gum.

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    • Just to be clear, this is an old video that she’s brushed off and posted today, presumably as a misdirection. She wants people to think she’s already in London, that things are proceeding according to plan. She’s not, they’re not, and as usual, she’s lying through her teeth.

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  9. Was it? – I must admit I can’t be arsed keeping track of her videos. And, as she’s not capable of holding viewer attention, they tend to get skipped through. – But this one has today’s date on it??

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  10. I imagine there are real survivors of child abuse that would welcome the news that this bunch of witch hunters and fakers may not show up for the London protest. For once, it will be their voices which will be heard, instead of being droned out by the likes of Angie bullhorning her way through the whole MK Ultra nonsense or drawing attention to false satanic cults. Instead of donations going to pay for the next leg of Rupert’s European tour, or Angie’s next holiday to Lanzarote, or Belinda’s next fantasy scam, the donations might actually reach some proper child protection charities.

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    • Equally well there are to my certain knowledge many people who are put off having anything to do with this event because it’s tainted by association with the ‘McKenzie Fiends’ and their like. – That outcome is very much in the interests of child abusers.

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  11. Latest ramblings from Angie (published about 15 minutes ago) – talking to Jake (obviously not recorded in last 24 hours) Why publish it now? Is she intent on Jake not getting released and maximum damage to Neelu?

    Angie titled it “NOT FOR PUBLIC at the moment”

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    • What an evil person. She is undermining his mental health treatment. How his parents must hate the old crone. A “warrior”? What planet are these idiots on? Posting abused children’s images on Facebook with lots of silly pics of rainbows and so on is not being a warrior. (she obviously devours the comments on here as she keeps quoting this website whilst claiming to ignore it)
      Someone needs to tell Jake’s parents so they can should get a restraining order on this dangerous woman.

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      • I’ve passed the video along, and hope it will reach his parents. They need to understand the role this woman is playing in their son’s mental health.


        • I also passed the video along this afternoon, EC.
          Something has to be done about this woman.


        • Well done EC & Jake Blake for passing this video on. Something clearly isn’t right when Jake states that he loves Angie more than his parents. I can’t imagine how painful that would be for Jakes parents to hear especially as Angie doesn’t really care about Jake one little bit.


    • Clearly the old bag is just attention-seeking here. No doubt the lying bitch will feign technical error in making this public. – But why post this as video at all? The revolting old harpie rolling about on the couch? What’s that in aid of? – Angie! It’s always about Angie!

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    • Pure evil. Jake is receiving treatment and maybe given a life changing diagnosis, which he and his parents will have to come to terms with and learn to live with. Yet, here is Angie actually saying it is good that Jake has told his parents to back off. Claiming that his parents don’t get it while in the same breath stating that she doesn’t know them.

      Then, encouraging him to say that he was faking everything so he could spread the word about Hampstead.

      She is now claiming that Ella’s parents may also be involved with a billionaire Russian Mafia drug cartel. I get the feeling she has been watching too much Narcos and come up with some ridiculous story to pull the attention back on herself.

      “Ignore my supine presentation, leftover MK survivor trauma position aka ALMOST FOETAL with this trauma.”
      Even when laying on her side smoking a fag, it’s the fault of MK Ultra,lol.

      I notice she also posted a video of Happy Brewer, without his consent, even though he explains on the video that his obsession with the case was causing problems with his marriage. Angie is claiming that he filmed people bricking up tunnels between the church and school. Yet, in the video, Happy explains that he seen a couple of old men doing brickwork at the side of the building. Quite a different description. There is no reason now for Happy to keep his filming secret, so let’s see these tunnels between the church and school being bricked over.

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      • I’m pretty sure Jake’s doctor would monitor Angie’s posts as he said early on he tried to tell them all about Hampstead but they wouldn’t listen.
        For the police to tell the mental health clinic which names to refuse entry means they are one step ahead of her and I would say his parents are also aware of who is filling Jake’s mind with this stuff.

        It looks like Jake will be there for some time. If the reason he was sectioned was something to do a child and drugs as alleged then a court will have the power to order he remain there for treatment.

        I also doubt Hampstead is the only reason he was sectioned. He must have been deteriorating and possibly his Hampstead obsession was the last straw. He possibly avoided a serious charge by being sectioned so Angie trying to undermine his treatment is so dangerous and I think Jake will soon be refused contact with her.

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        • I hope they can stop Angie communicating with Jake. She doesn’t give a sh!t about his future, she just wants him as a pawn in her little game.

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          • I think the only way Angela can be stopped from communicating with Jake whilst he is still in the Mental Health Unit is to take away all access he has to her, i.e. his phones and no internet.

            If Jake is released then there must be a Restraining Order forbidding either to contact each other for at least one year.

            Re the barring of the visitors.
            1. Was it more likely that there was a list of names able to visit and neither Rupert nor Angela were on it?
            2. There was a list of banned names and both Rupert and Angela were on it?

            I ask because I wouldn’t be on the banned list but then neither would I be on the free to visit list.


    • So in this call she was saying that she’d been told about the Ella video by a third party. Yet in her radio show, did she not say that she’d actually watched the video?

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    • This must be game over for Angela. She’s fucked Jake over, she’s still accusing Ella (and stating it as fact, without even using the word ‘allegedly’) and she’s even accusing Ella’s parents. Angela’s former allies will not forgive her for this. Plus they’re still mightily pissed off about her getting back at Jockney Rebel by revealing her real name.

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  12. What the hell is she blubbing and sobbing for??

    I have zero sympathy for the woman. What her and the rest of the hoax mob have put the people of Hampstead through is shameful.

    I’m sick to death of seeing Angie’s scamming face on video these days. it really becomes tiresome listening to and watching her. Whenever she opens that mouth of hers all that ever comes out it is lies or a plea for money, while puffing on a cigarette every 10mns.

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  13. Dear God now she’s crafting a loony scenario claiming Ella & ## where importing drugs, child porn & snuff movies (does she know that all porn is now ‘transported’ via the net?..why would anyone need to import it the crazy bitch?) and ## ripped off Ella for 250K and she skipped the country to “teach him a lesson” and the kids testified against him.
    Oh I wish there was still a law of criminal libel and I think with the internet politicians should consider introducing one so con merchants and chronic liars like this woman get punished for her defamation’s.

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    • Yes, and the source is so secretive she will never be able to produce any real evidence. Though apparently the source has given the information to MI6, who on any other day of the week, these loons are accusing of faking terror events.

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    • I could not agree more with you Sam. Despite the whinging of the red tops, there is no effective remedy to defamation available to the ordinary person. And little practical protection from harm available from our Police and Courts. This needs to change.

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    • Snippets from a reliable source:

      There is a likely connection between Christie, the distribution of and possibly the production of pornography. Yes, it is indeed possible that Ella Draper appears in such a production. Though there is no evidence that I am aware of such material involves minors.

      I can advise that extreme pornography is, I’m informed, frequently shipped on physical media still. the preference today is for files on USB memory sticks. The advantage of these is that they can be easily destroyed through the use of a device designed to place a ‘high’ voltage across the data pins.

      Such material enters the country by a variety of routes, but by sea through regular commercial traffic is common. Portugal is a major outward port with Norway coming a close second. Aberdeen and its satellite ports remain a major issue. As does Hull and its satellites.

      As always every piece of information is considered. But you would not unreasonable in forming the opinion that a great deal of what is “fed in” to the mix is “Red Herring”.

      In the event anyone has reason to believe that a file which comes into their possession contains evidence of extreme pornography they should not open or manipulate that file in any way; for clarity that means they must not view it or put it in their own computer. If the material is on physical media it should be passed directly to the Police with minimal physical handling. “Bag” it using a clean freezer bag or similar using the tips of the fingers (i.e. minimal pressure) in much the same way as you might lift dog’s faeces. i.e. the bag turned inside out so the surface you lift with hasn’t been touched by you and isn’t contaminated. There is always the possibility of lifting evidence off the surface of the media.

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  14. Dear El, perhaps there might be a warning before posting photos of Angie, as you’ve done today. Readers, not quite awake, no coffee in their bloodstream, are not always capable of taking that kind of shock first thing in the morning.

    UPDATE RABIES SHOT might also be (cruel, but) helpful, when posting these types of photos.


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    • Studied literature at high level too.She has certainly hidden that light under her bush,not even Ruperts eagle eye spotted she was such a cunning linguist.

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    • No – that woman has NEVER studied Journalism at any level. If she had done, she wouldn’t be making the spectacularly stupid and very basic mistakes she is making. She clearly knows nothing about the subject. – Just another lie Angie, just another lie.

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      • I worked as a trainee journalist many, many years ago, and although I’ve been a professional writer for most of my life I never refer to myself as a journalist, simply because I know I lack the qualifications and experience to do so. It offends me to hear Angela call herself a journalist, in the same way that it offends me to hear Rupert call himself one. Neither of them has the slightest clue.

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  15. Oh Angela is just talking such bs now it’s beyond belief.

    How can you be a SPY without knowing?

    Utter shite…


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  16. In Angieland anything is possibe,she can even lie whilst lying down and phoning Jake to nail on his extended hospitalization live to the whole world whilst smoking a fag.Thats some serious multitasking hats off(at last).

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  17. Unbelievable, Jake is devastated at reading a Medical Report about himself and that Evil is telling jokes about herself, grrr…

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  18. This made me chuckle. One of John Taylor’s creepy friends denying that Mr. Dearman has received any death threats, just 4 comments after one of her fellow fruitloops has just made one 😀

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  19. The sound of Angie cackling with glee when she hears Jake told his parents he loves her more than he does them is a new low even for her..She’s loving this though, all the attention. The excitement in her voice as she’s manipulating Jake is horrific.

    Must just say El, well done. They’re falling like dominoes thanks to all the hard work from folk on here. The internet at its finest.

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      • Yes, incredible isn’t it? He says it at about 10.55 in the ‘Not for Public’ video Angie put out today. He’s relating a meeting with his parents where he tells them he loves Angie more than them. Awful. And she laughs like a drain and says oh yes I love you to bits too. Vile woman

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        • I wonder how funny she would find it it if she ended up having to care for him full time? Not that she would, she would run off to Lanzarote and not give two thoughts about what was happening to him.

          She really is selfish and depraved.


      • Not only does he love Angela and not them, but he told them to “fuck off!”.



        • I thought that at first too but after a few more listens I think he said “back off” – it is not very clear, though.


          • Lol I am a bit hard of hearing.

            I shall have to listen to that tripe again to be sure.

            On 2nd thoughts, perhaps not, though got to say Jake was a damn sight more interesting than Angela bleating on about what? I can’t remember now!

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  20. Tell you what though, ole Rupert knows his drugs. Funny watching him school Angie about Krokodil, and he was pretty knowledgeable it has to be said. She’s so stupid she thought it was an area in Russia and she repeated the same mistake to Jake who also knew the truth. Never been any flood of Krokodil in the UK. Never happened. Rupert and Jake need to look at every thing Angie comes up with with the same cynical amusement. It might just save their sanity.

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      • This illustrates well how lazy and how much of a fraud Angie is. Anyone with the level of eduction she claims, in fact anyone who had even got as far as ‘A’ level, would have the basic sense to do such elementary research. I seriously doubt if she has so much as an ‘O-Level’ to her name. She’s a dunce.

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  21. Another idiot supporter / friend of Angie – perhaps a spell checker will help the “lawyer”

    Perhaps a short course on the rules / law relating to “without prejudice” would help him a lot – what an idiot.

    I do hope he helps defend Angie when she is in Court = do they still transport people for offences, perhaps asking Duane will get an ex spurt opinion

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  22. I wonder if Neelu has plans to arrest yet another Judge and issue him with a £multi million lien. I imagine that she will do if true to form.

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  23. It also seems we have underestimated the police by attacking them (I did) as this must have been a very co-ordinated round-up of this mob after monitoring their activities for some time.
    I think we often forget that gathering evidence for a charge is a bit more complicated than we think. They need solid evidence as opposed to some internet ramblings.

    I’m pretty sure though that Hoaxtead’s finger-on-the-pulse of these conspirators must have aided the coppers.

    One aspect of their attacks must have been counter-productive for these Satan Hunters : their continued denigration, libels and false accusations about certain police who they are happy to name (ignoring the fact coppers have families as well who are attacked by association – imagine the son or daughter of detective reading on the web that their dad is a member of secret pedophile cult ?).
    Even at a personal level that would inspire said cops to monitor their activities who would then recognise if the law was being breached.

    However their arrogance trumps all as they perceive they are above sanction and after accusing all & sundry of evils they seem puzzled when the innocents they attack strike back.

    # Angie of course being psychopathic thinks it’s all about her.

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    • Yes, I agree Sam: it’s frustrating for those of us who aren’t privy to the goings-on amongst the police, when we see no action where it’s so obviously needed.

      One thing the July trial demonstrated for me was exactly how precise and, yes, bureaucratic the police must be in order to ensure that charges will stick. I think I’d watched a few too many TV detective shows, and had the idea that it would be relatively straightforward to pin a charge on someone. More fool me.

      I’ve wondered over these months what it must be like for some of the named police officers. In many ways I think they and their families have suffered just as the Hampstead families, teachers, and clergy have. It must be very satisfying for them to finally have cases built, charges ready, and arrests beginning to happen.

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  24. Angie phones Jake the other day and fills his head with nonsense about Ella, which he almost certainly repeated to his doctors and nurses, and now he may not get out for another 6 months. According to the conspiracy nuts there are no coincidences so should we take this as Angie causing Jake to be sectioned for even longer?

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    • She likes him being sectioned—gives her something to whine about, and complain that the ‘cult’ is oppressing ‘whistleblowers’…completely ignoring the fact that she and her cronies have got off almost scot-free for the past nearly two years now. If the ‘cult’ were really as powerful as she claims, they’d all be eating porridge on a long-term basis.


    • If Angela had an ounce of compassion, she would tell Jake to tell the Dr.s and Staff what they wanted to hear to get himself out of there.

      Fancy doing a 6 month sentence because of that Evil Witch, is he mad? He obviously has the hots for her!

      Angela should also have told Jake, that after spending the last 28 years looking after him and having only chatted to her via the internet, that Jake had his priorities all wrong and that “NO, Jake you love you parents, you don’t even know me!”

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  25. MKUltra666 in “Abraham christie openly admitting he’s a child abuser.”
    NOTE:For CIA staff viewing only.Sick bucket required.

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    • Convicted career criminal and known child abuser Abraham Christie seems to have studied in depth, the anal raping of children. Is there a book that describes this or is it from personal experience?.

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      • I would have thought a child being anally raped with a plastic dildo (or the real thing) would be screaming in agony but according to Abraham Christie they experience a “stimulated religious ecstasy”.

        Isn’t this what many real pedophiles (the ones who target pre-teens) claim? That the child enjoys their (horrible) experience?.

        I think there is much in what Joe Kerr says.

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        • I’m struggling to understand why someone evil would want a child to experience the divine but is that just me being logical again?

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        • Personally, and I’m not alone in this, I do believe Abraham Christie to be perfectly capable of raping a child. And in any case a deeply warped sexual deviant. Just the sort of ‘company’ McKenzie (purely in my opinion of course) likes to cultivate. My view is that if you want to untangle the web that supports and conceals high level well connected paedophiles a good place to start is just outside the tube station at Highgate.

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  26. According to Angie 3 have now been released. I’d say Rupert is still inside on a visa violation and will appear before a magistrate asap.
    Angie pal says it’s God’s will (not normal bail procedure)

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    • Happy to be proved wrong, but I’m of the opinion Rupert was released yesterday on various conditions; including that he doesn’t use the internet. And I’m of the opinion he broke those conditions almost immediately.

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      • You mean Rupert’s mate who is touchingly protective of Rupert’s mum’s gun fixation, utterly inexplicably seeing as this mate has no idea what Rupert has been up to, and seemed to be completely in-tune to Rupert’s mindset, but who somehow shared his aims despite disagreeing with Rupert, and oddly wants Rupert’s detractors to shut up and just take the mean words off the internet, wasn’t Rupert’s mate? That seems completely ridiculous to me.

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      • Yes, I think you’re right. I’d wondered whether he was using a proxy or VPN, and he kindly clarified that for me. I’m sure the police will be interested too.


    • Sam, I’ve just been told she’s saying three out of four have been released? Who are the four? If she’s including Jake in that number then clearly Rupert is ‘at liberty’. If she’s talking about welly-face from the other day then he was already released – so which of the three arrested is detained? My money’s on Neelu being hospitalised.

      Which leaves Rupe the dupe walking the streets on bail; I dare say the olds would need to secure his finances etc. And the Embassy will be stewarding his conditions and seeing to his legal representation.


      • I think she means that Rupert, Neelu and Lee have been released, but Jake is still sectioned.


        • Well Lisa’s post indicates that Neelu is loose so that’s that answered. And that’s a right-royal fuck-up in its own right, she’s another one that was needing sectioned. However….. I offer the STRONG suspicion that Rupert was out last night, and it was him posting as ‘Fy On The Wall’. – I do hope EC retained the logs.

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          • If I had to bet on it I would go with that commenter being Rupert. Mainly because they were very keen for us to not think it was Rupert, lol.


          • Yes I was mistaken with my numbering but this must mean Rupert wasn’t arrested for a visa violation but something else. Fascinating.It must have something to do with internet communications if he’s banned from using the net or perhaps posting about Hampstead.
            What if he is charged? How could he remain in the UK as we know how long a case takes to get to court. Wonder if the bail conditions preclude the form associating with each other?
            Perhaps it’s connected with them all continually accusing a hapless father of crimes and encouraging others to take illegal violent action.

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          • No Sam, we’ve known performers caught out without work permits to be released pending. But as he does seem to still be here I’d suggest he is up on other charges, yes.


        • Well, let’s hope that penny drops before morning…… Or possibly is dropping as we speak.


  27. So is this blog run by Ricky Dearman, MI5 or the CIA? In the past 24 hours, the fruitloops – including Angela and John ‘Fake Stuntman’ Taylor – have repeatedly stated all 3 as fact. I wish they’d make up their bleedin’ minds.

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    • All are run by the Rothschild so they may be correct. Problem is none of us know about it and even worse, none of us get frigging well paid to do this.
      Seeing they know this as fact perhaps they could tell us who to invoice.


      • Dunno. Let’s ask Jim Mcmenamin what he thinks…

        Oh ok. Gut instinct it is, then.

        PS: I wonder how pissed off McMenamin is that Angela keeps getting his name wrong in her videos and radio “shows”.


    • A real bunch of charmers. Yes that Maria MacMahon was the one encouraging kidnappers to snatch the children.

      My message to her on Facebook that the Daily Mail was onto her made her shit herself, the silly cow as she rapidly deleted posts and told others to stop. So brave when they think real exposure is coming.

      So she thinks people being interviewed by the BBC apply their own make-up? What a worldly & knowledgeable bunch they are.

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    • Rupert can’t take a job in the UK. He has no work permit…… That’s one of his problems.


    • The ONLY option to resist sectioning is to agree to voluntary admission if that is deemed appropriate in the circumstance.Its not a choice choice matter.


  28. Cleaning human waste from public places would seem a fair starting point .A spot of community service and some photo opportunities 🙂


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