Abe to Guidance: Shut up and video

You’d think that, having alienated, accused, denigrated, and basically trash-talked everyone who’s ever been in their corner or attempted to help them in any way, Abe and Ella would have figured out that they’re not helping themselves or their cause.

At the same time, you’d think that their rapidly dwindling group of remaining supporters would have figured out that their turn would be coming soon.

However, in both instances, you would be wrong. Dead wrong.

Take the ever-loyal Guidance 2222, for example. He started off slavishly mirroring each YouTube video Jacqui Farmer/Charlotte Ward Alton posted about Hoaxtead, but when Abe and Ella declared that Charlotte was dead to them, Guidance obediently dropped her videos from his channel.

He put up Belinda and Sabine’s videos, until Abe and Ella declared them psy ops or cointelpro or some damn thing; Guidance obligingly kicked their videos to the kerb.

So we wonder how Guidance feels about this:

Guidance 2222-Abe- 2016-01-01

Guidance 2222 says:

a message to opperman you preach about not turning your back which i have not done i am new to all this and only from 2013 have started to learn a lot more I believe the Hampstead Whistle blower Children which is why i was trying to get and keep all info in one place maybe i was a bit fast to upload the video but i only found out about it after abe told me he had done a video with you there was no link to this video i googled your name and found your youtube channel i downloaded the video and yes i cut the start to jump straight to the interview i did not cut the breaks and the copy on your channel does not play the first break i have been sent a copy of the interview from Ella & Abe and you cant hear you in it to good and is different to your copy were we can hear you well your video has been taken off my channel now with a threat from youtube when all i was trying to do was not turn my back i am not making any money from this and i dont know anyone involved in this hampstead case i will do my own video to explain my side of this i have no need to lie [all sic]

To which Abrella replies:

+Guidance 2222
Stay Blessed G. Never seen you write so much before. You are a maverick video/film maker and producer. Let your ART do the talking.
e & a

Rough translation:

Dear Guidance,
Whoa, man. That’s a lot of writing for an illiterate boob such as yourself. From now on, we suggest you shut the f*ck up and stick to the videos.
Yours truly,

Personally, we’d be a bit offended; we wonder how Guidance will take it? Probably with his usual equanimity and good humour, right?

You talkin to me



43 thoughts on “Abe to Guidance: Shut up and video

  1. In the latest interview the audio’s either been slowed down, perhaps tweaked, in a misguided attempt to make them sound profound, or they are abolutely off their faces.

    Liked by 1 person

        • He’s always sounded creepy to me, with that wheezy voice of his. I think it’s his attempt to seduce his followers, but it has the opposite effect.


          • Abe lowers his voice in an attempt to capture the attention and seduce. He moves in on his mark. Once he has them ensnared, he goes to work on them proper. He moulds his protégés and puts them to work for his own sick gains. He creates victims and leaves many damaged people in his trail. Code 2222 is one of these.

            Code 2222’s level of literacy level suggests a very low IQ, we have all seen his paranoia and general stupidity/belligerence (little girl playing and singing equals ‘save me from the cult’ etc.). Abraham saw potential in him and nurtured it. Now 2222 is Abraham’s send out but does not even realise it. Bless.

            Liked by 1 person

        • So does Ella. They just made the hemp smoothie ‘whole’ again with a sprinkling of hash. Or worse. Since this faux pas they have been careful to be sober when doing interviews.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Off topic. If marijuana is supposed to make smokers/eaters ‘wake up’ what happened in North Korea, where it’s legal…..?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 2222 has been under uncle Aby’s spell for a long time. He skypes with him regular and sez he has loadza audio to put up.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Guidance 2222 clearly has no idea that he is being manipulated by Abraham. When the police come knocking your door, Abe isn’t going to protect you Guidance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • While guidance tries to make head or tail of the pile of shit he’s saved from his skype convos, Ella and Abe have better things to do:

      The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex: Would you like lovemaking to last and last? Want to experience ecstasy? Reach the heights of enlightenment?Then you’re ready for tantric sex.

      Tantric sex has a reputation — that sex can last for 8 hours.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. And still more nonsense and hoax-perpetuating from Christopher Everard. It’s on his Facebook page. He uses Facebook more than anything else to sell his conspiracy nonsense to extremely gullible people. I have a screen grab of it, but I don’t know how to post a photo here on the blog. Here’s the text from his recent post:

    Christopher Everard
    24 mins ·

    DID MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT GLENDA JACKSON KNOW ANYTHING about the Hampstead sex-cults? A Freedom of Information Act Request will resolve the question – until, until, of course, Cameron BANS the Freedom of Information Act!!! Pssssst – the Freedom of Information Act is being banned because of the Hampstead revelations of VIP Sado-Witch-Cults and Pedo-Priests… You didn’t know? You didn’t watch the ENIGMA CHANNEL.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: Abe’s not-so-triumphant return | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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