Sneddy snaps again

…But once again bites off more than she can chew. Bless 😉


Now run along, Sneddy. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough already. Besides, it’s Sunday, the traditional day for religious hypocrisy, so go spread your lies and bullshit somewhere else. Perhaps you can preach about the 10 Commandments to your fellow Bible-thumpers in between stealing land in share scams, issuing death threats to elderly organists and coveting thy neighbour’s blog.

More on Sneddy:


Convicted fraudster Margaret Sneddon in happier times

38 thoughts on “Sneddy snaps again

  1. Whatever. I’m preparing a lovely Sunday lunch. What are you doing? Making shoes, carving bones, or suffering from withdrawal symptoms because your activities gave been curtailed. 🙂


    • No, actually. I’m sitting around waiting for you to provide some proof and rationale to support your allegations against me. You appear to be avoiding the question, which is rather telling.

      Any more stupid questions? Like, “What the fuck am I doing cooking lunch at 9am?”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t need any proof. You look creepy and that’s proof enough. Now feel free to go kill yourself 😦


  3. Your way to stupid for the internet. Give up now. Sit down with a Bloody Mary and a black pudding salad and chill out. Mines a glass of Crystal 🙂


  4. See reading the bible has rubbed off on Margaret. .nasty lies vicious aggressive hypocritical murderous


    • Cool. I hope the MacCallums can enjoy the high life too, putting their feet up in spas and travelling the World. Oh wait – they can’t, because of that very charming “Christian” couple who defrauded them of their land. D’oh!


  5. Actually. If you read the proper 113 page judgment by Lord Menzies you’ll find that after 16 days in the court of session, he found both myself and my husband to be credible and reliable and the McCallums to be the complete opposite. There’s a date for a hearing on expenses to be fixed soon. Oh oh my life gets better. Hic hic. Backlash of the crystal. Have a nice day in your Travistock world.


    • Nope. He called you an unreliable witness and you lost the case. Fact.

      Now where’s your proof that I’m a baby-murdering paedophile? I’ll settle for an apology, seeing as you know you were slandering me. It would be the Christian thing to do. Bearing false witness against someone is against one of the 10 Commandments, so how about being honest and having the courage to apologise? Yeah, thought not. It was an act of pure optimism to have suggested it in the first place.

      By the way, there’s something extremely disturbing and creepy about someone who is happy to publicly accuse random people of baby-raping and -eating just to get back at them for speaking the truth. Especially when they have the temerity to call themselves devout Christians.

      PS: for Christ’s sake, do something about that cellulite. It’s putting me off my Sunday lunch.


  6. That’s why you eat babies. Because they have no cellulite. Ps neither do I. Nor piercings or tattoos or distinguished birthmarks You really are getting annoyed. Xxx


    • So more slander, still no evidence. Thanks for proving my point. In fact, I’d say that’s Hoaxtead in a nutshell. Wouldn’t you?

      And thanks for admitting that you’re just a troll whose main objective is to “annoy” people. And there was me thinking that you actually believed what you were saying and had a little more depth than that.

      By the way, if you think you’ve annoyed me, then you can add arrogance to the list of biblical laws that you’ve broken. This is like having my own performing monkey!

      Oh and just so you know, you’ve broken more biblical laws on this blog in just a few hours than I have in my whole life…and I’m an Atheist! XD

      Oh and pssst: it’s becoming more and more obvious from your unhinged posts about me raping, murdering and eating babies (children can see this blog, by the way, not that that would ever bother you) that you’re self-projecting. There have been rumours going round for some time that you and your husband are members of a paedophile cult; and what better disguise than to divert attention to someone else? Hmmm? Interesting.

      So anyway, no matter how much you stamp your feet and whine, the posts exposing your criminal past are staying up and our evidence that you yourself are a child abuser is being filed as we speak.

      Now go sort out that cellulite and do some bloody exercise – those bingo wings are disgusting.

      Liked by 1 person

    • OMG, I’ve just read the court reports about Margaret Sneddon and her husband! What a nasty pair of criminal wankers! That poor man who was swindled out of that land. And Margaret says she’s proud of that! The bitch will burn in Hell for that alone. Sorry, Scarlet, I’m not an Atheist like you – I believe in Hell. And Margaret and her husband are headed straight for it.

      By the way, I have some evidence that Margaret and her husband are child abusers. I’ll email it to you. Ask her why they were investigated by Social Services and what her own children have said about them. It’s very disturbing.


      • Yeah, the lads back at Tavistock HQ have been telling me all about Margaret and her husband. Very dodgy pair.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Nice to gain publicity. You guys are doing me a favour. Brilliant. How’s your third eye today. Giving you flashbacks? I’m really enjoying this crystal. It’s nice to pop a cork lol. They tell me humans tast like pork. Can you enhance on that ?


  8. This is interesting. Are you trying to get me there. Go ahead and bring forward evidence. This really makes me laugh. I would never indulge in your sadistic malfunctions. The floor is yours. Xxx


  9. You are really agitated. I’m lying here on my third bottle of crystal. Hic hic. Tick tick. You have no idea what we have uncovered. Big shock coming. Take your passports and run ps. ( you won’t get far) 🙂


  10. Now they’ve been compromised how about we use some of that stuff we have on file? Step it up a little, we should get good results from them. The next satanic panic exercise. We can throw them under a bus later, with Charlotte, they’re all expendable. Make sure all the profiling stuff is up to date. Cheers


  11. Hic hic. Crystal again. Been out for a nice walk with Mougli. How’s the Cult doing tonight?


  12. Interesting to have dropped the word. Now it’s appearing. Thought as much !!!


  13. Drunk driver…. done twice. Works for emergency service discount as rep alcoholic bankrupt scammer rip off merchant. Mortgage fraud (investigating) forgery in court more than home sued at Lanark court two weeks ago being made bankrupt for a second time very soon! Tax man well informed of hubby income undeclared owes the vet in her street £thousands. I have much more info on this “bitch”


  14. If she has been done for fraud/deception. should she be working amongst the elderly etc, who are classed as ‘vulnerable’?


  15. I’m on it. The care commission are looking into it. They say there is no way someone with a criminal record can be working with the elderly and vulnerable. She will be looking of ways to manipulate them and their income/will. I will stop at nothing until she is shamed and left without a penny.


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